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Post ....... philunderwood
Mondays are usually reserved for sleep, sometimes lament, always contemplation, occasional resignation and ever-present wishes for a do over for pastors. But not this Monday!!

I sit here in my new office today after our Grand Opening of our new facility yesterday with our amazing community of faith, poring over the miracles of the last nine weeks and I have to say, this is my BEST MONDAY EVER. Just want to give my Heavenly Dad some props for His amazing work.

Our first Sunday in The Keys, with another church family, was attended by 12 persons. In the intervening months we have seen a dead end, a re-calibration, an adjustment, a new identity, then a committed season of one year of nothing but discipleship meetings, conversations and prayer. On Easter of this year we decided to go public again but almost immediately (May) was informed that we were losing our only meeting place we had ever known. In June we found a new facility, put out the challenge to our little congregation of about 60 and in 30 days raised $28,000 cash and spent every dime to rehabilitate this corroded, six year vacant, facility that was formerly an SDA church. We finished getting it ready at 1:30am Sunday morning for our 9:30am service. When our 6:30pm service ended at about 7:50pm last night we were spent, but amazingly happy. Today, even more so.

One of the miracle stories went like this....

Crazy how God shows off....
So, I felt God tell me to give a missionary in Latin America our weekly salary a couple of weeks ago, but I was two days later than normal making my deposit. That meant that I went to the bank on Wednesday instead of Monday. While at Bank of America making the deposit into the missionaries acct I begin a conversation with the guy next to me in line. He had been talking to the teller about how he picks up women. He is about 35, single, moved to The Keys two years ago, homeless and unemployed. He arrived from Costa Rica (he is American) after losing all he had there in a business venture and had $275,000 in debt.

Since coming here, he has paid off all his debts and started four businesses in other parts of Florida. He said, "All I do now is make bank deposits." After telling him about Sherry and I coming here to start Bluewater he tells me he has heard of it and asked if I believed in the "Power of God." Of course, I said YES!

Well, yesterday, he shows up at Bluewater for our service and just seems to completely enjoy worship, then he friends me on Facebook in the afternoon and then...our treasurer asks me later, 'Do you know J_____ _____?" I told him the story and he says to me, "Well, he dropped $800 in the offering today."

IF I had not listened to God about giving to that missionary, then had not been late getting my deposit in, then had not gone to the bank at that exact moment...I would never have met Jay and he would not have been here and I would NOT have a new friend. Moments like that have punctuated our two months.

Then, a pastor I had met 12 years ago, who pastors a congregation of about 20,000 people, ended up purchasing a second home here in our community of Tavernier. We ran into each other at a local coffee shop, connected, then took our wives out to dinner together and shared stories for 2 1/2 hours. He's come by and given some great feedback and promise of involvement.

Then, another guest yesterday is a long-time Keys resident who hosts a national cable network hunting and fishing program. He was here as a guest and said he was not a church-goer, but this got his attention. You never know if he'll ever show back up, but we will be in touch with him today.

Yesterday, over 130 people walked through the doors, with about a 20% (22 people doubled up on both services) and loads of new faces. I have pastored two much larger churches in the past and had two large campuses to steward, but there is no place like this place and no people like these people. I'm in love with Jesus today. Just wanted to let it out.
Live an epiK life!

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Last edited by philunderwood on 9/16/15 9:27 am; edited 2 times in total
Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
Posts: 3954
9/14/15 10:22 am

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Post Cojak
Enjoyed the read my friend, wishing you the best. Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
9/14/15 7:53 pm

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Post philunderwood
Thanks, Cojak. I sent you an inbox message.
Live an epiK life!

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A Mission in Formation
Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
Posts: 3954
9/14/15 10:40 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Cojak wrote:
Enjoyed the read my friend, wishing you the best. Smile

You read five dots and enjoyed the read??!?!?!?!

I have heard of reading between the lines - but reading between the dots?
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
9/15/15 8:04 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Is it like snap chat - it goes away in less than 24 hours?

Or perhaps Hillary Clinton was mentioned - and it magically disappeared!
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
9/15/15 8:25 am

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Post bonnie knox
philunderwood wrote:
Mondays are usually reserved for sleep, sometimes lament, always contemplation, occasional resignation and ever-present wishes for a do over for pastors. But not this Monday!!

I sit here in my new office today after our Grand Opening of our new facility yesterday with our amazing community of faith, poring over the miracles of the last nine weeks and I have to say, this is my BEST MONDAY EVER. Just want to give my Heavenly Dad some props for His amazing work.

Our first Sunday in The Keys, with another church family, was attended by 12 persons. In the intervening months we have seen a dead end, a re-calibration, an adjustment, a new identity, then a committed season of one year of nothing but discipleship meetings, conversations and prayer. On Easter of this year we decided to go public again but almost immediately (May) was informed that we were losing our only meeting place we had ever known. In June we found a new facility, put out the challenge to our little congregation of about 60 and in 30 days raised $28,000 cash and spent every dime to rehabilitate this corroded, six year vacant, facility that was formerly an SDA church. We finished getting it ready at 1:30am Sunday morning for our 9:30am service. When our 6:30pm service ended at about 7:50pm last night we were spent, but amazingly happy. Today, even more so.

One of the miracle stories went like this....

Crazy how God shows off....
So, I felt God tell me to give a missionary in Latin America our weekly salary a couple of weeks ago, but I was two days later than normal making my deposit. That meant that I went to the bank on Wednesday instead of Monday. While at Bank of America making the deposit into the missionaries acct I begin a conversation with the guy next to me in line. He had been talking to the teller about how he picks up women. He is about 35, single, moved to The Keys two years ago, homeless and unemployed. He arrived from Costa Rica (he is American) after losing all he had there in a business venture and had $275,000 in debt.

Since coming here, he has paid off all his debts and started four businesses in other parts of Florida. He said, "All I do now is make bank deposits." After telling him about Sherry and I coming here to start Bluewater he tells me he has heard of it and asked if I believed in the "Power of God." Of course, I said YES!

Well, yesterday, he shows up at Bluewater for our service and just seems to completely enjoy worship, then he friends me on Facebook in the afternoon and then...our treasurer asks me later, 'Do you know J_____ _____?" I told him the story and he says to me, "Well, he dropped $800 in the offering today."

IF I had not listened to God about giving to that missionary, then had not been late getting my deposit in, then had not gone to the bank at that exact moment...I would never have met Jay and he would not have been here and I would NOT have a new friend. Moments like that have punctuated our two months.

Then, a pastor I had met 12 years ago, who pastors a congregation of about 20,000 people, ended up purchasing a second home here in our community of Tavernier. We ran into each other at a local coffee shop, connected, then took our wives out to dinner together and shared stories for 2 1/2 hours. He's come by and given some great feedback and promise of involvement.

Then, another guest yesterday is a long-time Keys resident who hosts a national cable network hunting and fishing program. He was here as a guest and said he was not a church-goer, but this got his attention. You never know if he'll ever show back up, but we will be in touch with him today.

Yesterday, over 130 people walked through the doors, with about a 20% (22 people doubled up on both services) and loads of new faces. I have pastored two much larger churches in the past and had two large campuses to steward, but there is no place like this place and no people like these people. I'm in love with Jesus today. Just wanted to let it out.

good testimony

Mr. Green
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 14803
9/15/15 8:52 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Those are good stories.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
9/15/15 9:01 am

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Post philunderwood
Sorry NBF, but I consider my posts to be insignificant to the community here when there is one reply to a positive story in 500 reads. This is one of a few positive post in four months that met the same fate. Smile
Live an epiK life!

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A Mission in Formation
Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
Posts: 3954
9/15/15 10:28 am

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
bonnie knox wrote:
philunderwood wrote:
Mondays are usually reserved for sleep, sometimes lament, always contemplation, occasional resignation and ever-present wishes for a do over for pastors. But not this Monday!!

I sit here in my new office today after our Grand Opening of our new facility yesterday with our amazing community of faith, poring over the miracles of the last nine weeks and I have to say, this is my BEST MONDAY EVER. Just want to give my Heavenly Dad some props for His amazing work.

Our first Sunday in The Keys, with another church family, was attended by 12 persons. In the intervening months we have seen a dead end, a re-calibration, an adjustment, a new identity, then a committed season of one year of nothing but discipleship meetings, conversations and prayer. On Easter of this year we decided to go public again but almost immediately (May) was informed that we were losing our only meeting place we had ever known. In June we found a new facility, put out the challenge to our little congregation of about 60 and in 30 days raised $28,000 cash and spent every dime to rehabilitate this corroded, six year vacant, facility that was formerly an SDA church. We finished getting it ready at 1:30am Sunday morning for our 9:30am service. When our 6:30pm service ended at about 7:50pm last night we were spent, but amazingly happy. Today, even more so.

One of the miracle stories went like this....

Crazy how God shows off....
So, I felt God tell me to give a missionary in Latin America our weekly salary a couple of weeks ago, but I was two days later than normal making my deposit. That meant that I went to the bank on Wednesday instead of Monday. While at Bank of America making the deposit into the missionaries acct I begin a conversation with the guy next to me in line. He had been talking to the teller about how he picks up women. He is about 35, single, moved to The Keys two years ago, homeless and unemployed. He arrived from Costa Rica (he is American) after losing all he had there in a business venture and had $275,000 in debt.

Since coming here, he has paid off all his debts and started four businesses in other parts of Florida. He said, "All I do now is make bank deposits." After telling him about Sherry and I coming here to start Bluewater he tells me he has heard of it and asked if I believed in the "Power of God." Of course, I said YES!

Well, yesterday, he shows up at Bluewater for our service and just seems to completely enjoy worship, then he friends me on Facebook in the afternoon and then...our treasurer asks me later, 'Do you know J_____ _____?" I told him the story and he says to me, "Well, he dropped $800 in the offering today."

IF I had not listened to God about giving to that missionary, then had not been late getting my deposit in, then had not gone to the bank at that exact moment...I would never have met Jay and he would not have been here and I would NOT have a new friend. Moments like that have punctuated our two months.

Then, a pastor I had met 12 years ago, who pastors a congregation of about 20,000 people, ended up purchasing a second home here in our community of Tavernier. We ran into each other at a local coffee shop, connected, then took our wives out to dinner together and shared stories for 2 1/2 hours. He's come by and given some great feedback and promise of involvement.

Then, another guest yesterday is a long-time Keys resident who hosts a national cable network hunting and fishing program. He was here as a guest and said he was not a church-goer, but this got his attention. You never know if he'll ever show back up, but we will be in touch with him today.

Yesterday, over 130 people walked through the doors, with about a 20% (22 people doubled up on both services) and loads of new faces. I have pastored two much larger churches in the past and had two large campuses to steward, but there is no place like this place and no people like these people. I'm in love with Jesus today. Just wanted to let it out.

good testimony

Mr. Green

Miss Bonnie, you got all em paragraphs outta 5 little dots? Son, ole Phil must be a master communicator to have all at in 5 little dots.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
9/15/15 10:57 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
philunderwood wrote:
Sorry NBF, but I consider my posts to be insignificant to the community here when there is one reply to a positive story in 500 reads. This is one of a few positive post in four months that met the same fate. Smile

Give it more time Phil.

I think you are too sensitive.

I responded the first time I read it.

Of course by then it was 5 dots.

Also - I am not sure the view count is always accurate.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
9/15/15 11:24 am

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Post bonnie knox
No, Bonnie is simply the overly gracious, maternal hall-monitor, and peacemaker of Actscelerate - who copied and saved the post when Phil said he was going to remove it due to no one responding.

It is her quest in life to insure as many as possible work and play well together!

Bwahahahahahahahaha Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
(and no, I had not "saved" it)
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 14803
9/15/15 2:08 pm

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Post Cojak
[quote="bonnie knox"

Bwahahahahahahahaha Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
(and no, I had not "saved" it)[/quote]

Nah you are just smarter than the average bear, it would seem. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
9/15/15 2:27 pm

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Post bonnie knox
Cojak, it's the reason we ought to tell kids (and politicians and sports figures) not to put their nekkid pictures or immature rants on the internet. Nothing ever truly goes away. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 14803
9/15/15 2:33 pm

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Post Re: ....... diakoneo
philunderwood wrote:

Good stuff, thanks for the encouraging testimony!

Sorry I missed it the first time....but the dots they catch my eye Smile
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3382
9/15/15 6:13 pm

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Post Preacher777
Thanks for sharing the good report Phil. All of us face many challenges in ministry but it helps to hear good news! Friendly Face
Posts: 434
9/23/15 7:52 am

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Post bradfreeman

Blessings on your journey!
I'm not saved because I'm good. I'm saved because He's good!

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My blog:
Posts: 9027
9/23/15 8:10 am

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Post Re: ....... Dentanner
philunderwood wrote:

Crazy how God shows off....
So, I felt God tell me to give a missionary in Latin America our weekly salary a couple of weeks ago, but I was two days later than normal making my deposit. That meant that I went to the bank on Wednesday instead of Monday. While at Bank of America making the deposit into the missionaries acct I begin a conversation with the guy next to me in line. He had been talking to the teller about how he picks up women. He is about 35, single, moved to The Keys two years ago, homeless and unemployed. He arrived from Costa Rica (he is American) after losing all he had there in a business venture and had $275,000 in debt.

Since coming here, he has paid off all his debts and started four businesses in other parts of Florida. He said, "All I do now is make bank deposits." After telling him about Sherry and I coming here to start Bluewater he tells me he has heard of it and asked if I believed in the "Power of God." Of course, I said YES!

Well, yesterday, he shows up at Bluewater for our service and just seems to completely enjoy worship, then he friends me on Facebook in the afternoon and then...our treasurer asks me later, 'Do you know J_____ _____?" I told him the story and he says to me, "Well, he dropped $800 in the offering today."

IF I had not listened to God about giving to that missionary, then had not been late getting my deposit in, then had not gone to the bank at that exact moment...I would never have met Jay and he would not have been here and I would NOT have a new friend. Moments like that have punctuated our two months.

Great testimony and excellent ministry opportunities! If in your prayers God ever speaks to you about Scotland or Missionary Dennis Tanner, I won't mind it at all if you are two or three days late in responding..... Very Happy And I will be praying that God continues to bless you with more resources.
Dennis Tanner
Administrative Bishop Scotland
Church of God Career Missionary

Last edited by Dentanner on 9/23/15 7:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hey, DOC
Posts: 97
9/23/15 12:20 pm

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Post Change Agent
Great to hear a pastor rejoicing on Mondays. God can show out when He desires. Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1449
9/23/15 3:13 pm

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Post Cojak
I love the new life of the OP. Smile Smile Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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9/23/15 3:18 pm

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