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Just got back from Mt Paran Christian School Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Just got back from Mt Paran Christian School Eddie Robbins
where Marco Rubio had his largest crowd in their campaign, 7000 people. It was at the football stadium. I posted pics on Facebook. I wished there was a way for him but there's not much chance. The only hope, IMO, is for him to drop out and team with Cruz. Why Cruz instead of Rubio? Cruz can win his state but Rubio cannot win his. So, it's the only way to stop the con artist, Trump.

Last edited by Eddie Robbins on 2/27/16 4:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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2/27/16 3:43 pm

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Post Re: Just got back from Mt Paran Christian School Dean Steenburgh
Eddie Robbins wrote:
where Marco Rubio had his largest crowd in their campaign. It was at the football stadium. I posted pics on Facebook. I wished there was a way for him but there's not much chance. The only hope, IMO, is for him to drop out and team with Cruz. Why Cruz instead of Rubio? Cruz can win his state but Rubio cannot win his. So, it's the only way to stop the con artist, Trump.

At this point Eddie all we can do is sit back & watch as super Tuesday reveals who the most likely candidate will be.
I wish Cruz the best & I hope he pulls out a win in Texas and/or comes in close 2nd in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, Virginia & Alabama.
As of right now there will only be two candidates to choose from, either Trump or Clinton & both are highly trained con artist.
Question is, do you want the loud one who is confrontational or the sly one who sneaks behind & shares classified documents?
You'll get one or the other at this stage.
"Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!"

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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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2/27/16 4:10 pm

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Post Re: Just got back from Mt Paran Christian School John Jett
Eddie Robbins wrote:
where Marco Rubio had his largest crowd in their campaign. It was at the football stadium. I posted pics on Facebook. I wished there was a way for him but there's not much chance. The only hope, IMO, is for him to drop out and team with Cruz. Why Cruz instead of Rubio? Cruz can win his state but Rubio cannot win his. So, it's the only way to stop the con artist, Trump.

I was just saying this same thing in another post today. I have gained a lot of respect for Rubio in the last few days as a true conservative (even if I disagree with a few of his positions, being a conservative is most important). I wish he'd see this and drop and support Cruz. Cruz is going to win in Texas, if he doesn't its over. Its the only path to victory over the big-government, liberal northern "republican". If he had the brass to do that, I'd do everything I could for him in the next election. It would be the most important sacrifice we've ever seen in politics. All I can do is pray at this point that the Lord will guide him.
Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4955
2/27/16 4:20 pm

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