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Death Valley Temp of 130 Degrees - proves NO WARMING TREND. Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Death Valley Temp of 130 Degrees - proves NO WARMING TREND. doyle
[b]Gotta tell ya. 130 degrees is HOT! Surely that must absolutely prove
"Global Warming."

BUT WAIT! The full report says that "NOT SINCE 1913 has it been 130 degrees in Death Valley." If it was 130 degrees in Death Valley in 1913 and yesterday too, it means that for the past 120 years (1913-2020), at least at that location, THERE HAS NOT BEEN any increased warming.


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Acts-celerate Owner
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8/17/20 9:32 pm

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Post Cojak
Well there you go! JUst use Logic!
However it was 100 here in Utah today so we are heading north to Idaho! LOL
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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8/18/20 12:08 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Doyle -- one thing to consider is frequency. The chart-topping temperatures used to be very rare and are now more common. Take a look at this chart showing average temperatures in Death Valley over the last 100 years:

What would you say this chart implies?
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8/18/20 6:26 am

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Post Link
I'd say you'd need more data points and a larger sample size. My understanding is that recording temperatures goes back less than 150 years, so I don't see how the temperatures there prove that much considering there have be 'little ice ages' and other climactic shifts over decades that, presumably, have not had much to do with pollution. And there can be outliers in any dataset.

If they have a specific variable they are tracking in a kind of quasi-experiment, like some kind of pollutant, and show that the release of this pollutant consistently relates to higher temperatures. But still other variables, such as the possibility of mediators and moderators need to be considered. I'm just sayin'.
Acts-perienced Poster
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8/18/20 9:23 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Correct. Data from a single location does not establish global climate change.

However, the chart does firmly establish -- irrespective of causes or implications -- a lengthy warming trend in Death Valley.
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8/18/20 9:50 am

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Post Re: Death Valley Temp of 130 Degrees - proves NO WARMING TREND. krista
doyle wrote:
[b]Gotta tell ya. 130 degrees is HOT! Surely that must absolutely prove
"Global Warming."

BUT WAIT! The full report says that "NOT SINCE 1913 has it been 130 degrees in Death Valley." If it was 130 degrees in Death Valley in 1913 and yesterday too, it means that for the past 120 years (1913-2020), at least at that location, THERE HAS NOT BEEN any increased warming.



Took a drive through Death Valley a few years ago in the middle of spring and it was over 110 degrees. Death Valley is a beautiful place. Different, but amazing.
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
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8/19/20 12:47 pm

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Post FLRon
I'm more inclined to approach this from a global perspective rather than from a single area of the planet.

If the average global temps are rising then I'd say there is a good chance that global warming does indeed exist.

However one looks at it though, 130° is way outta my comfort zone!
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
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8/20/20 9:46 am

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Post Eddie Robbins
FLRon wrote:
I'm more inclined to approach this from a global perspective rather than from a single area of the planet.

If the average global temps are rising then I'd say there is a good chance that global warming does indeed exist.

However one looks at it though, 130° is way outta my comfort zone!

Correct! It’s always funny to see Al Gore jokes on social media when it gets cold. But when it gets hot....crickets. The scientific fact is that the earth is warming. Does it mean that man is causing it? That’s debatable but I’m not going to take a social media meme over science. BTW, Mars is warming too.
Acts-pert Poster
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8/20/20 10:34 am

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Post Re: Death Valley Temp of 130 Degrees - proves NO WARMING TREND. Eduardo Nieves
That should be hot enough to kill COVID

Romanos 8:37
37 Sin embargo, en todo esto somos más que vencedores por medio de aquel que nos amó.

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Eduardo Nieves
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8/20/20 6:17 pm

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Post Death Valley Cojak
This post came back to me very hard two days ago.
About 3 weeks ago we were in Gary, Indiana. A fuel line broke on our Cummins diesel. My son drove 250 miles one way for the part for the mechanic. Cost of repair $1000.
Two days ago, again my wife smelled diesel. Same line same break. I had asked the mech in GAry to install the required stabilizer. He had not done that.
Again my son found the part in Irvine, CA. Only 165 miles one way this time. This break down was in the Mojave desert Just outside Death Valley, temps were only 111-118 degrees, LOL I installed the part and the stabilizer.

Needless to say I am not happy with the Cummins, it has more power than the GM we had, but maintenance has been thru the roof. A break down and repair near Death Valley is NO FUN. LOL

We are now in Sin City for a break. Aaron, I am glad gambling is NO temptation 'like 'em Krispy Kremes is!' Embarassed Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
8/27/20 10:49 am

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