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Why "educated" people tend to be more liberal.... Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Why "educated" people tend to be more liberal.... Aaron Scott
It's not because they are smarter. Not by a LONG SHOT. In fact, in many ways they are not as sharp as the "uneducated" unwashed. After all, the uneducated voted AGAINST abortion, while the left voted for it (by voting the platform of the Democratic Party).

The reason is because when you go through the educational process, you get slowly indoctrinated. There is even, I think, a nefarious and subtle "peer pressure" from fellow students who have embraced the views of certain professors. And there is also the fact that many fall prey to liberal voices via the argument from authority--i.e., if the professor said it, and he is an authority, then he must be right.

Certainly this is not an argument against education. Rather, it is an argument to beware the influences that can infiltrate your thinking while you get an education.

Even conservative schools--like Lee University and the Seminary--are still peopled with professors that were influenced by liberal professors.

I don't think they are purposely trying to undermine anyone. It's just that they have certain beliefs and pass them on. It's just the case that most college professors are liberal. That doesn't necessarily mean they vote Democrat (nor does it mean they don't!), but that they are, as a class, more liberal than their students, for the most part. And the gravity of their views draws young minds into their orbit.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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11/25/20 8:22 am

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Post UncleJD
I'm so old that I remember back in the 80s when educated meant you were aware of things like economics and history and the majority of "educated" people were Republicans. You're right that "education" has become a synonym for "indoctrination". Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
11/25/20 9:11 am

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Post Link
Research indicates that Republicans tend to have higher average IQs than Democrats.

But when I read your subject-line, I thought the same thing you did. The influence of the left is all too powerful in colleges and universities. I haven't seen it as much in my small, southern school. I work with business faculty and we do not talk politics much. But I suspect business faculty may tend to be less leftist on average than the average university department. That's just my guess.

I agree that a lot of what goes on in universities is indoctrination and not true education. My impression is that there are fields of study where the research methodology involves repeating the ideas of other people that are not based on anything-- ideological regurgitation with a bit of a 'contribution to the literature' in the form of adding an incremental layer to the ideology. I've heard a few comments from Jordan Peterson on this. His Jungian approach to stories seems a bit that way to me, but he also teaches psychology that has support from statistical research, like the Big Five personality traits.

I read about a conversative who wrote a satirical paper and actually got it published in the Journal of Feminist Geography. The research involved his observations of men and women responding to incidents of dog 'rape' in a park. I recall he classified some of the incidents as rape because the femald dogs did not seem to be enjoying it. It's technical and filled with the jargon of that field, but kind of funny when you realize he was making fun of feminist scholarshiop by writing it, then got it published.

There was an article circulating on a blog that a feminists at a certain meeting at the University of Toronto had argued that men engaged in 'fart rape' by farting louder than female counterparts in order to intimidate them and express dominance. I read notes of the minutes online that did not include this, and it is likely that the article that got repeated was satire and the whole thing was a hoax. The reason it got traction is because feminist rhetoric gets so ridiculous that it would not be out of character for radical feminists to espouse such an idea.

A conservative friend of mine in his 30's had to take one of those weird identity politics indoctrination classes at Ohio State. He poked some holes in the theories, but did not say he came out strongly against what the professor taught.

There is also the 'microaggression' issue, that it might be harmful to a minority, psychologically, even physically in the brain to ask, 'Where are you from?" I'd like to see similar research on whether conservatives suffer the same 'damage' when they hear leftists talking about 'microaggressions.'
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11/25/20 11:30 am

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Post UncleJD
Link, my daughter was just commenting this morning that the best thing about being a business major in her secular university (Arizona State), is that the profs are mostly (if not all) conservative. She said they tend to take digs at socialist countries quite often. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
11/25/20 4:30 pm

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