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We awakened this morning as an IRON information curtain decendes on us Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post We awakened this morning as an IRON information curtain decendes on us doyle
WITHIN THE PAST FEW DAYS, Democracy has taken some hard censorship hits in the U.S. It seems the new dawn has brought unprecedented limits on how information is allowed to be seen and heard in America. I don't think that trend is going to improve for a long time.

An Iron Information Curtain is descending around us. It has NEVER happened before in the history of America. It is a major swerve away from Democracy where freedom of thought and speech have been the norm.

AT THIS MOMENT, the outgoing President of the United States cannot communicate with those who elected him. Almost all of us strongly disagreed at times with how he did and said things. I disagreed with Bill Clinton and Obama too, but never once thought they should be censored or forbidden to communicate with those who elected them.

In my opinion, it will progressively become more LOCKED-DOWN until the LOCKUPS begin. Thus far in history, the first step to taking control politically, is shutting out political dissent. The next target is the financial institutions AND THEN they turn their attention to the Church.

In all such authoritarian societies, the Church is viewed as the enemy. The Bible is declared as a hate Book and preachers are declared as being involved in hate speech.

Whether one agrees or not with the outcome, those who put their thumbs on the scale in an attempt to affect the recent Presidential election, will also do the same during POLITICAL Mid-Terms two years from now. Those who can censor the President, will not hesitate to tilt the scales in their own favor on behalf of their favorite candidates during the Mid-Terms.

It is my opinion that the censoring will continue unabated as more and more freedoms of expression are removed. It will not be called the "Secret Police." It will have a kind-sounding name.

In Belarus, the Communist-controlled country adjacent to Russia, the government shut down the stadium worship services planned by Carl Richardson. Carl and I, along with other ministers and Leland Smelzer who headed up TV for Carl, went personally to see the man who had shut down the meetings.

We spoke with him personally by catching him out of his office taking a walk.
He had no soldiers or guards with him and was totally surprised by our brazenness. With Leland's TV cameras rolling, we asked the man who had shut down the meetings, to allow us to at least have local church revivals. Under pressure, he agreed to allow that.

The name of his branch of government was, "The Office of Religious Freedom." It is important to grasp how it works in authoritarian societies.
Those working to limit religious practice, worked at the "Office of Religious Freedom."

The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.

Last edited by doyle on 1/12/21 10:35 am; edited 6 times in total
Acts-celerate Owner
Posts: 6957
1/11/21 4:55 pm

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Post UncleJD
Great and sobering points Doyle. I'm glad you made them so you won't be called a conspiracy theorist and ridiculed on this platform. God help us. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
1/11/21 5:01 pm

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Post The COG Apostle
I’m sorry. The out-going President, who is the only man in history to lose the popular vote twice, can call a press conference and communicate with the whole world if he so chooses. He doesn’t need a social media site to do that. How silly and dramatic. Acts-celerater
Posts: 566
1/12/21 10:48 am

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Post Change Agent
We do need to cut off all posts inciting riots or spreading well known untruths whether by Democrats, Republicans or Independents or any foreign country .
What if these lies were about your church? Would it make a difference?
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1449
1/12/21 3:04 pm

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Post UncleJD
The COG Apostle wrote:
I’m sorry. The out-going President, who is the only man in history to lose the popular vote twice, can call a press conference and communicate with the whole world if he so chooses. He doesn’t need a social media site to do that. How silly and dramatic.

How blind and ignorant to think that shutting down any platform that allows anyone to question the liberal narrative only applies to the President when thousands of others are being "cleansed" (their words).
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
1/12/21 3:43 pm

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Post What part of Rafael D Martinez
.. "incitement of insurrection" do we not understand?

Who is the person being indicted for this by both houses of Congress?

Mr. Donald J. Trump.

How did Mr. Trump incite people across the nation?

Using social media that indoctrinated and reinforced ideology meant to steal, kill and destroy. Since Mr. Trump had no intention of stopping violence, after four years of his divisive incitement of class and social warfare, the social media who rode his ascendancy into the heavens now had to act.

It was shut down because of these consequences of traitorous hate speech called "freedom of expression." People are DEAD, our nation at war with itself, and the world WATCHING as a result.

You seriously calling that repression of freedom of expression, Doyle? You defend criminal actions as permissible self expression Constitutionally defended?

You are welcome to post as such. You can call it what you want.

Here's my free expression - you are delusional. I served in the military for 3 years to defend your right to show how completely out of touch with reality WRONG you are on this. You are consistent in allowing your double standard here, however, in letting people use several pen names to spread negativity and heresy here, though, so that's expected.
I'd expect that consistency and we see it.

And you wonder why people leave this "august" forum? Let's see how long you leave this Free Expression of thought posted. I won't be around wondering ..

Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? Galatians 4:16

These are trying times. Everyone's trying something and getting caught. The Church Lady, 1987
Posts: 7766
1/19/21 3:54 pm

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