Scroll down a few paragraphs to the link, but first, a brief reminder.
SINCE THE "DAY OF PENTECOST over 2,000 years ago, criticism has continued unabated. Those attending that first Day of Pentecost, were accused of being "drunk." Amazingly, they readily admitted it by saying, "Not drunk as you suppose" (Acts 2:15).
Before that, Jesus was accused of doing miracles by the power of Satan. So, for Christians, criticism is nothing new. In fact, it would be highly UNUSUAL for Christians not to be criticized.
However, according to an article in the "Daily Mail" News, "Pentecostalism" is soaring anyway. The article says it is one of Hollywood's favorite religions and that not far in the future, up to one-in-ten worldwide are expected to be involved. The article also discusses what some say are "Excesses" of Pentecostalism.
HMM. YES, THERE ARE are some excesses and I'm glad to be one of them. Possibly you are too. Indeed, we who live in the natural world, believe in the Supernatural. We do believe in the hope of healing and the hope of life eternal. Guilty as charged.
WE DO BELIEVE there is a Devil and we also believe in the power to cast him out. "Secularist" better hope there is a Devil. If not, then every evil; murder, rape, theft, wars and holocausts, has boiled up from the depths of the twisted, evil heart of man.
Anyway, the "Daily Mail" article says the book "Beyond Belief" shares some of the good and some of the excesses. After reading the article, feel free to come back and share your perspective about it.
BEFORE YOU GO, may I please have one last "Hmm?" None of we who believe in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit as was evident at Pentecost, worry about or are impressed with whether it is popular in Hollywood or anywhere else.
It is indeed always WONDERFUL NEWS to hear of anybody anywhere being empowered by the Spirit of God.
Chaplain Doyle _________________ The largest room in the world is the room for improvement. |
Acts-celerate Owner Posts: 6957 12/14/21 3:24 pm