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AWESOME MOVIE: The Peanut Butter Falcon.... Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post AWESOME MOVIE: The Peanut Butter Falcon.... Aaron Scott
This movie was INCREDIBLE. My son and I were the only ones in the theater and we both, time after time, would say things like "this is a really good movie," etc.

In fact, as many movies as I have viewed, I can't think of any that I liked better. It is absolutely a top tier film. And you may not even have ever heard of it.

Long story short, a young man with Down's Syndrome escapes a nursing home where he had been, apparently, abandoned by his family. He accidentally meets up with Shia LaBeouf, crab trap-stealing, down on his luck, fisherman who is running from rival crabbers, etc. They embark on a "road trip" of sorts, finding common ground, etc. At the same time, Zack, the guy with Down's Syndrome, is being hunted by his caretaker at the nursing home, and she is persistent.

It had a smattering of language, but while most bad language feels like it is thrown in just to be naughty, this feels more authentic. If that matters.

I urge you to see it.

(POST NOTE: After the movie, my son and I went to get something to eat. He was looking up things about the movie. He said, with complete innocence, "Dad, you know that guy in the movie with Down's Syndrome? He REALLY does have Down's Syndrome!"

I just stared at him.)
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
9/24/19 12:36 am

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Post Cojak
I have a list of 'em sinful movies that I MIGHT go see when I am in an area and get the urge. Y'all do know movies is a sin. I got whippings for sneaking off (with member's kids) to see the Sat morn cowboy movies.
True story: when daddy was pastoring Burlington, NC I sneaked off to see Roy Rogers. He was live with trigger at the movie. of all the hundreds of kids yelling to be picked to ride Trigger around the stage, I was picked. My picture was taken and on the front page of the Monday paper.
I could not lie out of that one. Mama said, "Son, always remember you cannot hide a sin!"

It took me a long time, but I did finally realize
'mama was right!'

But it does sound like a good plot. Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
9/24/19 8:53 pm

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Post Cojak
I have a list of 'em sinful movies that I MIGHT go see when I am in an area and get the urge. Y'all do know movies is a sin. I got whippings for sneaking off (with member's kids) to see the Sat morn cowboy movies.
True story: when daddy was pastoring Burlington, NC I sneaked off to see Roy Rogers. He was live with trigger at the movie. of all the hundreds of kids yelling to be picked to ride Trigger around the stage, I was picked. My picture was taken and on the front page of the Monday paper.
I could not lie out of that one. Mama said, "Son, always remember you cannot hide a sin!"

It took me a long time, but I did finally realize
'mama was right!'

But it does sound like a good plot. Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
9/24/19 8:55 pm

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Post Cojak... Aaron Scott
Ha! I was 34 when I saw my first theater movie...and got a television.

True story about ROY Rogers. A man in our church (now deceased) was put of of the church for going to see a ROY Rogers film.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
9/25/19 3:27 am

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