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Veterans in the Pulpit Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Veterans in the Pulpit Cojak
I certainly respect and appreciate every person who has served this country in the military. The military Chaplain has at times took a lot of hits. I have met them over the years. No different than local pastors. Some take the work seriously to some it is a job.

My total respect goes out to all who preach the Word, but the vet knows what I know and much more. They have served and now feel the call to serve in the higher Service. The vet does have a different slant on life, not that he is better or worse, but his experience has brought him into 'intimate' contact with men and women of different faiths and NO faith; he has lived with them. We have many ministers raised as I was who know nothing but COG or Pentacostal leanings. Once in the military this kid was put into 'religious shock' meeting real baptists and some of the 'mysterious' Catholics.

I have a Methodist friend, a former Army Chaplain who turns down every pulpit invite. He is not comfortable there. He parked cars at the horse race track in Lexington KY for years. He KNEW one on one evangelism and used it there.

I just wanted to tell you guys who pastor/preach/witness I appreciate all of you, but there is a special place in my heart for you guys here who KNOW the military life. Shucks, even Mat (love you dude)! (I miss C6th) I know there are many more, even some pastor out on the 'other' coast!

God bless all you Soldiers of the Cross. Even the Soldier Vets yes that includes the Marines, sailors & Coasties of the Cross.

Happy Veterans Day
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
11/11/17 12:58 pm

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