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Is printing the evangel a waste of money. Make evangel online only
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Post Is printing the evangel a waste of money. Make evangel online only 21stcenturyministry
The a/g has not printed a magizine like the evangel since 2014
Here is the proof
They moved it to online only format

Is our magazine artificially kept alive by our Tithe of Tithe payments forcing it to be printed. If the magazine was on its own it wouldn't last a year.

Also is it really prudent to print state magazines. All the evangel and state magizines are is a glorified political ad for officials. I mean really it is just overseer officials or there families. Plus there is a better use of the money fixing our online and broadcast media. I think we would save thousands in postage the first month of ceasing printing alone.

Last edited by 21stcenturyministry on 9/7/17 11:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
Posts: 45
9/7/17 1:54 am

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Post 21st century ministry..... spartanfan
should be 20th century old sour grapes. Just sayin'. Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
Posts: 3638
9/7/17 7:48 am

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Post Re: 21st century ministry..... 21stcenturyministry
spartanfan wrote:
should be 20th century old sour grapes. Just sayin'.
then tell me who is being served by these publications. It is certainly not the local pastor it is monthly official or aspiring officials strut fest to parade around and show off. A website could do that more efficiently and after we "strut" then we could add some articles about church growth. I remember the months leading up to culpeppers election as general every month of the evangel had an ad for his books for sale. I personally think that was tacky and how much free publicity did he get for it.
Posts: 45
9/7/17 7:59 am

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Post Re: Is the evangel a waste of money skinnybishop
21stcenturyministry wrote:
The a/g has not printed a magizine like the evangel since 2014
Here is the proof
They moved it to online only format

Is our magazine artificially kept alive by our Tithe of Tithe payments forcing it to be printed. If the magazine was on its own it wouldn't last a year.

Also is it really prudent to print state magazines. All the evangel and state magizines are is a glorified political ad for officials. I mean really it is just overseer officials or there families. Plus there is a better use of the money fixing our online and broadcast media. I think we would save thousands in postage the first month of ceasing printing alone.

Charles Page, is that you?
Eddie Wiggins
Acts Enthusiast
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9/7/17 8:13 am

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Post For the COG ... Mat
For the COG, the Evangel is the publication of record. If it exists in a solely online/digital version, there would be the danger of "lost" issues and history. There are always cost savings, but since God told used instructed the use of the written Word to transmit the Gospel over millennia, the absence of the written/printed Evangel would be miss the mark, in my opinion.

The great quest for the COG is to find the three missing years of the Evangel (1911 - 1913?). Perhaps they were hidden away because of issues like "signs following believers". If you have one of those issues, please contact the Dixon Pentecostal Resource Center.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
9/7/17 8:27 am

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Post Re: For the COG ... 21stcenturyministry
Mat wrote:
For the COG, the Evangel is the publication of record. If it exists in a solely online/digital version, there would be the danger of "lost" issues and history. There are always cost savings, but since God told used instructed the use of the written Word to transmit the Gospel over millennia, the absence of the written/printed Evangel would be miss the mark, in my opinion.

The great quest for the COG is to find the three missing years of the Evangel (1911 - 1913?). Perhaps they were hidden away because of issues like "signs following believers". If you have one of those issues, please contact the Dixon Pentecostal Resource Center.


Online issuing isn't hurting the Assemblies of God. I think they are doing just fine with cost savings because they have to raise there own budgets. But then we would have to find new jobs for those folks working there that don't know how to turn on the computer
Posts: 45
9/7/17 9:06 am

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I read ours faithfully every month. Has a lot of good articles and also has the list on the inside back page of the death of our ministers and their wives. I hope they don't discontinue it. Friendly Face
Posts: 387
9/7/17 9:31 am

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Post 21stcenturyministry
I am just saying switch it to an online only publication. It would still have he same effects as a print pub. We would just have a larger scope of readership because then we would not be hampered by the pace of us mail and it would have 24 hr access . An online publication is more effective. Pentecostal evangel news is the successor to the publication. I think it works better here is the link

We gotta stop the Cracker Barrel thinking and move forward nostalgia has a place but it should not hamper progress.
Posts: 45
9/7/17 10:44 am

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Post Pathway Media 21stcenturyministry
What would be wrong with pathway media instead of pathway press. Then everything would be covered under the umbrella and we could focus on everything instead of just books and print. It would Definitely provide cleveland with a tool to streamline and focus things from video print and web. Member
Posts: 45
9/7/17 11:12 am

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Post Re: 21st century ministry..... Chicago27
21stcenturyministry wrote:
spartanfan wrote:
should be 20th century old sour grapes. Just sayin'.
then tell me who is being served by these publications. It is certainly not the local pastor it is monthly official or aspiring officials strut fest to parade around and show off. A website could do that more efficiently and after we "strut" then we could add some articles about church growth. I remember the months leading up to culpeppers election as general every month of the evangel had an ad for his books for sale. I personally think that was tacky and how much free publicity did he get for it.

Prisoners, who are not allowed online, receive Evangel. I guess, because of your precious money, you would take it away from them. Nice.
Friendly Face
Posts: 253
9/7/17 12:51 pm

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Post Re: 21st century ministry..... 21stcenturyministry
Chicago27 wrote:
21stcenturyministry wrote:
spartanfan wrote:
should be 20th century old sour grapes. Just sayin'.
then tell me who is being served by these publications. It is certainly not the local pastor it is monthly official or aspiring officials strut fest to parade around and show off. A website could do that more efficiently and after we "strut" then we could add some articles about church growth. I remember the months leading up to culpeppers election as general every month of the evangel had an ad for his books for sale. I personally think that was tacky and how much free publicity did he get for it.

Prisoners, who are not allowed online, receive Evangel. I guess, because of your precious money, you would take it away from them. Nice.

Prisoners have internet
Posts: 45
9/7/17 12:56 pm

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Post Re: 21st century ministry..... 21stcenturyministry
Chicago27 wrote:
21stcenturyministry wrote:
spartanfan wrote:
should be 20th century old sour grapes. Just sayin'.
then tell me who is being served by these publications. It is certainly not the local pastor it is monthly official or aspiring officials strut fest to parade around and show off. A website could do that more efficiently and after we "strut" then we could add some articles about church growth. I remember the months leading up to culpeppers election as general every month of the evangel had an ad for his books for sale. I personally think that was tacky and how much free publicity did he get for it.

Prisoners, who are not allowed online, receive Evangel. I guess, because of your precious money, you would take it away from them. Nice.

Prisoners have internet. You make it sound like we are the only christian magazine surely there's other ways
Posts: 45
9/7/17 12:57 pm

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Post Re: 21st century ministry..... Old Time Country Preacher
21stcenturyministry wrote:
It is monthly official or aspiring officials strut fest to parade around and show off.]]]]]]]]]]] I remember the months leading up to culpeppers election as general every month of the evangel had an ad for his books for sale. I personally think that was tacky and how much free publicity did he get for it.

Son, ya oughtta be much more concerned about fellers with fake docterates havin a strut-fest
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
9/7/17 1:02 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
In these days of electronic media, any print publication that doesn't break even will eventually cease to exist. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
9/7/17 1:04 pm

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Post Re: 21st century ministry..... 21stcenturyministry
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
21stcenturyministry wrote:
It is monthly official or aspiring officials strut fest to parade around and show off.]]]]]]]]]]] I remember the months leading up to culpeppers election as general every month of the evangel had an ad for his books for sale. I personally think that was tacky and how much free publicity did he get for it.

Son, ya oughtta be much more concerned about fellers with fake docterates havin a strut-fest

otcp you right about those fake doctorates. The cog is loaded with fake degrees. So why is an organization so consumed with education over capabilities. I mean when I got to campground they guest officials just flaunt the phd's. Let's honor capabilities over degrees. The big question everyone should ask is can they bring it.

Last edited by 21stcenturyministry on 9/7/17 1:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
Posts: 45
9/7/17 1:07 pm

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Post Chicago27
How long before the 💩 stirrer, Charles II will be here before he's kicked out again? Friendly Face
Posts: 253
9/7/17 1:18 pm

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Post 21stcenturyministry
Chicago27 wrote:
How long before the 💩 stirrer, Charles II will be here before he's kicked out again?

Some call it stiring I was just trying to clean you off after your head got stuck where it weren't supposed to be 😊 My name is not Charles but if it was I would go by chuck like a mellianial.
Posts: 45
9/7/17 1:30 pm

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Post Chicago27
Nice likeness Friendly Face
Posts: 253
9/7/17 3:42 pm

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Post Re: 21st century ministry..... Nature Boy Florida
Chicago27 wrote:
21stcenturyministry wrote:
spartanfan wrote:
should be 20th century old sour grapes. Just sayin'.
then tell me who is being served by these publications. It is certainly not the local pastor it is monthly official or aspiring officials strut fest to parade around and show off. A website could do that more efficiently and after we "strut" then we could add some articles about church growth. I remember the months leading up to culpeppers election as general every month of the evangel had an ad for his books for sale. I personally think that was tacky and how much free publicity did he get for it.

Prisoners, who are not allowed online, receive Evangel. I guess, because of your precious money, you would take it away from them. Nice.

How many prisoners are reading it?
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
9/7/17 4:55 pm

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Post 21stcenturyministry
Mailing to prison and reading in prison are 2 different things. Churches get a ton of evangels mailed by the month. I bet less the 3 out of 10 are really read. I think it ends up as toilet paper in prison😳 I'm kidding. But honestly how many are actually read compared to just thrown away. Member
Posts: 45
9/7/17 5:08 pm

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