The COG may already be teaching these things to our ministers, but if not, here are some ideas to ENHANCE evangelism.
Our organization could set up in-person seminars at the District and State levels about broadcasting on Facebook. How to do it, what to do, and what not to do. Or, have some of our ministers who have a quality program, make videos on how to it.
Also teach every minister who wants it, how to do quality YouTube presentations. Help them find good quality cameras and microphones at a good price. In the case of new churches, maybe use evangelism funds to help fund the camera and microphones.
For those starting new churches, possibly garner an Outreach Scholarship from COG donors who want to help support outreach. If they are starting a new church, they already have the desire. Show them how.
Teach our ministers how to communicate using new technology. The largest room in the world is the room for improvement, and I'm in constant need of improving.
IN ADDITION, help ministers learn how to use a tele-promter and HOW TO find or make a good one at a descent price. Show them that making eye contact with the viewers of their program is greatly enhanced by a camera shooting through the tele-promter. Show them which ones are good quality.
In other words, TO ENHANCE the outreach of our ministers, have an in-house resource for teaching them in the new outreach ideas using technology. Not only could it be a major advancement, it could be a lot of fun.
ALSO, have the COG Media Department help local churches design and use their own Internet APP. Help ministers, evangelists and pastors, learn how to BUILD their contact list and how to use the APP "PUSH" notification.
In other words, use some of our incredible tech minds like Shaun Wilson, Dave Dorsey and others, teach our ministers how to be effective in technology outreach. Provide it to them for FREE as an Evangelism outreach.
A bit more intense: Before any new minister is credentialed, ask them to participate in a basic use of technology to promote their ministry. Their success in ministry will be what the future of the organization is built upon.
If they opt out, it should not affect whether they are credentialed or not.
D _________________ The largest room in the world is the room for improvement. |
Acts-celerate Owner Posts: 6957 4/4/21 11:59 am