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Pastoral Vote Percentages Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Pastoral Vote Percentages Da Sheik
In another thread, I read of a minister receiving some 60% (not the exact number just a ballpark figure) of the votes to become pastor of the church. One of my mentors told me he would never take a church unless he got 100% of the vote. I'm curious as to what you all think is an acceptable range to take the helm at a new assignment.

This thread is in no way a slam on the church and pastor I referenced. I am not familiar with either.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
1/24/18 11:37 am

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Post Cojak
I like the 100% vote. It was not unheard of many years ago when we voted as a church on a regular basis. The present pastor MANY times got 100% vote or so close they and everyone else called it 100%.

That time has somewhat passed Since we vote now 'only on retirement or when the pastor is 'promoted' or feels it is time to move.'

Also church attendance is very fluid. An example: it is not unheard of for members (and family) to follow a pastor they truly love and enjoy sitting under, if he moves less than 30 miles away.

Our last change we gained about 25 members and the former church lost 25. At one time many folk walked to church in their community, but now it is not unusual for someone to travel many miles to church.

Under the present conditions IF I WAS A PASTOR I would like to have 100% but it would be a dream to expect it in most cases when a change is definite.

Most folk know we have some very conservative churches. In that case if the 'tryouts' are two known liberals and one conservative most likely the conservative will receive close to 100%. Shocked
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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1/24/18 11:55 am

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Post diakoneo
I remember the first time my dad was up for election...back when churches had a confidence vote every 2 years. Things were going really good at the time. It was his first church. We went from 13 (5 of that crowd was us) the first Sunday to the nineties and breaking attendance record of 150. My dad said he would go elsewhere if he did not receive a certain high percentage. I can't recall if it was 100% or not. To this day he will tell you it was a mistake. He did not receive the percentage. We moved and never reached quite reached that level of growth again.

There are always folks who for whatever reason are not completely satisfied. They will vote as if they can be. I suppose if it is between two or three people, 60% is not really that bad. Smile
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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1/24/18 12:20 pm

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Post 100 % is unrealistic brotherjames
We tell our pastors who are candidating for open churches to not take a church with less than 2/3 of the vote. In all fairness how would a new congregation be able to make an informed decision about a pastor they heard preach once ? Have to rely on tbe Spirit and assuming the search committe/ Deacon Board has prayed, researched and brought to the church the candiate they felt best qualified to lead them. You might still be able to take a church at 60 % if you feel strongly you are the one God has sent to that church. Acts-celerater
Posts: 935
1/24/18 1:18 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
Here’s how the woffies do it:

1. The vote is taken an candidate woffie gets 60% a the vote.

2. But to say he got 60% is a negative confession.

3. Candidate woffie treats the less than 100% as sin, and refuses to accept it.

4. Candidate woffie then calls those things that are not as though they are, ie, a 100% vote.

5. He then gets two other woffies to agree with him as touching anything under heaven, namely, that the vote was 100%.

6. He then declares/decrees it to be, stating that the power of life and death is in the tongue.

7. He then tells the church he got 100% a the vote and it’s God’s will that he be Pastor.

And he didn’t lie to the people, he simply applied woffie error and changed reality!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
1/24/18 2:25 pm

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Post Cojak
Off subject: I can remember concerning music back in the 1940-50's. A super singer would have a #1 hit,they wanted it to stay on top of course, BUT when it started slipping someone would allow Homer and Jethro to 'Kill' the song with a comedy version.

ON subject.... I hope this Post can hang around awhile to get more input. I do think BJ does have a point with this:

"In all fairness how would a new congregation be able to make an informed decision about a pastor they heard preach once ? "

I don't think any preacher should be 'discouraged' according to %, so many variables today. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
1/24/18 3:36 pm

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Post Da Sheik
I agree, there are so many variables that a 100% vote is very idealistic. My pastor also warned me, “beware of the first few members who are eager to get in your ear”. I think he was on to something with that one! Wink Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
1/24/18 4:05 pm

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Post I think I finally figured OTCP out brotherjames
he is a WOFFIE! Methinks he protests TOOOO much. BAHAHAHAHAH Acts-celerater
Posts: 935
1/24/18 4:28 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
Of the three churches I have been blessed to pastor, I have received a 100% vote to be their pastor. Never took another vote once elected, but I would imagine my approval rating in due course went down somewhat, like just about any leader’s approval rating does over time.

I never said in my heart that I would take 100% or nothing, but I would have serious misgivings with anything less than 90%. I might accept the church with less than that if and only if the congregation were in agrement that even if they didn’t vote for the candidate who won the highest percentage, they would wholeheartedly support whoever did win. I once knew a guy who took a church with barely 60% of the vote. It did not go well. I was not a member, just an attender at the time, but I remember saying to myself, “He’s either incredibly stupid or incredibly arrogant, maybe both.” He lasted less than a year. Of course, the congregation was not in unity all along, so it was definitely a recipe for disaster from the git go, as I saw it. It took them six months and nearly ten candidates before giving this brother a 60% vote. It was an AG.
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1/24/18 4:36 pm

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Post I am believing for 130% of the vote.... Aaron Scott
In such a case, I would almost certainly take the position. Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
1/24/18 4:47 pm

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Post I was voted in with 97% brotherjames
but we still had major issues over the first five years as everything changed and no one likes change (contrary to whatever anyone says).

In addition, I am mandated by the by-laws to take a vote of confidence every 2 years. Never had less than 95% positive but would like 100 Laughing Laughing
but we all know we can't please everyone. Just need to please the One who counts after all.
Posts: 935
1/24/18 5:56 pm

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Post 100% John V. Morgan
When I was asked by the State Administrative Bishop to leave the place I was serving as Pastor to come to my present assignment I determined I wouldn't even pray about it if the vote was less than 90%. The church voted 95% for me to come (after a brief interview, no preaching), I prayed, and 19 years ago made the move to my current pastorate in Jacksonville.

A couple of years ago, at my initiation to be certain the people were united and my time here wasn't over, the congregation affirmed my service here with a 100% vote for me to remain as Pastor of Restoration Church. So very thankful for unity! Can't imagine trying to serve as Pastor of a congregation without it.
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1/24/18 6:00 pm

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