Does the soul come into existence at the moment of conception? If so, that would lead one to think that the soul is a physical thing instead of spiritual.
Or does God have a, say, box of souls that are fused to the child at conception?
Or does a child even have a soul at the moment of conception? I lean against this for a couple of reasons. First, a child has no need of a soul, I would think, at that early point, as there is apparently no emotions or personality at that stage. Second, it would seem that if there is a miscarriage, that is just the lose of a soul for no apparent reason.
I wonder if we reject the preexistence of souls mainly due to the Mormons believing in it? Note, I am not arguing that souls have always existed, but that they MAY have a separate existence from the body before conception...and maybe even we’ll before conception.
What are the ramifications of this belief? Is there a single doctrine that it affects. The only thing I can think of it affecting is the belief that a at the moment of conception a child has a soul |
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology Posts: 6042 11/25/17 8:25 am