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“Purposely designed to create fraud and chaos" - l Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post “Purposely designed to create fraud and chaos" - l MayB2Day
“Intentionally designed to create systemic fraud.”
Socialism is a great idea until you run out of other people's money.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1909
12/14/20 3:00 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
To be clear:

1) This is the guy who filed an affidavit claiming Michigan had >100% voter turnout, when in fact he was confusing MI and MN data because he confused the state abbreviations

2) His firm has zero experience in election technology

3) His report references software that is not used by the specific machines he audited

Also, you remind me of someone...
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Posts: 13654
12/14/20 7:54 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
It's just incredible that people will summarily dismiss the accounts of hundreds of state government officials, state election officials, judges at all levels, etc. -- but will accept as gospel a single person's report, even though that person has already made severe errors in his election "analysis".

Really, really incredible.
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Posts: 13654
12/14/20 8:50 pm

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Post Follow the money MayB2Day
Dave Dorsey wrote:
It's just incredible that people will summarily dismiss the accounts of hundreds of state government officials, state election officials,

Many, if not all, are said to have received kickbacks from Dominion.

If you read the whole report, which I doubt you did, it is very detailed.

And all of us remind others of someone.
Socialism is a great idea until you run out of other people's money.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1909
12/15/20 10:02 am

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Post Bought and Stolen spartanfan
Everyone knows that this election was bought and stolen. The difference is that some say that in anger while others say "no it wasn't" with that Joe Biden smirk on their face Smile

Last edited by spartanfan on 12/15/20 10:59 am; edited 1 time in total
Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
Posts: 3638
12/15/20 10:58 am

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Post Re: Follow the money Dave Dorsey
MayB2Day wrote:
Many, if not all, are said to have received kickbacks from Dominion.

Sad beyond words. Best of luck in life.
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Posts: 13654
12/15/20 10:58 am

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Post Re: Bought and Stolen Cojak
spartanfan wrote:
Everyone knows that this election was bought and stolen. The difference is that some say that in anger while others say "no it wasn't" with that Joe Biden smirk on their face Smile

I have NO DOUBT there were irregularities in this election. I also have no doubt ALL huge elections have some fraud and illegal votes.

In the election just passed I do have some confidence in individuals who have investigated and feel that there was not enough 'problems' in the counts to make a difference.

AND I really do feel that the extensive challenges to results were legal. BUT in this country when you have exhausted all legal avenues and still feel you have been wronged you lick your wounds and accept the will of our government, which on the whole CONTINUES to be the best in the world today.

One qualifier: I have been told that since Biden is in get ready for persecution of conservative Christians. If there is a hint of that, more than before, I will be ready to say it is time for a massive change in leadership of this Great country.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
12/15/20 12:33 pm

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Post cojak Could It Be True
Per a story in the Washington Examiner, here is what investigators have turned up in Nevada alone:

Over 42,000 people voted more than once.
At least 1,500 dead people are recorded as voting.
4,000 non-citizens voted.
More than 19,000 people voted even though they didn’t live in Nevada.

I would say that counts as more than simply being irregularities. I would say that is orchestrated voter fraud.
Scars are tattoos with better stories.
Posts: 717
12/17/20 8:32 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
I'm aware that I might as well be shouting at a cloud, so no one should waste their time replying to me.

That said, those who believe the crazed conspiracy theories would do well to read Dominion's exhaustive 15-page demand letter to Sidney Powell, which seeks remedy for her outrageous lies: (link to OneDrive document in this tweet)
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Posts: 13654
12/17/20 10:25 am

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Post Re: cojak The COG Apostle
Could It Be True wrote:
Per a story in the Washington Examiner, here is what investigators have turned up in Nevada alone:

Over 42,000 people voted more than once.
At least 1,500 dead people are recorded as voting.
4,000 non-citizens voted.
More than 19,000 people voted even though they didn’t live in Nevada.

I would say that counts as more than simply being irregularities. I would say that is orchestrated voter fraud.

Bring proof to court.
Posts: 566
12/17/20 11:42 am

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Post Re: Bought and Stolen georgiapath
spartanfan wrote:
Everyone knows that this election was bought and stolen. The difference is that some say that in anger while others say "no it wasn't" with that Joe Biden smirk on their face Smile

Yep, it sure was. By the same people that hated Trump so bad that they paid rioters, looters and thugs to destroy other peoples property,
Posts: 7604
12/17/20 6:51 pm

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