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Is the embracing of gay marriage as okay a salvific issue? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Is the embracing of gay marriage as okay a salvific issue? caseyleejones
I am not a theologian and to many it is clear. Very Happy

Is it only wrong to teach it?

I feel like I could answer this years ago but not flip flopping but trying to understand. So many people who I defined as staunch christians have flip flopped.

I am not in anyway referring to those outside the church. Those individuals are not necessarily subject to the Word. I'm talking about church people.

My observation is that peoples sociology has overridden their theology due to friends and family getting married to the same sex.

It seems in the Word. Admittedly I don't have an answer to the above question.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
2/9/20 12:51 pm

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Post Cojak
Well at least you allowed me to increase my 8th grade vocabulary. I did look it up, but still don't know how to answer it.

I don't think God like's it.
I do know it sorta makes me sicker than I am already. (I am very sick this week. I enjoyed 4 hours in the hospital emergency center) LOL Crying or Very sad
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
2/9/20 2:17 pm

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Post SO sorry..what's up CJ? caseyleejones
Cojak wrote:
Well at least you allowed me to increase my 8th grade vocabulary. I did look it up, but still don't know how to answer it.

I don't think God like's it.
I do know it sorta makes me sicker than I am already. (I am very sick this week. I enjoyed 4 hours in the hospital emergency center) LOL Crying or Very sad
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
2/9/20 2:39 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
In Paul’s description of the universal voluntary depravity/sinfulness of mankind in Romans 1, he includes together those who approve of sin with those who commit the sin:

Romans 1:32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them. NIV
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
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2/9/20 3:14 pm

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Post Bro Bob
I will make no apology for what scripture is clear about and QW has made a very good observation. Approving of those who do these abominations is like doing them yourself. It will subject you to the wrath of God. Like the original poster I am not saying these things to those outside the church. I am speaking to those IN it.

In fact, I know of no other sin that God himself says is part of the punishment in this life for a deeper sin. Yes deeper than homosexuality itself. Three times in 5 verses (Rom 1: 24,26,28.) it says repeatedly that God gave them up, gave them up and gave them over. Is there anyone among us that can't see the truth in that?

And why did God give up on them? Because they did not like to retain HIM in their knowledge. They didn't WANT to know Him. They didn't want to communicate with Him. Not only did they not love Him, they hated Him.

And He allowed them that choice.

I know I am talking about some of our family members. I am told these rejectors of scripture have invaded Lee University. I know I am talking about people who are otherwise kind and loving in non-sexual contexts. But I will never tell someone whom God has condemned that everything is going to be fine.

The first one listed in Rev 21:8, who isn't going to enter the Holy City, is not the sexual deviant, it is the cowardly. If you deny Christ before men, He will deny you. That is strong stuff.

SOMEone is going to make up the group that falls away at the very end. Do not be named among them!

I know I am not making a beautiful melody. I do not intend to. I am sounding a warning.
Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
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2/9/20 6:41 pm

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Post Gay marriage? roughridercog
You mean homosexual cohabitation, don't you? Cool
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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2/10/20 8:10 am

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Post sheepdogandy
What Bob said.
Charles A. Hutchins
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2/10/20 9:02 am

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Post UncleJD
Equating it to real, biblical marriage would indicate an unregenerate mind so in my opinion, yes. BUT, Since governmental paper-filing is NOT marriage, then I don't see how it could be a "salvific" issue for those that, not so much as embrace it, but more "accept it" on that level since the whole history of allowing government to "license" marriage at all is problematic at best. I was against government recognizing it, but they did and it didn't change my underlying understanding of marriage, in fact it forced me to re-think what I believed about it. I think I have a stronger biblical perspective of marriage than I ever have before while at the same time I am no longer concerned what a secular government does with its paper-filing (albeit, I DO recognize the implications of what it does to society as a whole, but that is something God's church can and should deal with anyways). I don't want to spend the time and space necessary to unpack all that right now, but I do think we should be at the point of acknowledging that government has its thing and God has His. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
2/10/20 9:18 am

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Post Re: Is the embracing of gay marriage as okay a salvific issue? Link
caseyleejones wrote:
I am not a theologian and to many it is clear. Very Happy

Is it only wrong to teach it?

I feel like I could answer this years ago but not flip flopping but trying to understand. So many people who I defined as staunch christians have flip flopped.

I am not in anyway referring to those outside the church. Those individuals are not necessarily subject to the Word. I'm talking about church people.

My observation is that peoples sociology has overridden their theology due to friends and family getting married to the same sex.

It seems in the Word. Admittedly I don't have an answer to the above question.

The stern warnings to those who tolerated leaders who promoted the idea that fornication and idolatry was acceptable in the book of Revelation come to mind.

Many years ago, maybe in 2008, I heard a brother speaking on the radio. I liked what he said, and I decided to contact him. I invited him over to dinner, with his wife, and we had a good conversation.

I am writing this from memory, but as I recall, the Lord had shown him-- partly through visions if I recall correctly-- that the government would use this homosexuality thing to go after church property (not sure the exact words). A lot of churches that we might not think, then, would accept homosexuality would. It seemed like, even then, that was the direction things might go.

This is an area where people really need to be taught. Maybe 7 or 8 years ago, my wife was a 'table shepherd' for a women's ministry that was a part of a megachurch. One of the young women was torn over the homosexuality thing. She thought maybe gay marriage should be legalized. The teaching at the church from the pulpit was generally pretty good, but could be kind of 'light', and I do not recall hearing about controversial issues.

When I was a teenager, I went to an A/G in the Atlanta area. Some time back, I was near there with my family on Sunday about the time of the night service, so I took my family to church there. They had Wednesday night Bible study meetings in different rooms. The large room with adults had the pastor teaching on the homosexuality issue. He went through the Bible and addressed the LGBT arguments and explained what the Bible taught on the issue.

I thought this was a good thing to do. Especially since the A/G has an element of congregationalism the COG does not, it could be vulnerable to a bunch of your typical left-wing libertine thinkers so common these days taking over an individual congregation. But young generations of preachers could come in and take over a centralized denomination with perverted ideas if they are not discipled in the word and sanctified int heir thinking. COG (Cleveland) church government is similar to the Methodists' after all.
Acts-perienced Poster
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2/11/20 9:21 am

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Post Re: Is the embracing of gay marriage as okay a salvific issue? Link
caseyleejones wrote:

My observation is that peoples sociology has overridden their theology due to friends and family getting married to the same sex.

I don't know of any relatives who have done this. I have met homosexuals, but I can't think of anyone I knew before the insanity started who got faux married like this. I can't think of any homosexuals I know that have entered such a legal union.

Knowing people who have done this might be at the root of it for some people. But the government and media have brainwashed much of society. My girls were telling me that at school, the boys would insult someone by calling him gay, and the girls would say they shouldn't be homophobic.

When I was in high school, it was generally accepted that being homosexual was a bad thing, and some of the boys did use that as an insult. 'Fag' was not considered a cuss word as far as I know, but it was considered an insult.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
2/11/20 9:29 am

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