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According to the president we have a simple choice Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post According to the president we have a simple choice FLRon
Either get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do says Mr. Biden. this really a choice? Sounds more like an ultimatum to me.
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
Posts: 787
5/14/21 10:25 am

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Post Re: According to the president we have a simple choice UncleJD
FLRon wrote:
Either get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do says Mr. Biden. this really a choice? Sounds more like an ultimatum to me.

or a command
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
5/14/21 10:46 am

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Post georgiapath
For me it'a choice and I choose not to do either one. He needs to worry about the economy, the border, gas prices and stop telling people what to do. Of course he can't do any of that. Acts-dicted
Posts: 7604
5/16/21 8:25 pm

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Post Make the Vaccine Mandatory! FG Minister
It should be mandatory. All you anti-vaxxers are keeping people at risk. Get with the program.

You know why I say this? Because if Trump had worn a mask faithfully and if Trump would have demanded the vaccine as your patriotic duty, all of you would have done it.

So, to all you followers of the Orange Jesus -- get the vaccine! The big bad wolf Moderna is not going to eat you.
Posts: 875
5/19/21 9:20 am

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Post Re: Make the Vaccine Mandatory! Cojak
FG Minister wrote:
It should be mandatory. All you anti-vaxxers are keeping people at risk. Get with the program.

You know why I say this? Because if Trump had worn a mask faithfully and if Trump would have demanded the vaccine as your patriotic duty, all of you would have done it.

So, to all you followers of the Orange Jesus -- get the vaccine! The big bad wolf Moderna is not going to eat you.

Go ahead FG, tell the world how you feel.. Embarassed Wink

One thing about the USA, it is a great country and we all have a right to our opinion, and a right to state it.
This is still the greatest country in the world, and as I said when Obama was declared to be the bad wolf and was going to destroy America, No one president will do it, the USA survived Obama and will survive this administration.
JMO Smile Smile Smile Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
5/20/21 9:23 am

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Post Re: Make the Vaccine Mandatory! georgiapath
FG Minister wrote:
It should be mandatory. All you anti-vaxxers are keeping people at risk. Get with the program.

You know why I say this? Because if Trump had worn a mask faithfully and if Trump would have demanded the vaccine as your patriotic duty, all of you would have done it.

So, to all you followers of the Orange Jesus -- get the vaccine! The big bad wolf Moderna is not going to eat you.

Has nothing to do with Trump nor Biden, I make my own decisions .
Posts: 7604
5/21/21 4:28 am

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Post No roughridercog
We have a simple president Laughing
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
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5/23/21 7:10 am

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Post But Trump didn't do it. Amonine
FG Minister wrote:
It should be mandatory. All you anti-vaxxers are keeping people at risk. Get with the program.

You know why I say this? Because if Trump had worn a mask faithfully and if Trump would have demanded the vaccine as your patriotic duty, all of you would have done it.

So, to all you followers of the Orange Jesus -- get the vaccine! The big bad wolf Moderna is not going to eat you.
Posts: 35
5/23/21 8:49 am

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Post Bro Bob
I would like to say amen to this one:

Has nothing to do with Trump nor Biden, I make my own decisions . ~GeorgiaPath
Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
Posts: 3944
5/24/21 8:03 pm

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Post krista
The virus will be here for a while. No vaccination means you will get sick with it at some point. Just pray it doesn't put those who are anti-mask, anti-vaccine in the hospital.
It's like not taking the flu shot. At some point you will get it. It's too big of a gamble. Laughing
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2960
5/26/21 12:16 pm

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Post Re: Make the Vaccine Mandatory! UncleJD
FG Minister wrote:
It should be mandatory. All you anti-vaxxers are keeping people at risk. Get with the program.

You know why I say this? Because if Trump had worn a mask faithfully and if Trump would have demanded the vaccine as your patriotic duty, all of you would have done it.

So, to all you followers of the Orange Jesus -- get the vaccine! The big bad wolf Moderna is not going to eat you.

This post is coo-coo for coco-puffs.

1. If the vaccine works, then take it and nobody is at risk unless they want to be. You've literally had 7 months to get it. If you haven't had one yet, you don't care and nobody else should.
2. Trump delivered these vaccines in unbelievable record time so anyone who chooses not to get them do so in spite of, not BECAUSE of Trump. Conversely, all who are happy to have a vaccine have Trump to thank. Sleepy Joe can't get out of his own way, much less muster the production of an entire industry (which Trump did TWICE in the same crisis counting the ventilation machines production and distribution, so if your loved one had access to a ventilator despite the governors of blue-states refusing to fund them since the first SARs threat), then you can thank Trump twice. Razz

I haven't read anything more left-field than this post even from CNN TDS victims.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
5/26/21 12:47 pm

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Post Hmmm... FG Minister
If my premise is so off-base and left-field, why, when they survey anti-vaxxers, most of them are Trump supporters? Hmmm... Acts-celerater
Posts: 875
5/27/21 4:39 pm

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If it worked and was safe you wouldn't need to
run huge ad campaigns,
mandate it,
or offer incentives.

If it worked and was safe, you wouldn't need to
block, censor, and threaten
those who question it.

This has nothing to do with Trump, but the party of the left that believes in
* killing babies and loving planned parenthood
* pushing the Homosexual agenda to the max,
* openly Anti American and Anti Christ/not talking about grass roots America but the politicians
* Israel haters
* has an open cancel culture
* If they were so concerned with America's health the borders would still be closed.

There has to be a reason they are so adamant about forcing the issue.
Makes you go hmmmmmmmm.
They are grooming America for what is to come.

It's ok if you disagree with me and my mind definitely can not be changed.
I refuse to be intimidated into doing something I think is wrong.
Posts: 714
5/27/21 8:14 pm

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Post Re: Hmmm... UncleJD
FG Minister wrote:
If my premise is so off-base and left-field, why, when they survey anti-vaxxers, most of them are Trump supporters? Hmmm...

Your TDS tirade is what is left-field. Anti-Vaxers are found among very liberal (mainly hippie) people as well, they always have been, those people make movies against vaccines. Anti-Vax movements among liberal/hippies has been a growing thing for years now so to couch it as a "Trump" thing is dishonest lib-speak. Maybe the circles you run in, presumably mostly Christian, just happen to be mostly Trump supporters? They do tend to be an independently minded lot, not prone to trust a group of politically motivated "experts" who change their mind about masks and such every few weeks as it suits their agenda.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
5/28/21 8:22 am

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Post Re: Hmmm... georgiapath
FG Minister wrote:
If my premise is so off-base and left-field, why, when they survey anti-vaxxers, most of them are Trump supporters? Hmmm...

Hmmm, ,,,,maybe we're just smarter. Laughing Laughing
Posts: 7604
5/30/21 7:06 am

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Post Re: No georgiapath
roughridercog wrote:
We have a simple president Laughing

He can't fix any real problems, all he can remember to say is "wear a mask"
Posts: 7604
5/30/21 7:14 am

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