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Should a Pastor's Salary be Commensurate with His Level of Academic Training?
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Post Interesting discussion, but ... Mat
sadlytrue77 wrote:
Farmer dont get paid for going to ag school. He gets paid for producing.

Interesting discussion, but I like the above quote. In our area we have a number of former Episcopal, now known as Anglican pastor/ministers. Very well educated, very well connected, and as time goes on they may very well be out of the ministry and working secular jobs. Their churches are declining, their theology is "shipwrecked" (even with centuries of educational pursuit), and their traditions and perception in the community is somewhere between disdain and discuss.

If you can produce in a local church, your pay reflects it. The problem is with a hierarchical ecclesiastical structure, where you can have leaders who contribute nothing to the growth of local churches, and yet they are often your highest paid. The early leaders of our movement when out from Cleveland and left new local churches in their "wake" (often living by faith with no salary), today we see leaders who make a very good living off "managing" those local churches.

How do you pay based on educational levels? Have all the local churches send their tithes to the state or national office and redistribute based on degrees earned? You need to check your COG history from about 100 years ago. The ministry is not like any other job or profession.

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Posts: 1994
9/12/20 8:38 am

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Post Cojak
There are some educators who could not teach a grasshopper to jump! If an educated or uneducated leader can lead and increase the Body of Christ they can be blessed with an income so they can do more and give more to the cause of Christ, after all isn't that the "CALLING?"
It has been said here that many God Called men and women work at a secular job and give many hours to their church, MOST ARE UNDERPAID according to the rules of the world. BUT THEY are working for that final BLESSING, our Lord's approval.
Salary of a minister should not be based on his education alone. Most of this in the COG is sorta off the wall as pointed out by Mat Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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12/29/20 12:25 pm

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