YOU CAN GET BACK UP after failing God, or from dropping out because of discouragement. Your HEART FOR GOD, your life and voice are needed in the Lord's Harvest field of souls.
LIKE MANY OF US, Peter the Disciple of Jesus, was a struggler. In some way, everybody has failed the Lord. Peter BLEW THE DOORS OFF of failing. He put failing ON STEROIDS! Three times he denied that he even knew the Lord. He DENIED JESUS:
1. To a girl at the door to the courtyard (John 18:17).
2. To a servant girl by the courtyard fire (Matthew 26:69).
3. To a man by the fire in the courtyard (Luke 22:58
At first glance, not telling a few people about Jesus, may not seem like such a big deal. However, one wonders if either of those girls or the man in the courtyard, ever came to believe in the Lord.
Yet, after repentance when he "Wept bitterly" (Matthew 26:69-75) over what had happened, it was Peter who preached one of the most powerful sermons in the Bible. Approximately 50 days from when he FAILED SO MISERABLY, he stood up and PREACHED SO MASTERFULLY on The Day of Pentecost.
During the time between his failure and his sermon, he had repented AND had been "filled" with the Spirit. Acts 2:4 proclaims, "And THEY WERE ALL filled with the Holy Ghost..."
We don't hear much about being "Filled With The Spirit" these days from preachers. However, Apostle Paul's Ephesians 5:18 admonition, "Be not drunk with wine but BE FILLED with the Spirit" is still in God's Word for us all.
ASK GOD to fill you with His Spirit. The "New Living Translation" quotes Matthew 7:7, "Keep on asking and YOU WILL receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking and YOU WILL find. Keep on knocking and the door WILL BE opened to you."
Just as it did at Pentecost, it will take the empowerment of the Holy Spirit now. The world today is not a better place spiritually than it was then. The outpouring and filling of the Holy Spirit, followed their "Tarrying,"(Luke 24:49); meditating on the goodness of God, praying, repenting and making things right with God.
Possibly you GAVE UP on Ministry. If so, LISTEN UP. God is still "Calling" you to preach the Gospel. You are not alone in failure. Romans 3:23 says, "ALL HAVE SINNED and come short of the Glory of God," Just as it was when Peter preached, Hell is still WIDE OPEN for business and men and women are headed there.
You never have to walk into any group of people, including preachers, and feel like you are the only failure there. Everyone there has had to repent AND most of us, especially this writer, has also "Wept bitterly." The old-timers called it "Godly Sorrow."
WHEN WE FINALLY grasp how much our sinfulness breaks the heart of a loving God, repentance comes gushing out. When we realize the depth of God's love and sacrifice on our behalf, we want to come to him.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).
Hell is not getting better. It is getting BIGGER! Isaiah 5:14-16 proclaims, "Hell has ENLARGED HERSELF..." Lost souls are being swallowed up.
There is something else Apostle Peter did at Pentecost. He SPOKE UP (Acts 2:14). He said, "Listen to MY VOICE." One is also reminded of John 1:23 which proclaims, "I am THE VOICE of one calling in the wilderness..."
Also Isaiah 40:3, which John quoted, "A VOICE of one crying out. Prepare the way of the Lord in the wilderness..." Neither Isaiah, Peter nor John had a church, a salary, or a pulpit, but they lifted their VOICE.
When you STAND UP for God, you STAND OUT from the crowd. Not everybody is happy about that, especially the Devil. He wants your Ministry SHUT DOWN, your voice SHUT UP and the Gospel you would have preached SHUT OUT.
YOU FAILED God. We all have. Without His Grace and Mercy, ALL OF US, every one of us, would be screaming our way to Hell. This hell-bound world needs to hear YOUR VOICE sharing the love of God once again.
You got out of the ministry, KICKED out, KNOCKED out, or just WALKED out, but it is time to get back in. If it was something you did to deserve it, make it right with who you harmed and MAKE IT RIGHT WITH GOD.
I'm pulling for you, praying for you, hoping to see you STAND UP and SPEAK UP for Jesus once again.
"Lord Jesus, I pray for Your EMPOWERMENT in the life of my Brother or Sister who once proclaimed Your precious Name. Pour out Your Spirit upon them. Anoint them and OPEN doors of opportunity for them. This we ask in the WONDERFUL Name of Jesus. Amen."
Chaplain Doyle _________________ The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.
Last edited by doyle on 9/29/21 6:27 pm; edited 1 time in total |
Acts-celerate Owner Posts: 6957 9/26/21 3:31 am