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I thought the Church had settled the gay question nature/nurture Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post I thought the Church had settled the gay question nature/nurture UncleJD
I guess I was wrong as some of our posters take it as fact that people are born gay or "don't choose" their sexual preference (I don't say "orientation"). Is that where we are again? I don't see a belief in a sovereign, merciful and just God as compatible with the idea that He would force homosexuality on someone. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
10/30/17 8:54 am

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Post Re: I thought the Church had settled the gay question nature/nurture Mat
UncleJD wrote:
I guess I was wrong as some of our posters take it as fact that people are born gay or "don't choose" their sexual preference (I don't say "orientation"). Is that where we are again? I don't see a belief in a sovereign, merciful and just God as compatible with the idea that He would force homosexuality on someone.

Help me out with some context, when you say "the Church" are you using it in the broader Evangelical since (born-again believers) or in the denominational since, as in Churches of God (Cleveland, TN)? So, who is where again on this issues? What statement are you addressing?

Acts Enthusiast
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10/30/17 9:33 am

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Post Re: I thought the Church had settled the gay question nature/nurture bonnie knox
The church can decide that homosexual behavior is wrong, but the church can't "decide" that sexual preference is a matter of simply "nurture" if there are in fact other factors involved.
To say God wouldn't allow someone to be born with a same sex attraction would be like saying God wouldn't allow a man to be born with a propensity for promiscuity or that God wouldn't allow someone to be born with a genetic anomaly.

UncleJD wrote:
I guess I was wrong as some of our posters take it as fact that people are born gay or "don't choose" their sexual preference (I don't say "orientation"). Is that where we are again? I don't see a belief in a sovereign, merciful and just God as compatible with the idea that He would force homosexuality on someone.
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10/30/17 11:47 am

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Post Re: I thought the Church had settled the gay question nature/nurture UncleJD
bonnie knox wrote:
The church can decide that homosexual behavior is wrong, but the church can't "decide" that sexual preference is a matter of simply "nurture" if there are in fact other factors involved.
To say God wouldn't allow someone to be born with a same sex attraction would be like saying God wouldn't allow a man to be born with a propensity for promiscuity or that God wouldn't allow someone to be born with a genetic anomaly.

Actually, man is born with the capacity to sin in any way possible. However, that does not mean he was born to sin in a certain way. The "nurture" position, as I understand it and believe it, is that a child is born neutral and learns his or her behavior from cues given either overtly or covertly from parents, siblings, society, circumstances, and events. The other side, "nature" says we're born with a sexual orientation. I don't believe that, and I'm pretty sure the Church as a whole does not (or did not until recently).
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
10/30/17 11:54 am

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Post bonnie knox
Would it mess up your theology if we found out there is a biological (say pre-birth exposure to agricultural chemicals or to hormones) component or a genetic component to same sex attraction?
I'm told that some Christians once believed the earth was flat.
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10/30/17 12:01 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
I think the Augustinian concept of an inherited ‘sinful nature’ which causes one to sin (aka ‘Original Sin’) certainly fits well with the liberal, modern idea of people being ‘born gay.’

My own view happens to be more in line with the church fathers prior to Augustine, as well as the historic Eastern branches of Christianity, all of which maintain the basic idea of human freewill contra Augustinian Manichean determinism.
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10/30/17 12:05 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
Biological, chemical or hormonal effects during gestation can certainly affect the mental and physical development of babies before they are born; e.g., fetal alcohol syndrome, crack babies, etc. That would of course be of a different category altogether from the idea that God created someone with behavioral issues or gayness originally built in. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
10/30/17 12:10 pm

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Post Chicago27
Do you want to deal with effeminates too? There are many in our church and they were born that way. The Bible has something to say about them and we pass it off. Friendly Face
Posts: 253
10/30/17 12:17 pm

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Post UncleJD
bonnie knox wrote:

I'm told that some Christians once believed the earth was flat.

Great reduction!

bonnie knox wrote:
Would it mess up your theology if we found out there is a biological (say pre-birth exposure to agricultural chemicals or to hormones) component or a genetic component to same sex attraction?

A. chemicals would be an external/environmental cause
B. I don't expect a genetic cause, maybe a pre-disposition (which is different).
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
10/30/17 1:06 pm

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Post Da Sheik
I’ll be honest and admit I don’t have it all figured out. I know what the Bible says about the sinfulness of the lifestyle, but as to the origins of said behavior I’m not settled. It would not shatter my faith to learn that some may be born with those tendencies due to genetic abnormalities. I think sometimes we feel such a strong need to “defend God”. Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
10/30/17 2:14 pm

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Post sheepdogandy
Every human being is born with a genetic predisposition for an obsessive behavior that the Bible defines as sin.

It is related to us in the context of "the flesh".

Everybody's got something they can't control through the power of their will.

It requires the grace of God to overcome.

It is a scientific fact. Shocked
Charles A. Hutchins
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10/30/17 2:22 pm

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Post Cojak
I like the black and white, I mean Yes and No questions. When the answers go GREY it confuses us old folk. I believe it is a CHOICE now the reasons for that choice in my mind is u for grabs.

Lots of stuff I don't know, most of the things brought up in comments I do/did not know. I am glad it is not my decision to make for everyone. OUCH!

Now Dasheik has just said:
I think sometimes we feel such a strong need to “defend God”.

Man is that a mouthful for chewing. Thanks man!

Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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10/30/17 2:23 pm

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Post Da Sheik
Cojak wrote:

Man is that a mouthful for chewing. Thanks man![/b]

I came to this conclusion some years ago when talking w another minister about another biblical topic. There are some very complex issues in life. Not only the homosexual issue. What about children born into Islamic families in the Middle East who seemingly have overwhelming impediments to ever hearing the Gospel? I know what the standard response is supposed to be. What about people born with both types of genitalia?
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
10/30/17 2:49 pm

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