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So has anything changed??? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post So has anything changed??? Rife Stewart
So, I guess I was just bored tonight..., tired of FB, and thought, "Wonder what ACTS is like nowadays?" I have not been on the site in years, and as a matter of FACT, I used to post under the pen name "FLEETWOOD" out of fear of someone knowing that I viewed/posted on the site.

I literally was told by COG leaders that I couldn't go to "that" site or I would be fired. I was also told that one of my leaders (a state board member) viewed the site because he was...for the lack of a better word..."patrolling" to see if there were any ministers in our state that were on it. Uh...had any of these guys ever heard of the first amendment? But out of FEAR, we just continued to post under anonymity, trying not to give away too much info in our posts, so as not to "out" ourselves.

So it's been a loooong time since then. Anything changed?

Posts: 841
6/9/19 11:32 pm

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Post Yeah, a lot has channged... Aaron Scott
We have turned into MySpace. It happened by banning people for indefinite periods of too tight regulation of fusses and positions, etc.

Yet it was all well-intentioned.

But “they” won. Now, if you want to be where the action is, you have to go to the COG Facebook page, where anonymity is lost. You can still say what you want, but there is a higher price if you cross the line. Lots of things that were said/debated here cannot be broached there because of high personal cost to, if nothing else, ones reputation or forward trajectory.

We need to plan a Homecoming here. A set date...and on that date, all bans are lifted...and we start over. It may be too late, but if we want to remain a force for good, I see nothing else coming close to reviving us.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
6/10/19 9:56 am

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Post Cojak
I was pleasantly surprised to see yourcomment on another post. Good to see your name. Yeah some things have changed, The pen name Yo Dude is no longer around. Also some very good ones have come and gone since you left. I can still learn a fact or two about scripture from some of the old salts. I spend too much time here, but it keeps me out of trouble.
Don't stay away too long!.....
Love from North Carolina
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
6/10/19 8:24 pm

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Post Re: So has anything changed??? Resident Skeptic
Rife Stewart wrote:
So, I guess I was just bored tonight..., tired of FB, and thought, "Wonder what ACTS is like nowadays?" I have not been on the site in years, and as a matter of FACT, I used to post under the pen name "FLEETWOOD" out of fear of someone knowing that I viewed/posted on the site.

I literally was told by COG leaders that I couldn't go to "that" site or I would be fired. I was also told that one of my leaders (a state board member) viewed the site because he was...for the lack of a better word..."patrolling" to see if there were any ministers in our state that were on it. Uh...had any of these guys ever heard of the first amendment? But out of FEAR, we just continued to post under anonymity, trying not to give away too much info in our posts, so as not to "out" ourselves.

So it's been a loooong time since then. Anything changed?


Gee. Sounds like the CoG has become the UPC.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
6/10/19 8:40 pm

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Post Resident Skeptic
Cojak wrote:
I was pleasantly surprised to see yourcomment on another post. Good to see your name. Yeah some things have changed, The pen name Yo Dude is no longer around. Also some very good ones have come and gone since you left. I can still learn a fact or two about scripture from some of the old salts. I spend too much time here, but it keeps me out of trouble.
Don't stay away too long!.....
Love from North Carolina

I thought you were near Inverness, FL.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
6/10/19 8:41 pm

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