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The Only Reason Trump is President IMHO Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post The Only Reason Trump is President IMHO FG Minister
Trump is President because unlike his predecessors (Obama, Bush II, Clinton, and Bush I), he is a nationalist. The previous four presidents were globalists. Hillary was a globalist.

My view of eschatology says the Anti-Christ will come from Europe, therefore the USA must diminish in it's power and influence so the EU can rise. With a nationalist in the White House, this is exactly what is happening. Trump is pulling back financial and logistical support all over the world. The EU now realizes they must step up. Macron even says he would like to replace NATO with a European army.

Everything is falling in line for an increase of power and influence of the EU and the US is being sidelined due to Trump's nationalist policies and his own divisive personality. Soon, we will need a new world leader since America doesn't want that role anymore. Guess who HE will be! I think this is all in God's plan.
Posts: 875
12/19/19 9:15 am

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Post Cojak
Opinions and insights make the world go around. I wish I could grasp more of the intents of the world and scripture. I do enjoy reading other's views such as yours here. I cannot say yea nor nay. At my age I will watch it play out on the stage as God provides. And yes maybe I see some logic in your view. Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
12/19/19 11:05 am

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Post Re: The Only Reason Trump is President IMHO Tom Sterbens
FG Minister wrote:

My view of eschatology says the Anti-Christ will come from Europe, therefore the USA must diminish in it's power and influence so the EU can rise.

Not true...
President Trump might hide the mark of the beast under his combover.
Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4508
1/9/20 1:13 am

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Post Re: The Only Reason Trump is President IMHO Resident Skeptic
FG Minister wrote:
Trump is President because unlike his predecessors (Obama, Bush II, Clinton, and Bush I), he is a nationalist. The previous four presidents were globalists. Hillary was a globalist.

My view of eschatology says the Anti-Christ will come from Europe, therefore the USA must diminish in it's power and influence so the EU can rise. With a nationalist in the White House, this is exactly what is happening. Trump is pulling back financial and logistical support all over the world. The EU now realizes they must step up. Macron even says he would like to replace NATO with a European army.

Everything is falling in line for an increase of power and influence of the EU and the US is being sidelined due to Trump's nationalist policies and his own divisive personality. Soon, we will need a new world leader since America doesn't want that role anymore. Guess who HE will be! I think this is all in God's plan.

The problem is, the EU is rapidly losing its power and influence. Nationalist movements are springing up all over Europe. This is why I lost interest in eschatology long ago. The only thing I claim to know is that Christ will return.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
1/9/20 10:01 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Amen, RS! [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
1/9/20 11:26 am

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Post Da Sheik
Well, one thing is for sure. God is Sovereign over the events of history (or like I like to say "His-Story"). The powers that be are ordained of God. God knows how to move the chess pieces around in such a way that all things are fulfilled according to His purposes. So I absolutely believe Trump was ordained to be the President for such a time as this. My eschatology is much less clearly defined now than when I was a younger minister and had it all figured out Wink . Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
1/9/20 1:23 pm

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Post Da Sheik
One more thing...

Man has never created a weapon that he did not eventually use. I know we have seen atomic events in the past, but it is likely there will be some nuclear event that changes the landscape (figuratively and literally) of the entire world. Such an event would have men's hearts "failing them for fear" and would give way for the antichrist to come on the scene with all the answers to the world's dilemma.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
1/9/20 1:26 pm

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Post Nobody asked but here’s my perspective Patrick Harris
1. Transparency, I didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 and very likely will not in 2020 (I never say never)

2. I fully believe, however, that God had his reasons for him be elected to the office and I trust Gods sovereignty and wisdom in all matters.

3. I continue to pray daily for President Trump and VP Pence and our Senators and Congress daily.

4. However, I do resent the fact that there are believers that question the salvation of those who didn’t and wouldn’t vote him (no one on this board has said that).
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1323
1/9/20 8:19 pm

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Post jeremiah2911_4me
I was talking with some fellow ministers about this very subject this week. One of my colleagues who is a big student of prophecy suggested this:

We don't know DJT's relationship with Christ - have no idea his heart - but just suppose for a nanosecond that DJT IS saved....rapture takes place - Trump is gone, Pence is gone, and guess who goes into office as Commander in Chief - -yep Pelosi - - who I would be willing to say would immediately bow down to the Baal of the MIddle East or whoever if that time comes...

Just some thoughts - dont crucify me.
Pastor Mike
IPHC Pastor
You ARE a wonderful human being!!!
Posts: 938
1/10/20 9:22 am

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Post Resident Skeptic
jeremiah2911_4me wrote:
I was talking with some fellow ministers about this very subject this week. One of my colleagues who is a big student of prophecy suggested this:

We don't know DJT's relationship with Christ - have no idea his heart - but just suppose for a nanosecond that DJT IS saved....rapture takes place - Trump is gone, Pence is gone, and guess who goes into office as Commander in Chief - -yep Pelosi - - who I would be willing to say would immediately bow down to the Baal of the MIddle East or whoever if that time comes...

Just some thoughts - dont crucify me.

This theory is contingent on the pre-trib rapture actually having any credibility in scripture. Just some thoughts - dont crucify me.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
1/10/20 10:12 am

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Post jeremiah2911_4me
Resident Skeptic wrote:
jeremiah2911_4me wrote:
I was talking with some fellow ministers about this very subject this week. One of my colleagues who is a big student of prophecy suggested this:

We don't know DJT's relationship with Christ - have no idea his heart - but just suppose for a nanosecond that DJT IS saved....rapture takes place - Trump is gone, Pence is gone, and guess who goes into office as Commander in Chief - -yep Pelosi - - who I would be willing to say would immediately bow down to the Baal of the MIddle East or whoever if that time comes...

Just some thoughts - dont crucify me.

This theory is contingent on the pre-trib rapture actually having any credibility in scripture. Just some thoughts - dont crucify me.

LOL totally!! I'm def pre-trib - but I will say this - whether pre-, mid-, or post-, I just want to go when He comes!!!

Pastor Mike
IPHC Pastor
You ARE a wonderful human being!!!
Posts: 938
1/10/20 10:14 am

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