My Dad "Delvin" (An Irish name meaning "Godly Friend"), was a Church of God of Prophecy, COGOP, minister from 19 until he died at 67. Both he and my Grandfather Walter Giles Daugherty, also served as State Overseers in the COGOP.
At both their funerals, and also at my preacher Grandmother Martha Bernice's funeral, COGOP ministers formed an Honor Guard or Observance. During the Viewing and also the Funeral itself, various fellow ministers took turns standing at each end of the casket. Depending on how many Ministers were available, they would stand in honor for 15 to 30 minutes each.
This was not because Dad or Grandpa had served as Overseers. This was a regular practice when any COGOP minister died. The Ministers stood with their Bible open.
When time came for the sermon, the Honor Guard was seated. They did not wear any special uniform but stood quietly in a suit. In some cases, as family members came by the casket, the Honor Ministers greeted them. At the end of the service, along with the Minister who was officiating, the Honor Guard would lead as the casket was brought down the isle to the waiting hearse.
Dad was from California. After Mom died, Dad came to Georgia and Pastored a COGOP here for a couple of years. Yet, when he left this life unexpectedly during a Triple By-Pass surgery, the church was packed with ministers and members for his Memorial.
The way the COGOP did the Honor Guard for fellow ministers, was very impressive.
Doyle _________________ The largest room in the world is the room for improvement. |
Acts-celerate Owner Posts: 6957 1/24/22 1:14 am