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Who or What are Demons? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Who or What are Demons? Aaron Scott
Were they created as demons?

If not, what were they before?

Thoughts? Scriptures?
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
6/27/19 10:27 am

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Post Re: Who or What are Demons? Dean Steenburgh
Aaron Scott wrote:
Were they created as demons?

If not, what were they before?

Thoughts? Scriptures?

First of all many believe they are to be fallen angels. All angels just like everything else are created beings Psalms 148:2-5 however there isn't a definitive verse that states this as a fact.
But God did not create a creature that was determined to undermine His authority just for the sake of creating something - I personally believe 1/3 of the angelic host followed their leader (satan) when he was given his sentence to be dispelled from heaven.
Matt. 12:22-30 relates to this somewhat.
Col. 1:16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.

So since angels are created beings along w/demons then we know that they do not have the ability to live eternally in heaven - we know the devil will not live for eternity but he will be killed for eternity.
God did not create satan in order for him to become deity or to have equality w/God. He was created as an angel with the same type of power as Michael or Gabriel.
His sin of pride (or seeing himself ascending to the highest, high) brought forth his sentence but his sentence won't be carried out until after the tribulation.
It is here that his demon army will go with him to battle, (which again IMO is the 1/3 angelic host whom he convinced to rebel against God.

There are some who teach that demons are a result of the fallen angels having relations with men's daughters & their offspring are called nephilim.
These are believed to be half human & half angel from the account in Gen. 6:1-4. This theory asserts that the spirits of the dead of these nephilim are what have become what we call demons.
Their spirit cannot be sentenced to hell yet due to their half breed status so they are allowed to torment mankind.
Personally, I'm not convinced of this theory but it is interesting reading material.
A guy named Michael Heiser teaches this & many other interesting theories from the O.T. from his book, 'The Unseen Realm.'
Eye popping material for sure as it will put your church traditions to the test.

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6/27/19 8:45 pm

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