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Post What Rep. King DID!!! Aaron Scott
Mr. King, in the Iowa State Senate, files a bill requiring schools teach that the United States “is the unchallenged greatest nation in the world and that it has derived its strength from … Christianity, free enterprise capitalism and Western civilization.”
Mr. King is the chief sponsor of a law making English the official language of Iowa.

This! Can you imagine anyone having the sheer, unadulterated audacity to suggest that Western Civilization, Christianity, capitalism, and the such are superior to Islam, communism, and the Aztecs? King ought to be excluded not just from Congress, but from America itself!

Now in Congress, Mr. King introduces the English Language Unity Act, a bill to make English the official language of the United States.
Mr. King sues the Iowa Secretary of State for posting voting information on an official website in Spanish, Laotian, Bosnian and Vietnamese.
Editors’ Picks

Everyone should have the right to not only speak the language they wish to speak, but insist that the government address them in their language of choice. To insist upon, of all languages, ENGLISH is to not only subtly diminish other languages that are not English, but it is to insist that America is a melting pot where we all blend together. NOTHING is more adverse to diversity than the insistence that we all speak American!

In 2006, Mr. King spoke during a rally near Palominas, Ariz., to advocate a fence along the United States border with Mexico.
Khampha Bouaphanh/Associated Press

I, for one, am ready with a log chain and a pickup truck to drag Mr. King back to whatever rock he climbed out from under of! How ignorant of him to try to insist upon a border just because of a few bad cartel guys and other possible criminals. Folks, the Democrats themselves have assured us over and over that it is the Virgin Mary herself who seeks to come to America and have the Christ child, but mean ol' Mr. Trump will not allow it! King should have known better than to try to stop Mary at the border!

In 2006, Mr. King spoke during a rally near Palominas, Ariz., to advocate a fence along the United States border with Mexico.
Khampha Bouaphanh/Associated Press

At a rally in Las Vegas, Mr. King calls the deaths of Americans at the hands of undocumented immigrants “a slow-motion Holocaust.” He claims that 25 Americans die daily because of undocumented immigrants, an unsupported and illogical leap from government statistics, which years later influences talking points by President Trump.

Egads! He used the word "holocaust" in a manner that had not been properly licensed for use against undocumented immigrants (i.e., ILLEGAL immigrants). The claim that 25 Americans die daily due to illegal immigrants is just WRONG, WRONG, WRONG! Evil and wrong! It's actually only 23 people a day that die. Further, Americans commit more crimes than illegals, so since that is the case, we shouldn't complain about a relatively few more murders or maimings. We should end ALL crimes by Americans before we start looking into crimes by illegals!

On the House floor, Mr. King demonstrates a model of a 12-foot concrete border wall topped with electrified wire that he designed: “We need to do a few other things on top of that wall, and one of them being to put a little bit of wire on top here to provide a disincentive for people to climb over the top or put a ladder there. We could also electrify this wire … We do that with livestock all the time.”

It is not clear why Mr. King thought that a wall should be fortified in a way to successfully exclude the Virgin Mary and, so I hear, Joseph. A border wall should have a breach difficulty rating of no more than 6.8. Adding extra wire--and especially electricity--is to increase the breach difficulty well into the 8's, which is unfair to illegals. Along with legal ways to come into the country, we need to make sure that it is not TOO hard to come in illegally.

Mr. King on the House floor, speaking of how law enforcement officers can spot undocumented immigrants:
What kind of clothes people wear … what kind of shoes people wear, what kind of accent they have … sometimes it’s just a sixth sense they can’t put their finger on.

This is nothing but profiling! OF COURSE most of the illegals coming over the southern border are going to be Mexican or Central American--duh! We don't expect the French to start showing up there do we! And yet what does King recommend? EXACTLY!--Instead of looking for Hungarians in their 80s or 90s, these malicious law enforcement types look for...wait for it...wait for it...MEXICANS!!! This is just as stupid as searching the baggage of Muslims who wish to ride an airplane. NO! We want to see what the 4-year-old boy is up to, as he clearly had the capability (you can see it in his eyes) of not only bringing down the plane, but crippling the internet in 30 seconds flat!

Mr. King in a speech opposing the Affordable Care Act’s mandate to cover contraception:
Preventing babies being born is not medicine. That’s not constructive to our culture and our civilization. If we let our birthrate get down below the replacement rate, we’re a dying civilization.

Apparently no one every informed Mr. King that the whole point of having a civilization is to allow it to fade into obsolescence. He apparently thinks that the answer to this is for people within that civilization to keep having kids and pass along their values to them. Someone needs to ask him just where he thinks WE'D be if the Babylonians, Assyrians, Hittites, Persians, and such hadn't had the good sense to fade away! Indeed--the very thought! We are here to throw out the welcome mat to those who will take over after us.

Mr. King has rallied against contraception coverage, saying that birth control is “not constructive to our culture and our civilization.”

See above. I haven't the heart to visit Mr. King's ignorance on this matter a second time.

On a panel at the Conservative Political Action Conference with Peter Brimelow, an open white nationalist, Mr. King referred to multiculturalism as:
A tool for the Left to subdivide a culture and civilization into our own little ethnic enclaves and pit us against each other.

The nerve of this man! EVERYONE knows that the more differences of opinion you can have, the more languages that need to be spoken to communicate, THE BETTER!

Besides, you get points for diversity. I don't know of ANYONE who gets points for holding on to such backward and foolish views as trying to make sure everyone aligns with certain key values of a culture.

Mr. King on why he opposes legal status for Dreamers, who were brought into the country as children:
For everyone who’s a valedictorian, there’s another 100 out there that weigh 130 pounds and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert. Those people would be legalized with the same act.

This man clearly never took a math course in his life. EVERYONE KNOWS that one valedictorian outweighs and outpoints 200 murderers. Think of it this way: Can anyone in their right mind suppose that all of Hitler's evils is not easily--EASILY!--outweighed by a single child who graduates with a 3.75 GPA? It's impossible to understand Mr. King's idiocy.

Mr. King invites the far-right, anti-Islam Dutch politician Geert Wilders to Washington and appears with him at the Capitol. Mr. Wilders has called Islam “not a religion,” said the Quran was “worse than Mein Kampf,” and called for the closing of mosques.
Mr. King tweets a selfie with Mr. Wilders in front of a portrait of Winston Churchill. Mr. Wilders praises Mr. King for having “the guts to speak out.”

Churchill looks over the shoulder of the world's leading voice against Jihad, Dutch MP Geert Wilders. @SpeakerBoehner
— Steve King (@SteveKingIA) March 13, 2015

Now, this right here is just STUPID. Doesn't Mr. King know that criticizing Islam is punishable by death? And yet while all the newspapers have had the good sense to not criticize a religion that only wishes to uphold truth, justice, and the American Way via stoning and whipping, Mr. King and Mr. Wilders determine to criticize Islam anyway! That's a good way to get killed. And anyone who stands for something that might get them killed is obviously a moron...and, well, probably needs killing.

At the Republican National Convention in July, Mr. King claims that nonwhite groups haven’t contributed as much as whites to civilization: “This whole business does get a little tired. I would ask you to go back through history and figure out where are these contributions that have been made by these other categories of people you are talking about. Where did any other subgroup of people contribute more to civilization?”

Mr. King to The Washington Post days later: “The idea of multiculturalism, that every culture is equal — that’s not objectively true … We’ve been fed that information for the past 25 years, and we’re not going to become a greater nation if we continue to do that.”

In a tweet during a meeting in Amsterdam with Mr. Wilders and Frauke Petry, the leader of Germany’s far-right Alternative for Germany party, Mr. King says, “Cultural suicide by demographic transformation must end.”
In October, Marine Le Pen, the leader of France’s far-right party, tweets a picture of her meeting with Mr. King, the first elected American official to meet her.

Échanges très intéressants avec @SteveKingIA, membre du Congrès américain, au sujet de la France, de l'UE et des affaires internationales.
— Marine Le Pen (@MLP_officiel) October 3, 2016

I don't even.... To suggest that our way is better than that of a Stone Age headhunter tribe is just ludicrous. At least headhunters know better than to make foolish quotes in a newspaper. The audacity of this man never ceases to amaze me. Does he think for one second that things like Plato, Aristotle, Judaism, and Jesus are one bit superior to a tribesmen worshiping a tree? I mean, we should KNOW BETTER than to even believe in a God, but it doesn't stop us, does it? No wonder we are--and ought to be--replaced.

Also in October, Mr. King meets in Austria with leaders of the far-right Freedom Party, including Heinz-Christian Strache and Norbert Hofer. The party was founded in the 1950s by former Nazis.
“Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny. We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies,” Mr. King tweets in his endorsement of Mr. Wilders in Dutch elections.

I don't understand this logic. It's like saying we can't raise up a new generation of Christians by just turning the job over to Hindus. That's just crazy. I mean, think about that! That's like saying that redheaded people can't just leave it up to full-blooded Navajos to produce more redheaded people. This guy obviously knows NOTHING about genetics.

On March 14, Mr. King defends the tweet on Breitbart radio: “We’re watching as Western civilization is shrinking in the face of the massive, epic migration that is pouring into Europe. That’s the core of that tweet. They’re importing a different culture, a different civilization — and that culture and civilization, the imported one, rejects the host culture. And so they are supplanting Western civilization with Middle Eastern civilization and I say, and Geert Wilders says, Western civilization is a superior civilization — it is the first world.”

The MAIN problem with this is's not very nice. CLEARLY Muslims get our whole way of life. I mean, would they be coming here if they didn't want to radically change and become Christians? I THINK NOT!

On Iowa talk radio, Mr. King recommends “The Camp of the Saints,” a racist 1973 novel about an invasion of Europe by nonwhite immigrants.
Mr. King tweets agreement with Viktor Orban, Hungary’s authoritarian leader: “Mixing cultures will not lead to a higher quality of life but a lower one.”

Listen, if someone EVER says that a novel is is. Trust them. Never read it--or if you do, never mention it. Or if you do, apologize. Mr. King didn't do any of these things.

Mr. King says he does not want Somali Muslims working in meatpacking plants in Iowa: “I don’t want people doing my pork that won’t eat it, let alone hope I go to hell for eating pork chops.”

OK, on this one, I must disagree. I don't care if a liberal or conservative cooks my hamberders, so long as my hamberders are delicious. Now, if they are messing it up, then, absolutely, they must be jailed.

Asked by a reporter for HuffPost if he is a white nationalist or white supremacist, Mr. King responds: “I don’t answer those questions. I say to people that use those kind of allegations: Use those words a million times, because you’re reducing the value of them every time, and many of the people that use those words and make those allegations and ask those questions can’t even define the words they’re using.”

Now, that's not right, right there. Everyone knows that if you call someone a racist a thousand times, it's just a thousand times more powerful, since EVERYONE believes you when you tell them that someone is a racist. Beside, even if he's right, don't pay any attention to him, 'cause he's a white supremacist.

Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
1/16/19 4:59 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Once again:

There's nothing wrong with celebrating western civilization.

However, when someone connects the "survival" of that civilization to making sure it stays sufficiently white, that's white supremacy.

When someone talks about needing to protect the US from "someone else's babies", that's white supremacy.

When someone suggests that the values and ideals of America are inherently white, and will be compromised if non-white immigrants come to America, that's white supremacy.

When someone sues to prevent American citizens from receiving polling instructions in the language they understand most clearly, that's racist disenfranchisement.

Don't do this Aaron. This guy is not the guy you want to defend.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
1/16/19 6:33 pm

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Post Resident Skeptic
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Once again:

There's nothing wrong with celebrating western civilization.

However, when someone connects the "survival" of that civilization to making sure it stays sufficiently white, that's white supremacy.

When someone talks about needing to protect the US from "someone else's babies", that's white supremacy.

When someone suggests that the values and ideals of America are inherently white, and will be compromised if non-white immigrants come to America, that's white supremacy.

When someone sues to prevent American citizens from receiving polling instructions in the language they understand most clearly, that's racist disenfranchisement.

Don't do this Aaron. This guy is not the guy you want to defend.

Right now there are howls of protests about Tibet being overrun with Chinese colonists, who are supplanting and replacing native Tibetans.

Why does this principle not apply to the nations of Europe? How do Poland, France, and Germany maintain their unique cultural identities unless they drastically restrict immigration from other countries (even other European countries)?
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
1/16/19 6:42 pm

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Post Cojak
Someone is trying to reduce most everyone I now to one definition,

This is sick. I am beyond wondering. I am sick of this. No one can have an opinion contrary to the liberal mind and be normal. If you do not agree with SOMEONE (I have no idea who defines it) you are a racist.

I do not know this politician, I had never heard of him, but the newspaper attack on him is in my opinion, completely laughable.

Just the opinion that someone suggesting strongly that we should have a national declared language of English is racist or some other nasty name is ludicrous, everyone I know personally thinks that, and they are not nasty or anti American.

Instead of ridiculing the man someone should publicly agree with him...

I think Aaron is spot on in what I read.......
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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1/17/19 12:53 am

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Post Resident Skeptic
Resident Skeptic wrote:
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Once again:

There's nothing wrong with celebrating western civilization.

However, when someone connects the "survival" of that civilization to making sure it stays sufficiently white, that's white supremacy.

When someone talks about needing to protect the US from "someone else's babies", that's white supremacy.

When someone suggests that the values and ideals of America are inherently white, and will be compromised if non-white immigrants come to America, that's white supremacy.

When someone sues to prevent American citizens from receiving polling instructions in the language they understand most clearly, that's racist disenfranchisement.

Don't do this Aaron. This guy is not the guy you want to defend.

Right now there are howls of protests about Tibet being overrun with Chinese colonists, who are supplanting and replacing native Tibetans.

Why does this principle not apply to the nations of Europe? How do Poland, France, and Germany maintain their unique cultural identities unless they drastically restrict immigration from other countries (even other European countries)?

"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
1/17/19 6:10 am

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Post One Must Ask the Question FG Minister
Why would someone take the time to try and explain the statements of Mr. King? What motivates the author? This congressman asked why "white supremacy" and "white nationalist" are bad terms. It's 2019 and he doesn't know what those terms mean and why they are offensive?

When a person doesn't see "white supremacy" as bad, then it's time for him to go. I absolutely loathe anybody who feels their race is somehow better than any other race. This level of ethnocentrism is abhorrent and I am ashamed that anyone claiming to be a Christian would come on this board or anywhere else and try to defend this man. You defend him because he is a conservative Republican - that's all. Well, I am a conservative Republican and Mr. King's racism makes me sick. This may shock you, but Jesus didn't die just to save white people.

Some of King's statements are overblown for sure, but the ones he made last week are not. He should be thrown out of the US Congress. What if King was speaking at the Southern Baptist Convention and while extolling the virtues of Baptists and how Baptists have added more to Christianity than any other Christian denomination, he says "and we all know that Pentecostals are mentally retarded." How would that make you feel?

Now, put yourself in a black man's shoes and then ask what's wrong with white supremacy. If you don't know this is wrong, then God help you to start seeing people as Jesus sees them.

Last edited by FG Minister on 1/17/19 9:26 am; edited 1 time in total
Posts: 875
1/17/19 8:55 am

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Post Re: One Must Ask the Question Resident Skeptic
FG Minister wrote:
Why would someone take the time to try and explain the statements of Mr. King? What motivates the author? This congressman asked why "white supremacy" and "white nationalist" are bad terms. It's 2019 and he doesn't know what those terms mean and why they are offensive?

When a person doesn't see "white supremacy" as bad, then it's time for him to go. I absolutely loathe anybody who feels their race is somehow better than any other race. This level of ethnocentrism is abhorrent and I am ashamed that anyone claiming to be a Christian would come on this board or anywhere else and try to defend this man. You defend him because he is a conservative Republican - that's all. Well, I am a conservative Republican and Mr. King's racism makes me sick. This may shock you, but Jesus didn't die just to save white people.

Some of King's statements are overblown for sure, but the ones he made last week are not. He should be thrown out of the US Congress. What if King was speaking at the Southern Baptist Convention and while extolling the virtues of Baptists and how Baptists have added more to Christianity than any other Christian denomination, he says "and we all know that Pentecostals are mentally retarded." How would that make you feel?

Now, put yourself in a black man's shoes and then ask what wrong with white supremacy. If you don't know this is wrong, then God help you to start seeing people as Jesus sees them.

Again, King clarified his remarks and the context of the "question". He was not literally asking "So what's wrong with white supremacy?" But alas, white boy gotta be put in his place ! It don't matta what he meant, he gotta pay for all da injustice of da past.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
1/17/19 9:05 am

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Post History Matters FG Minister
One of the reasons we study history is so we can learn what to repeat and what not to repeat. If Mr. King's remarks last week had been the first remarks of this nature, his rejection would not have been so severe. But when one looks at his history, it becomes obvious this is a pattern of racist behavior and not a fluke. He cannot be defended by anyone with integrity. He should have to pay for his most current remarks and those past. Acts-celerater
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1/17/19 9:24 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
King is the type of guy that everyone accuses Trump of being.

I don't believe Trump is at all racist...but everything he does is twisted this way.

King really is that type of guy - there is just too many times he hints that we would all be better off if U. S. was white.

What we should believe: if everyone of any color believes in the ideals of the Declaration and Constitution as amended - we would be a better nation. The melting pot worked before - it can again - but it needs to be - out of many, one.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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1/17/19 9:46 am

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Post Re: History Matters Resident Skeptic
FG Minister wrote:
One of the reasons we study history is so we can learn what to repeat and what not to repeat. If Mr. King's remarks last week had been the first remarks of this nature, his rejection would not have been so severe. But when one looks at his history, it becomes obvious this is a pattern of racist behavior and not a fluke. He cannot be defended by anyone with integrity. He should have to pay for his most current remarks and those past.

Please cite a "racist" remark form King? Would these constitute a racist remarks? Both were made in 2016.

"This whole white people business, though, does get a little tired. … I'd ask you to go back through history and figure out where are these contributions that have been made by these other categories of people that you are talking about. Where did any other subgroup of people contribute more to civilization?"

Clarifying the above remark...

"It’s pretty close [to what I said]. What I really said was 'Western civilization' and when you describe Western civilization that can mean much of Western civilization happens to be Caucasians. But we should not apologize for our culture or our civilization," King told ABC News.
"The contributions that were made by Western civilization itself, and by Americans, by Americans of all races stand far above the rest of the world. The Western civilization and the American civilization are a superior culture."

Amen a thousand times. Say it loud and say it proud. Nothing "racist" about it.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
1/17/19 10:38 am

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Post Re: One Must Ask the Question Dave Dorsey
Resident Skeptic wrote:
It don't matta what he meant, he gotta pay for all da injustice of da past.

You are absolutely disgusting.
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Posts: 13654
1/17/19 10:48 am

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Post Re: One Must Ask the Question Resident Skeptic
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Resident Skeptic wrote:
It don't matta what he meant, he gotta pay for all da injustice of da past.

You are absolutely disgusting.

What I satirically said is EXACTLY the philosophy of the Congressional Black Caucus, The NAACP, Jackson, Sharpton, Waters and dozens of other left leaning black "empowerment" groups and personalities, but is mainly promoted by leftist whites. YOU are disgusting for ignoring this and pompously going after people like King. You are indeed a programmed, obedient white man that knows his place, and is happy to stay in it. It is amazing to behold.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
1/17/19 10:53 am

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Post READ what King said... Aaron Scott
As is clear in the text of his remarks, he was speaking of WESTERN CIVILIZATION when he asked when it became something bad.

He had mentioned some of these other things...but when he mentioned "Western Civilization," he went on to make some additional remarks.

I pastor a church that is roughly 50% African American. I love them (and all my members) deeply. But we are falling for the bait when, if enough people act aghast at something, we feel they are probably right. No, it's just "The Emperor's New Clothes" in reverse.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
1/17/19 12:17 pm

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Post Re: READ what King said... Resident Skeptic
Aaron Scott wrote:
As is clear in the text of his remarks, he was speaking of WESTERN CIVILIZATION when he asked when it became something bad.

He had mentioned some of these other things...but when he mentioned "Western Civilization," he went on to make some additional remarks.

I pastor a church that is roughly 50% African American. I love them (and all my members) deeply. But we are falling for the bait when, if enough people act aghast at something, we feel they are probably right. No, it's just "The Emperor's New Clothes" in reverse.

You will not get a straight answer.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
1/17/19 4:46 pm

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Post Futile FG Minister
It is futile to have a discussion with people who are so entrenched in defending ANY Republican, no matter what they have said or done. While Mr. King did not say this, if I were to show you a video where he said "I hate those that are black and brown," Resident would defend him by saying "he meant black and brown cars. He prefers blue cars." I'm not going to recite all of the racist statements - there is no need to argue with a closed mind. Acts-celerater
Posts: 875
1/17/19 5:11 pm

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Post Re: Futile Resident Skeptic
FG Minister wrote:
It is futile to have a discussion with people who are so entrenched in defending ANY Republican, no matter what they have said or done. While Mr. King did not say this, if I were to show you a video where he said "I hate those that are black and brown," Resident would defend him by saying "he meant black and brown cars. He prefers blue cars." I'm not going to recite all of the racist statements - there is no need to argue with a closed mind.

You basically admit that I have proven King is innocent. That required large objectivity on my part to even dare point out that the accusations against him were baseless while 99% of other Republicans are calling for his head because, like you, they have no objectivity. And yet, you somehow think that all of my objectivity would just vanish if he actually was caught on tape or video making a blatant racist statement.

I don't need to explain the absurdity of your statement. It speaks for itself.

Then you end by claiming he has made a bunch of racist statements. Aaron posted all the alleged racist statements. Why not point out the racism of those statements?
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
1/17/19 6:39 pm

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