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Case for a Washington DC general assembly Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Case for a Washington DC general assembly SouthFloridaman
A good location for GA would be the Washington DC Metro area. That area is beautiful. Also the national mall museums are free. No Mickey Mouse 🐁 🐭 getting your money. 💵 There is a ton to do in Washington DC. I could also see a national emphasis in praying for awakening in America. Think mission USA Take America back for JESUS. There is a lot of convention space in dc and 3 large major airports where the entire country could fly into. I could see this happening.

I know it may be far from the left coast, but with plane tickets so cheap to Dulles, Reagan, and Baltimore washington airports why not do it.
Friendly Face
Posts: 358
4/23/18 2:01 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
AND - COG teen talent could book the 4H club national HQ - they have tons of rooms - cafeteria - and the price might be right. In Chevy Chase - MD.

And with all the evangelical leaders hanging out at the White House - perhaps some of them could stop by the convention.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
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4/23/18 2:56 pm

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Post Back in early 2000s ... Mat
Back in the early 2000s I attended the Assemblies of God General Conference in downtown DC. It was amazing, they used at least three different buildings - one for General Sessions - one for Exhibitions (including the newest media equipment and a stage to try it out on and record) - one for Youth Services - all were located near each other near the Capital building. They had outreach events and youth activities going on in the Mail. DC is a great place to visit.

Their business was interesting, they had a Parliamentarian and Roberts Rules seemed to rule. During the business they would have interludes in which honors and awards were given out. The night I was there they had a Parade of Nations with missionaries dressed in native attire and carrying the national flags.

I have never seen so many young people at such an event - I think they ran their national youth conference simultaneous with the General Conference.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
4/23/18 3:11 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
All other things being equal, I would definitely be far more motivated to attend a GA in DC than in Orlando. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
4/23/18 3:41 pm

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Post Cojak
I think this is a great idea. I lived there for a few years and said everyone should visit DC (BUT NEVER WORK THERE).

It would also be a good time to see some congressmen and for them to see many of their voters are conservative Christians.

I like it! Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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4/23/18 8:36 pm

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Post I did not want this lost in the shuffle SouthFloridaman
I think they were "SURE" the GA would be changed to a 4 year Assembly and it backfired on them. It was voted against 3 times.

I would be in favor of a yearly conference in the COG. I think 4 yrs is the wrong direction. Winter fest is every yr. we need to model what works in the cog. Winter fest is the best example of what works for the COG. Why can’t there be a yearly conference where the cog puts on its best for the sake of the church?. Surely not every meeting has to be a business meeting. I think that would help energize the base of the cog. Going to four year GA is a situation where our political leaders think if they meet less they won’t be so opinionated. Not true if we meet less we simply will just stop existing. I don’t want us to stop existing. Less meetings means we just simply won’t exist. That energy of opinion gives our organization life and if we kill that We would just be killing ourselves. We have to get back on track. We also need to be distinctly Pentecostal. This Diet Coke non offensive vanilla boarderline baptist speakers of the last couple of years needs to stop. We need powerful spirit filled spirit affirming speakers.

Is it sad to say was more excited by the rise conference line up then the last few years of the general assembly line up. At least these speakers affirm the Pentecostal lifestyle. Some of our past speaker made me just wonder what are we... I am excited that jentzen is speaking.
Friendly Face
Posts: 358
4/23/18 10:21 pm

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Post Re: Back in early 2000s ... Link
Mat wrote:

I have never seen so many young people at such an event - I think they ran their national youth conference simultaneous with the General Conference.

The A/G ran Teen Talent and Bible Quiz at the same time when I was a teenager. We all had a big meeting together. The crowd looked like candidates for a beauty contest.
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4/24/18 1:26 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Ag runs their teen talent, Fine Arts, every year. Or does not meet with the adults every time. Also, they let everyone with a superior go to fine arts national. They don't limit it to 2 from each they potentially have lots more competitors.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!

Last edited by Nature Boy Florida on 4/24/18 1:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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4/24/18 5:12 am

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Post UncleJD
I think the DC idea is fantastic! I wonder if they would have a simultaneous pro-life march for the lower levels of the COG, and an LGBT/Feminism/Safe-Space march for the intelligentsia? Something for everyone!

(sorry, I couldn't help myself. But I do think DC is a great idea)
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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4/24/18 11:15 am

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Post AND... Aaron Scott
And we could have another "Freedom Celebration" like Carl Richardson and others held back in the 70s or 80s. Make it not just a General Assembly, but a national event that might actually get TV time. Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
4/24/18 12:56 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
UncleJD wrote:
I think the DC idea is fantastic! I wonder if they would have a simultaneous pro-life march for the lower levels of the COG, and an LGBT/Feminism/Safe-Space march for the intelligentsia? Something for everyone!

(sorry, I couldn't help myself. But I do think DC is a great idea)

Perhaps Pathway could also sell P***Y hats for Lee professors to buy to lead the COG LGBT/Feminism march?
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
4/24/18 1:30 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
UncleJD wrote:
I think the DC idea is fantastic! I wonder if they would have a simultaneous pro-life march for the lower levels of the COG, and an LGBT/Feminism/Safe-Space march for the intelligentsia? Something for everyone!

(sorry, I couldn't help myself. But I do think DC is a great idea)

Perhaps Pathway could also sell P***Y hats for Lee professors to buy to lead the COG LGBT/Feminism march?

Oh no he di’unt. 😂😂😂
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
4/24/18 2:31 pm

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Post SouthFloridaman
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
UncleJD wrote:
I think the DC idea is fantastic! I wonder if they would have a simultaneous pro-life march for the lower levels of the COG, and an LGBT/Feminism/Safe-Space march for the intelligentsia? Something for everyone!

(sorry, I couldn't help myself. But I do think DC is a great idea)

Perhaps Pathway could also sell P***Y hats for Lee professors to buy to lead the COG LGBT/Feminism march?
LOL 😃🤣😄😁😆👍🏻

Friendly Face
Posts: 358
4/24/18 3:11 pm

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Post Nathan_Headrick
While I love the DC area, would the cost of hotel rooms be cost prohibitive? I know Orlando is expensive also (Nashville was much less expensive for me), but DC in July a few years ago when I was there was very expensive. I do like that there are so many free attractions. New Member
Posts: 11
4/26/18 11:09 am

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Post SouthFloridaman
Nathan_Headrick wrote:
While I love the DC area, would the cost of hotel rooms be cost prohibitive? I know Orlando is expensive also (Nashville was much less expensive for me), but DC in July a few years ago when I was there was very expensive. I do like that there are so many free attractions.

not really just depends where you look in dc. Remember there are huge suburbs to stay in. In actuality dc is very affordable especially in the suburbs. Also assembly in Orlando is in peak summer break theme park tourist season. Meaning we are paying top season rates for the Orlando assembly. I have done promise keepers in dc and it was all very affordable. Dc can handle it. Indy can’t... Orlando can but we need the airport potential of Dc... remember airport accessibility is a big deal. Orlando Summer flights are extremely overpriced. 1 airport in Orlando vs 3 DC airports. Or we just settle this and go for Atlanta which would probably be the best for crowds. If we market to the bottom all we will get is bottom. We need to impress... we need to market to the crowd we aspire to have.
Friendly Face
Posts: 358
4/26/18 12:58 pm

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Post DC is expensive! Billy Humphrey
I'd welcome a GA in the Northeast. DC is expensive, But I'd love it. Might I suggest Baltimore because it is much cheaper and only 40 miles from DC. Plenty to do in Baltimore and Washington DC as well... Free Museums, Inner Harbor, Casino's (well not for COG peeps), Mt Vernon, Camden Yards (Go O's), Both cities have convention centers, Operation Compassion Ministry Sites (both cities), Urban Missions Service Projects (youth), etc.

Full disclosure: I pastor in Baltimore! I'd sleep in my own bed in either city.
Friendly Face
Posts: 254
4/30/18 9:58 am

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