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T. L. Lowery has gone to his reward. Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post T. L. Lowery has gone to his reward. Aaron Scott
If I ever thought anyone in the Church of God was an apostle, I thought it of Bro. Lowery. He will be missed. Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
2/21/16 1:08 pm

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Post For whatever reason... Mike Cowart
The Church of God with no T. L. Lowery just doesn't seem right. Member
Posts: 47
2/21/16 2:04 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
I could fill up a page with all the TL stories. I have always known TL from the late 50s when he would preach crusades in the Atlanta area and my Dad would go work with him. He was bigger than life to many of us through our youth. When I arrived at Lee, he was the pastor at North Cleveland. Almost every preacher's kid used to enjoy mimicking him. He was a unique guy that had a passion for the things of God. He's one of those guys that I never know to do anything like golf, for example, outside of ministry. I'm sure he did, but I was never aware of it.

My favorite story concerning TL. We honored Charles and Edna Conn for 50 years of marriage at Lee University many years ago. There were a lot of people there. When we went back to the house to visit, someone asked "was TL there?" Paul Conn responded "if you have to ask, he wasn't!" That was TL! If he entered a room, his charisma announced his arrival. What a great man he was! The Church of God is a greater church having had Bro. Lowery a part of the family.
Acts-pert Poster
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2/21/16 2:38 pm

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Post JLarry
The Church of God with no T. L. Lowery just doesn't seem right.

So true Mike.

Bro. Lowery came to Tifton with the big tent when I was about 14. I was born with crossed eyes, (I am all but blind in one eye). I went up for prayer. Bro Lowery took the card I handed him and threw it over his shoulder without reading it. I had something else I want him to pray for.

He turned me to the crowd and said; "take a good look at this young mans eyes". He prayed for me then turned me back to the crowd. They started shouting. I had no idea why, until he said; "son your eyes are as straight as mine". I knew another pastors son that had the same problem, he was also healed.

I find something very interesting about his death this morning. I was in the altar this morning and prayed. I said; "Lord I have had great men like T L Lowery pray for my blind eye, it would be amazing if you opened it today. When I got home I read that he had died today.

I do not understand why the Lord straightened my eyes but did not take away the blindness. But I love Him and will serve Him if I an never healed again. As the old song said; "I don't have to understand, I just need to hold His hand".

Thank you Bro. Lowery for many years of faithful ministry. You are loved and will be greatly missed.
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No one who died without Christ is happy about their decision.
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2/21/16 3:18 pm

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Post Thomas Lanier Lowery: Ronald
Was the greatest man of God that I ever personally knew. Friendly Face
Posts: 405
2/21/16 3:25 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
Like so many, my life was truly blessed by his ministry. Are there any who will take up his mantle? [Insert Acts Pun Here]
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2/21/16 3:32 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins Acts-pert Poster
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2/21/16 3:37 pm

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Post TL Lowery was a huge influence on my life! COGLayman
TLL was a huge influence on me over the past 35 years! I really became aware of him when he came in National in 1981. On his first Sunday there were 59 people. By the following Easter the church had over 800 people in that service. Those were some very exciting days.

TLL always had big plans. He was not afraid to think big. One of the greatest things I learned from him was to not be afraid to think big. I am talking about in my personal life.

I have been fortunate and have had to opportunity to do well. A big part of the credit goes to TL Lowery!

He was certainly one of a kind. He loved the Lord. He loved preaching. He loved life. Brother Lowery, we will all miss you down here, but we will see you again one day soon. Thanks for the memories.
Friendly Face
Posts: 256
2/21/16 4:42 pm

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Post Cojak
He will certainly be missed. Prayers for the family!
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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2/21/16 4:56 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Only got to be with the guy while a Lee student. His office at the HQ was always open - and he welcomed me to stop by.
He loved people. His very ministry dealt with touching folks physically. I wish every minister loved being with people like he did.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
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2/21/16 5:37 pm

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Post Some thoughts... Aaron Scott
In 1990, I went to the Western North Carolina Campmeeting. Dennis McGuire was the State Overseer then. Bro. Lowery was the night evangelist.

I had just arrived shortly after the Florida State Campmeeting. Man, I felt like I had stepped in a time warp and went back 10 or so years--back when the Florida Campmeeting was truly the Grandaddy of them all!

It was CRAZY GOOD! The singing. The people. The fellowship (I slept in a dorm and had wonderful fellowship with some of the retired ministers that also stayed there).

What a blessing I and many other received from Bro. Lowery's ministry. Wow!

Then, some years later, he came to some churches in North Florida. I was asked to come and play as part of the band. The level of worship in the place was just unreal. People were showing up EXPECTING things to happen! And when Bro. Lowery got ready to ministry, things surely did happen!

At another church (I may have told this before), I went to see Bro. Lowery. I had been out of work for some time. My wife had been out of work (having suffered a slight stroke--temporary, thank the Lord). I would be out of full-time work for 2.5 years. We were living off of my embarrassingly modest IRA which had been rolled over from my 401(k) when I lost my job due to the economic downturn.

Let's just say it was tight.

Then, during the meeting with Bro. Lowery, God spoke to my heart: "Give $1000 dollars."

WHAT??? God apparently hadn't gotten the memo that I was out of job!

But I dared not disobey. There was something also about being able to make sure this Pentecostal message--in the style that many of us grew up with--would be able to go other places and preach the gospel.

I didn't have it to spare, but I did it.

I didn't dare want to go to sleep wondering if I should have. My peace of mind is worth a $1000 any day of the week--in fact, it's priceless.

Long story short, over the period of time, God told me to give $1000 to other ministries! I want to be clear: I was NOT doing it trying desperately to get a blessing from God! I was doing it ONLY because I felt that Lord laid it on my heart. But this is the honest truth: I never put a single penny into the IRA above what I started with. We withdrew no telling how much to help cover our expenses, and at the same time, God spoke to me to give at least two offerings of $1000. AND YET, WHEN IT WAS OVER, I HAD MORE!!! THAN WHEN I STARTED!

Folks, I believe I could have thrown a dart at the newspaper and invested in whatever stock I hit, and God would have blessed it because I had obeyed him! I wasn't poorer than when I started--I was RICHER! And I owe God all the glory.

I wanted to tell that story because T.L. Lowery was the one who opened my heart to do it. I remember sitting on the stage and weeping, wishing the everyone could experience Pentecost like I was seeing in the service that night. When God told me to give, it wasn't easy, but if felt that if T.L. Lowery was enabled in some way by my gift to go a little farther and preach the gospel, then it had to be the best investment I ever made!

Since then, my investment "ability" had been pretty much pitiful. Ha! But when I needed God's provision the most--and when it seemed I had the least--God stepped in and MADE SURE we didn't run out of what we needed. Not only did the barrel not go even had more in it that when I started.

Oh, God is SO good!
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
2/21/16 9:33 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
My husband was children's pastor at National for a year. This is one of my favorite memories of Pastor Lowery.

While there, I sang with a group called "The Word." As the only non-African American in the group, I learned a new style of music (which I loved) that was very different than the Southern Gospel I'd grown up with. We were invited to accompany Pastor Lowery to a church in Kentucky where he was preaching. I believe it was Janice Claypoole's church.

Aside from the gas, we were each responsible for our own expenses while on the trip. The services were awesome, and Pastor Lowery preached as only he can. On the way back, we stopped at a Cracker Barrel restaurant for dinner, and someone asked Pastor Lowery if he would pay for our meal after singing all weekend. He said, "OK, but you've got to sing for your supper." So we all stood up right in the middle of that busy Cracker Barrel and sang one of our songs. You could have heard a pin drop. As soon as we were done, everyone burst into applause. But he bought our supper that night.

Pastor Lowery was definitely one of a kind, and he loved to preach more than anything in the world.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
2/21/16 10:17 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
The very first COG Camp Meetin the ole timer ever attended (I was about 12 years old) was preached by the Rev T L Lowery. Acts-pert Poster
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2/21/16 10:22 pm

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Post T L Lowery Tribute (L) Carolyn Smith
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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2/22/16 10:09 pm

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Post 70 Years of Ministry Picture Tribute - Dr. T.L. Lowery (L) Carolyn Smith
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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2/22/16 10:15 pm

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Post Dr. Lowery: Ronald
Never has there been a man like him to pass before us! He lived among is, preaching the Gospel of Christ, healing the sick, and we really did not truly understand what a gift from God that he was to us. He touched us, impacted our lives and we were and will never be the same! Friendly Face
Posts: 405
2/23/16 4:43 pm

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