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Wikipedia makes WRONG statement about COG (L). How would you repair it? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Wikipedia makes WRONG statement about COG (L). How would you repair it? doyle,_Tennessee)
It is possible you may have to scroll down a bit after arriving at Wiki to the category, "Church of God Cleveland, TN."

In an opening statement, Wikipedia declares, "The Church of God is a Pentecostal Christian denomination."

Actually, that is not accurate. We are "Christian Pentecostals." The arrangement of the words is massively important signifying priority.

The Church of God is a Christian fellowship of believers who teach that Christ is first and foremost. No other belief, person, entity, experience or manifestation, takes precedent over Him.

In the Church of God, nothing precedes, or is to be inserted before the Name of Christ as is contained in the honored and cherished word "Christian."

Of Christ, John 1:2 declares, "All things were made by Him and without Him was nothing made." Ephesians 5:23 emphasizes, "Christ is [b]Head of the Church[/b] (* and thereby all who are part of it). He is Savior of the Body." *emphasis ours.

With the pre-eminence of Christ firmly established, Church of God ministers and members also strongly identify with those who teach that the Pentecostal empowerment, blessings and manifestations of Acts Chapter 2, are still available to believers today.

Members and ministers of the Church of God are NOT "Pentecostal Christians." They are "Christian Pentecostals." There is a difference in priority. Many gladly testify that they have experienced the Gifts of the Spirit as happened on the Day of Pentecost." The Church of God teaches that the empowerment received on that dramatic day long ago, is needed now just as much as then to be powerful in the Lord's work.

In the Church of God, Christ is worshiped and glorified, Pentecost is a joyful, cherished gift from God as an empowerment for service.

Please feel welcome to share your input. If you feel I need more light on life's pathway, shine yours too, and let's walk together.

The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.

Last edited by doyle on 3/27/20 3:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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3/17/20 1:50 pm

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Post Re: Wikipedia makes WRONG statement about COG (L). How would you repair it? Aaron Scott
doyle wrote:,_Tennessee)
It is possible you may have to scroll down a bit after arriving at Wiki to the category, "Church of God Cleveland, TN."

In an opening statement, Wikipedia declares, "The Church of God is a Pentecostal Christian denomination." Actually, that is not who we are.
We are "Christian Pentecostals." The arrangement of the words is massively important signifying priority.

Christian Pentecostals or Pentecostal Christians are BOTH wrong, for they are redundant words. If you are a Pentecostal, you ARE a Christian. The sentence should read "The Church of God is a Pentecostal denomination."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
3/18/20 10:30 am

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Post Link
Back when I studied Linguistics, I read a little about adjective order. 'Black large car' sounds weird to native speakers, but 'large black car' sounds better. I forget how they argued what the innate grammatical rule was, but I think this is something similar. Maybe the author used 'Pentecostal Christian denomination' because it just feels better to add 'Pentecostal' to the concept of 'Christian denomination' than the word order you suggest. You are assuming that being mentioned first makes 'Christian' appear more important.

Also, the idea of being a 'Pentecostal Christian' makes more sense than being a 'Christian Pentecostal' because the latter might be taken to imply that there are Pentecostals who are not Christian.

What I think of is the fact that I Corinthians teaches against divisions.
Acts-perienced Poster
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3/23/20 10:16 am

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Post Brothers Aaron and Link doyle
I accept that as ya'll's opinion, and here on ACTS, you certainly are welcome to have an opinion. However, we differ on this one.

My thinking is that without Christ there are no Pentecostals. Nothing precedes or supersedes Christ. Anything else we experience, regardless how wonderful or special to us, comes as a result of His preeminence in our life.

The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.
Acts-celerate Owner
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3/27/20 3:49 pm

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