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When Does the Spirit Depart. Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post When Does the Spirit Depart. klane60
I had a nephew on life support from a gunshot to the brain with no hope of recovery. When do you say the soul departs the body
Kenneth Lane
Eph 3:7 NIV
Friendly Face
Posts: 143
1/31/20 8:10 pm

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Post Bro Bob
Eccl 12:7
Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

For all that science says they know, they do not know when death occurs. Is brain-death 'death' if the body keeps breathing and heart keeps beating, aided or not aided by the Drs? We merely know that the spirit lives (whether awake or asleep we do NOT know) before it enters the body and it lives after the body has ceased to be a vessel that spirit can use.

I am sorry such an interesting topic has received no responses. I am also sorry that I can only contribute to more uncertainty.

Jesus' friend Lazarus' body showed no signs of life for four days. When brought back to life he was once again same body and same soul. Googling him will open up some interesting non-biblical tales of his remaining life.

I believe the reason Jesus waited until 4 days was because Jewish law at the time said death was not a legal fact until after 3 days. Apparently people who were thought to be dead had revived after shorter periods, but never a full 3 days or more.

Jesus also said his own body would be lifeless for 3 days and 3 nights, which sends us off into another argument over a Friday crucifixion not being a mathematical satisfier of that claim. But again, I believe this was to show forth that he was actually legally dead under Jewish law.

Of the 330M Americans alive today, there are said to be about 20M of them who have had near death, or after death, out of body experiences, the bulk of which have very similar expressions of what the individuals experienced.

Some of them experienced what they would call "heavenly" situations, and some of them experienced what they would call "hellish".

Some were Christians before, some not so much, and some absolute atheists before... but no longer. They often are silent about it for long periods of time after. Almost without exception they find it impossible to actually describe what they saw or felt or experienced in terms others could possibly understand.

My wife Regina had such an experience in our living room prior to her accident, where she turns and says to me, "You are not seeing any of this are you." And I asked her to tell me what she was seeing as she stood there looking around where wall met ceiling. With her hands clasped in fists sticking straight down and trembling she turns and looks straight at me and gushes, "We can't take this like we are!"

Paul said in 2 Cor 12,
4 How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.

I strongly suspect that this is a poor way of saying what Paul actually meant. I think he saw things there, for which there simply were no words. For if that is the case, Paul is just another of many whose soul departed his body and saw and heard and felt things that were not human nor of this world in any way.

Imagine if you could go inside a woman who is 8 months pregnant, and God gave you a language that both you and the baby could speak and understand. Now then, it is your job to tell that baby what life is about to be like once it is born. What it would feel like to be held by the mother as it nursed. What things look like when you can see clearly, and not just distinguish light from dark.

I think if someone came back to us today from that place we call heaven or paradise, describing it to us now would be just as futile an endeavor.

I am very sorry that your family is having to go through this. But I am afraid what we do know is a mere thimble full of the ocean that awaits us.

God bless and comfort you all. This life. It is tough.

Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
Posts: 3944
2/2/20 5:16 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
I think that as long as there is life, there is hope. There are so many stories of miracles in which people were told there was no hope...but God!

They say hearing is the last of our senses to go, so I think it's important to speak to people that are on life support or comatose.

Like Bro Bob, I'm not sure if there's a scriptural answer. We just know their hope lies in God and nothing is impossible with Him.

I have heard from a nurse that a bullet in the brain does not go straight's spirals, and so, there is a lot of brain damage. And yet...God can still deal with a person's heart.

I am sorry to hear about your nephew. Sad I had a niece that passed away, and the thing God kept speaking to me was, "You don't understand My Mercy." Sometimes that is all we can rely on...the grace & mercy of God.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
2/2/20 5:52 pm

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Post I have determined that: Ronald
where the Bible is vague, I must also be vague, and when the Bible is specific I must also be specific. Friendly Face
Posts: 405
2/4/20 2:26 pm

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Post Re: I have determined that: Dave Dorsey
Ronald wrote:
where the Bible is vague, I must also be vague, and when the Bible is specific I must also be specific.

Great motto.

I enjoyed reading the perspectives in this thread.

Very sorry to hear about the tragedy you shared, klane60. Praying for you and your family.
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2/4/20 3:32 pm

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