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Post One of the Chosen Carolyn Smith
In case you are not friends with me on Facebook, you probably have not heard that I was one of the chosen this week - one of the 191 people this week who were let go from their positions at my workplace. I have been a senior secretary at this hospital for the last 23 years. While we have been warned since January that a "workforce reduction" was coming, I really didn't think it would affect me. I was totally blindsided.

But even as I was being walked over to place where HR was, I was like, "Really God?" but it was quickly followed by, "OK, God, now what? I know you have a plan." I even told the HR employee that God gave me the job, and He was the only one who could remove me from there. I do have to say that the HR fellow was awesome and so kind (much nicer than the VP I've known 15 or so years.) I later found out the HR fellow was previously a pastor.

But as the breadwinner for my family, it was a pretty awful experience. I get that there are reasons for the way they process employees who are being terminated, but it's humiliating and seems mean not to let you say good bye to your fellow employees you've worked with for years.

My boss that was retiring in 3 weeks was let go and not even allowed to go back to her office! (I asked and was allowed to return and get my other bag and my sweater.) We have both since returned after hours to pack up our offices. And I'll get to say goodbye to some of my fellow workers on Monday when my sister has surgery.

However, I wound up being VERY blessed. I have been given a really good severance package that continues to pay me for several weeks, as well as a lump sum which will pay for COBRA for my husband and me for a while as well. This gives me the opportunity to think about what's next and ask God to open the right door and to give me wisdom to walk through the next door. I may even be able to go part time, depending on a few things.

It is, however, devastating to realize all of the people who have been such a part of my life for years will not be. It's a big change for me, and I am grieving what's happened...but at the same time, believing God has something better for me!

And the thing I am happiest about is that I am no longer stuck in the situation working with two women who will not speak to me. God had told me when it happened, it would happen quickly, but I didn't expect this!

Please keep my husband and me in your prayers. He is finally improving and he continues to recover. He is immunocompromised, so we have to be very careful with all that's going on, but he isn't going anywhere right now except to the doctor. Thanks in advance!

Oh, and by the way, I am teaching on "Overwhelmed" tomorrow in the book of Jonah (chapter 2).
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
3/14/20 11:54 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Praying for you and your husband, Carolyn.

I am so grateful for your witness. It is a joy to see your trust and confidence in the Lord in a situation that would cause many others to stumble.
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3/14/20 1:08 pm

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After your severance pay runs out, you should be able to collect un-employeement. Probably for a few months. How close are you to retirement age? A lot of things to consider. I don't know you personally so I don't know your age bracket. I know it is a sad time for you but you do have the Prince of Peace with you. God is faithful. Nothing catches Him by surprise. Friendly Face
Posts: 387
3/14/20 5:01 pm

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Post Cojak
As you have said, He Rules. And HE will dothe providing. Our prayers of course and also wishing you the best and a little break and rest as HE reveals next phase of your life.
Love from the Piedmont.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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3/15/20 12:48 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Praying for you and your husband, Carolyn.

I am so grateful for your witness. It is a joy to see your trust and confidence in the Lord in a situation that would cause many others to stumble.

Thank you. It is in times like these that you need faith and it is a time to live what I believe. At least, that's what I am trying to do.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
3/17/20 11:27 am

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Post Carolyn Smith
After your severance pay runs out, you should be able to collect un-employeement. Probably for a few months. How close are you to retirement age? A lot of things to consider. I don't know you personally so I don't know your age bracket. I know it is a sad time for you but you do have the Prince of Peace with you. God is faithful. Nothing catches Him by surprise.

We were told to go ahead and file for unemployment now. I'm not quite sure how that works, but I did. I really don't want to go back to work yet, but I have to apply for at least three jobs a week (which I haven't done yet). And how do I prove I applied for 3 jobs if it's all online? Will have to call tomorrow.

I am 61 & qualify to retire because our company guidelines are (one of the ways to qualify) is to be at least 55 and have been with the company at least 10 years. So I can retire, I just need to see if it's the smart thing to do, how much $ I would give up now vs later, that kinda thing. If I could retire and go part time somewhere with insurance, that would be really good. But we'll see what God has planned! Smile
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
3/18/20 6:59 pm

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Carolyn Smith wrote:
After your severance pay runs out, you should be able to collect un-employeement. Probably for a few months. How close are you to retirement age? A lot of things to consider. I don't know you personally so I don't know your age bracket. I know it is a sad time for you but you do have the Prince of Peace with you. God is faithful. Nothing catches Him by surprise.

We were told to go ahead and file for unemployment now. I'm not quite sure how that works, but I did. I really don't want to go back to work yet, but I have to apply for at least three jobs a week (which I haven't done yet). And how do I prove I applied for 3 jobs if it's all online? Will have to call tomorrow.

I am 61 & qualify to retire because our company guidelines are (one of the ways to qualify) is to be at least 55 and have been with the company at least 10 years. So I can retire, I just need to see if it's the smart thing to do, how much $ I would give up now vs later, that kinda thing. If I could retire and go part time somewhere with insurance, that would be really good. But we'll see what God has planned! Smile

Back in 1985 our company had a technological layoff. I forgot how many weeks of severance pay I got but was told then to not file for unemployeement till after the severance pay ran out BUT things change over the years. Mine was in NC too. That was before internet job on line appliications. I never lied but did not really pursue very hard another job either. They never checked on me and technically I don't see how they can. I had to go out 2 different days each week and I did. I know then that you did not have to accept a job that was way below your pay grade. They may not tell you that at the unemployeement office. Hope it works out for you. the insurance is a big deal as you are not old enough to file for Medicare. I wasn't either at the time but am now. LOL
Friendly Face
Posts: 387
3/18/20 7:47 pm

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