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Doesn't "MAGA" imply that America, prior to Trump, wasn't great -- or wasn't as great as it once was? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Doesn't "MAGA" imply that America, prior to Trump, wasn't great -- or wasn't as great as it once was? Dave Dorsey
Why did "Love it or leave it!" not apply to President Trump?

Just a question to make you go hmm.

Maybe this isn't a healthy response to people who criticize the direction/governmental policies of the country (rightly or wrongly)?
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Posts: 13654
7/17/19 1:16 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
When was America great? Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
7/17/19 1:23 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Eddie Robbins wrote:
When was America great?

It's been the greatest nation state on Earth since the industrial revolution.

However, the end of the Reagan era is what most of us refer to as when America was great...Morning in America as Reagan called it. The last great hope of mankind on Earth.

Dave, Trump never hated America , he just wants to make it better. Those that say America was never great just don't know history very well to give a proper comparison.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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7/17/19 3:20 pm

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Post Dave, NBF is 1000% accurate brotherjames
If Trump hated America your hmmm moment might be valid. But, he loves Amerika so much he wants it to be America again. I concur. You and the few remaining Never Trumpers need to get over his boorishness, unorthodox, sometimes cringe worthy manners and look instead at what's happening all around us. Even Reagan was sometimes swayed by inside cronyism but Trump has one interest, seeing America prosperous again and return common sense to the public arena where it has disappeared from view. And as an Evangelical, I am thrilled that he is being pushed towards freedom of religion in the public square by those around him and putting conservative semi Christian voices on our courts as well. Acts-celerater
Posts: 935
7/17/19 3:54 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Let's slow up a second, guys.

First, I agree with NBF that America has been great at many, many times in its history. I think it's a great nation now.

Both of you said Trump doesn't hate America. I agree with that. But, don't you see that it's a function of your disagreement with "the squad" (a disagreement I share) that makes you think their criticism is them hating America?

If that was the case, then surely "love it or leave it" would be applicable. But doesn't that seem like a bad faith take? I disagree with "the squad". I disagree with much if not all of what they believe about what needs to be done in the US to improve it as a country. But do you really think they *hate* America? Come on, guys.

That's my point about "love it or leave it". These are people who campaigned for and were elected to Congress because they believe things need to happen in order to make the US a more perfect union. I think their beliefs and approach are dead wrong, but if it's not hatred of America for Trump to say "MAGA" (and it's NOT) then no one should be saying "love it or leave it" to these four either.
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Posts: 13654
7/17/19 4:10 pm

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Post skinnybishop
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Let's slow up a second, guys.

First, I agree with NBF that America has been great at many, many times in its history. I think it's a great nation now.

Both of you said Trump doesn't hate America. I agree with that. But, don't you see that it's a function of your disagreement with "the squad" (a disagreement I share) that makes you think their criticism is them hating America?

If that was the case, then surely "love it or leave it" would be applicable. But doesn't that seem like a bad faith take? I disagree with "the squad". I disagree with much if not all of what they believe about what needs to be done in the US to improve it as a country. But do you really think they *hate* America? Come on, guys.

That's my point about "love it or leave it". These are people who campaigned for and were elected to Congress because they believe things need to happen in order to make the US a more perfect union. I think their beliefs and approach are dead wrong, but if it's not hatred of America for Trump to say "MAGA" (and it's NOT) then no one should be saying "love it or leave it" to these four either.

Are you suggesting that "MAGA" = Criticism by "the Squad?"
Eddie Wiggins
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7/17/19 5:34 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
skinnybishop wrote:
Are you suggesting that "MAGA" = Criticism by "the Squad?"


But, I am saying that both Trump and "the squad" believe there are things about America that need to change for it to become a better nation.

IMO, the squad is dead wrong, and Trump mostly so. But that doesn't matter. My point is that it's disingenuous to celebrate the battle cry of one side that thinks America needs to improve while saying "love it or leave it" to the other.
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Posts: 13654
7/17/19 5:37 pm

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Post UncleJD
Dave Dorsey wrote:
skinnybishop wrote:
Are you suggesting that "MAGA" = Criticism by "the Squad?"


But, I am saying that both Trump and "the squad" believe there are things about America that need to change for it to become a better nation.

IMO, the squad is dead wrong, and Trump mostly so. But that doesn't matter. My point is that it's disingenuous to celebrate the battle cry of one side that thinks America needs to improve while saying "love it or leave it" to the other.

The Squak and their supporters OFTEN say exactly what Mr. Robbins said above "When was America great?" (my answer is there has ALWAYS been elements of greatness in America, even under Obama), or "America was NEVER great", or "America is a racist country"; the same America that shed blood to end slavery, the same America that elected a minority to the highest position". These people aren't even CLOSE to the same as Trump. Restoration and Revival should be terms everyone on this board are familiar with. To put it into other terms, Trump wants American Revival, the Squat wants AmeriKan Revolution (the Bolshevik kind).
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
7/17/19 7:50 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
It has been a long time coming, but we have completely lost the ability as a nation to look at people with differing views in good faith.

Those who disagree are no longer just those who disagree. They are the enemy. They are the enemy of everything dear, of everything that makes America what it is. They are the enemy, and there can be no compromise. No understanding. No capitulation. Only victory, and destruction.

There will be dark days ahead.
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Posts: 13654
7/17/19 9:10 pm

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Post Re: Dave, NBF is 1000% accurate Dave Dorsey
brotherjames wrote:
You and the few remaining Never Trumpers need to get over his boorishness, unorthodox, sometimes cringe worthy manners and look instead at what's happening all around us. ... And as an Evangelical, I am thrilled that he is being pushed towards freedom of religion in the public square by those around him and putting conservative semi Christian voices on our courts as well.

Anyone who is wondering how a dispensational antichrist figure could deceive and take hold of Christ's church need look no further than our present times.

Promise them peace and the freedom to worship and they will turn their eyes in celebration from even the most craven ungodliness.
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Posts: 13654
7/18/19 6:26 am

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Post Cojak
Eddie Robbins wrote:
When was America great?

Friend Eddie, I like the way you bait. LOL Yes that was a question. And of course you KNOW America has been great. You are just too old to remember. Laughing

We all know this is the greatest country in the world. BUT it has been a more productive nation. There was a time that our manufacturer's outputs were enough to in months, supply the greatest army and Navy ever assembled to put down a world threat. That manufacturing greatness is gone, I want to see it back. American steel in our bridges etc.

In answer to your question, NBF & JD did a pretty good job splaining it, DON'T YOU THINK SO? Wink
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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7/18/19 4:32 pm

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Post Cojak
Dave Dorsey wrote:
It has been a long time coming, but we have completely lost the ability as a nation to look at people with differing views in good faith.


There will be dark days ahead.

I do agree, it appears we as a nation have limited it to two sides to the coin now. No change or in between.. Reaction rather than 'let's work this out', as democracy should be. I do have hope, because this is a great country. Few people here remember the 'communist party in America', just after WWII. We had the 'idiot(?) Mcarthy and his search to extinguish Communism and ruined many good folks lives. BUT WE SURVIVED! We will survive and I do not think Good Christians will be mislead by the AntiChrist, just my opinion.

BUT some of you came back from 'NAM' to a divided America, WE did get over that also. The USA will survive as a nation, Some on here have been in more countries than I, but of the 27 I have seen there is no comparison. This is a Great nation and it can be better as a nation. Cool
AND NOT BECAUSE OF TRUMP, but because we are pretty good people here in the USA and many of us LOVE the LORD! Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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7/18/19 4:45 pm

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