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An A/G goes LGBT crazy? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post An A/G goes LGBT crazy? Link

Starts around 40 minutes.

I read on an A/G forum that this is an A/G, though I did not see that on their website.

A/G is more congregational. In a lot of cases, the COG (Cleveland) could, I suppose, quickly remove a pastor and elder board doing this sort of thing.

Denominations could set up quick procedure to expel congregations from the denomination that tolerate those who endorse or encourage sexual immorality (such as performing gay weddings, etc. maybe even cracking down on some blatantly adultery-endorsing cases of performing second marriages, too, while they are at it.) They could do so based on witnesses. Bam, the congregation is out. At least that would prevent a take-over of a denomination as seems to be happening possibly, slowly, with the Methodists.

Paul told the Corinthians that there had to be some divisions among them that it might be evidence who had God's approval. Jesus rebuked a church for tolerating a woman who called herself a prophetess who taught the people to commit sexual immorality and to eat meat offered to idols.

Last edited by Link on 2/12/20 9:40 am; edited 1 time in total
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
2/11/20 10:04 pm

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Post Link
Assemblies of God North Texas on Facebook posted the following on its page:

"As many of you are aware, a certified minister at an AG church in Texas on Sunday, February 9, 2020 announced a departure from the official Assemblies of God position on human sexuality. The Assemblies of God has a well-established process to deal with such departures. Immediately upon first knowledge, the North Texas District initiated appropriate action required in dealing with both the minister and the church. When it comes to matters of marriage, sexual orientation, and gender identity, the Bible is clear. That is why the only acceptable position for Assemblies of God ministers and churches is clearly outlined in this statement:…/Position-Papers/Homosexuality-Marriage-and…"
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
2/11/20 11:16 pm

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Post Travis Johnson
I’m impressed with the clear response from North Texas AG. Acts-dicted
Posts: 7821
2/12/20 9:07 am

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Post UncleJD
Very sad day for the A/G, but its coming to all American church denominations. Its really sickening the way they wrap it all up with a nice strings and chords pad on the keyboard sounds very spiritual, just like an alter-call. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
2/12/20 11:30 am

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Post If you turn off the sound ... Mat
If you turn off the sound and watch the video, Eikon Church looks like one of 100s of thousand churches which have embraced a "contemporary" worship setting and style.

The church is near Austin, which is perhaps one of the most liberal areas of TX, and this helps (but does not fully) explain how it could be (have been) an AG in North Texas.

The pastor's style, looks, mannerisms and vocabulary is typical (carbon copy, or cloned) in the genre, but his message not the Gospel of Jesus Christ, no matter how well tailored for his target audience it is.

His statements about LBGTQs being fully involved in the life of the church, and his mannerisms, makes me think he is struggling with his own sexuality.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
2/12/20 11:55 am

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Post Da Sheik
I listened to this tripe as long as I could. It's comical that they had to really "wrestle" with this theologically for a whole year. The early church had to contend with the Judaizers. The last days church will have to contend with the Sodomites. We are only one election away from the LGBTQ community taking away the freedoms of conservative Christians.

And to add insult to injury, we have charlatans like this man masquerading as a minister of God.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
2/12/20 1:30 pm

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Post That pastor will be disfellowshipped brotherjames
And the church will disciplined and taken over by the District. Cannot remain in the AG by departing from our doctrine which is in the first few pages of every sovereign church's constitution. As this is a fairly new church, their bylaws have a reversion clause which indicates the property will remain with the AG to dispose of our remake a new church even if all the people agree with the lgbtq decision of their idiotic leadership team. This is the result of trying to be all things to all people and departing from the Gospel in the process. We are NOT a woke church even though it seems like we are trying to be. This should be a wake up call to some in our leadership who continue to depart from Pentecostal truth and Protestant orthodoxy for the sake of numbers. Let the Methodists do it. We must stand for the Truth, in love of course. LGBTQ people are welcome in our churches but they cannot participate fully if we know their predilection to homosexuality. We love them, Jesus died for them too. But as Paul says in 1 Cor 6:9-11 the homosexual cannot inherit the kingdom and as some of you were operative word WERE. Anyway, it will be dealt with quickly. I assure you. Acts-celerater
Posts: 935
2/12/20 5:52 pm

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Post Re: That pastor will be disfellowshipped Dean Steenburgh
brotherjames wrote:
And the church will disciplined and taken over by the District. Cannot remain in the AG by departing from our doctrine which is in the first few pages of every sovereign church's constitution. As this is a fairly new church, their bylaws have a reversion clause which indicates the property will remain with the AG to dispose of our remake a new church even if all the people agree with the lgbtq decision of their idiotic leadership team. This is the result of trying to be all things to all people and departing from the Gospel in the process. We are NOT a woke church even though it seems like we are trying to be. This should be a wake up call to some in our leadership who continue to depart from Pentecostal truth and Protestant orthodoxy for the sake of numbers. Let the Methodists do it. We must stand for the Truth, in love of course. LGBTQ people are welcome in our churches but they cannot participate fully if we know their predilection to homosexuality. We love them, Jesus died for them too. But as Paul says in 1 Cor 6:9-11 the homosexual cannot inherit the kingdom and as some of you were operative word WERE. Anyway, it will be dealt with quickly. I assure you.

Glad to hear this from you Pastor!
I continue to fellowship with a lot of A/G guys & I happen to know that they're all committed to seeing this thing is put down & that the congregation is not accepted as a normal A/G church.
This church does not reflect n the way the A/G's believe & teach.

"Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!"

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Church planters are focused on just one thing ...introducing people to Jesus!
What are you focused on?
Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4682
2/12/20 8:53 pm

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Post Re: That pastor will be disfellowshipped Link
brotherjames wrote:
And the church will disciplined and taken over by the District. Cannot remain in the AG by departing from our doctrine which is in the first few pages of every sovereign church's constitution. As this is a fairly new church, their bylaws have a reversion clause which indicates the property will remain with the AG to dispose of our remake a new church even if all the people agree with the lgbtq decision of their idiotic leadership team.

I didn't know that. Do you think the A/G will get saddled with lots of debt and a big empty building? I know of a smaller church in the 1980's that had some debt. The pastor got divorced and remarried, took much of the congregation to a store front, and the district was trying to fill that building that had the debt against it.

LGBTQ people are welcome in our churches but they cannot participate fully if we know their predilection to homosexuality. We love them, Jesus died for them too. But as Paul says in 1 Cor 6:9-11 the homosexual cannot inherit the kingdom and as some of you were operative word WERE. Anyway, it will be dealt with quickly. I assure you.

You are talking about those acting out homosexual urges or those who have a propensity to be tempted by them?

If they call themselves brothers but are living that way, why are they welcome to assemble?

If they just have the ability to be tempted in that area but aren't acting out and are walking in victory over sin, why couldn't they fully participate?
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
2/13/20 3:05 pm

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Post Update brotherjames
The church and pastor have left the AG and the district is helping those congregants who disagreed with the position of their church and pastor. Pretty sure the district will take the building according to our reversion policy but maybe not.
Posts: 935
2/19/20 9:14 am

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Post Re: Update UncleJD
[quote="brotherjames"]The church and pastor have left the AG and the district is helping those congregants who disagreed with the position of their church and pastor. Pretty sure the district will take the building according to our reversion policy but maybe not.[/quote

From the first post and watching the video, it is pretty obvious this "pastor" is a liar and that he is lying when he says that the board "wrestled" with this for over a year. If I was a betting man, I'd bet the house that this "wrestling" was a year long process of replacing all Bible believing Christians on the board with progressive gay activists who would rubber-stamp any agenda he and his "wife" wanted. The A/G needs to aggressively pursue legal action against him and I'd start with all former board members to get to the truth.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
2/19/20 9:57 am

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Post Re: Update Link
brotherjames wrote:
The church and pastor have left the AG and the district is helping those congregants who disagreed with the position of their church and pastor. Pretty sure the district will take the building according to our reversion policy but maybe not.[/quote

From the first post and watching the video, it is pretty obvious this "pastor" is a liar and that he is lying when he says that the board "wrestled" with this for over a year. If I was a betting man, I'd bet the house that this "wrestling" was a year long process of replacing all Bible believing Christians on the board with progressive gay activists who would rubber-stamp any agenda he and his "wife" wanted. The A/G needs to aggressively pursue legal action against him and I'd start with all former board members to get to the truth.
Just wondering why wife is in quotes.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
2/19/20 3:38 pm

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Post Re: Update UncleJD
UncleJD wrote:
brotherjames wrote:
The church and pastor have left the AG and the district is helping those congregants who disagreed with the position of their church and pastor. Pretty sure the district will take the building according to our reversion policy but maybe not.[/quote

From the first post and watching the video, it is pretty obvious this "pastor" is a liar and that he is lying when he says that the board "wrestled" with this for over a year. If I was a betting man, I'd bet the house that this "wrestling" was a year long process of replacing all Bible believing Christians on the board with progressive gay activists who would rubber-stamp any agenda he and his "wife" wanted. The A/G needs to aggressively pursue legal action against him and I'd start with all former board members to get to the truth.
Just wondering why wife is in quotes.

Just a personal hunch, I won't say but I can't be the only one who noticed something odd about them on stage.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
2/19/20 3:41 pm

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Post Patrick Harris
Don't read the comments on that article. My blood pressure went off the scale on some of them condoning and justifying what he was doing. Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1323
2/19/20 4:06 pm

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Post UncleJD
Patrick Harris wrote:
Don't read the comments on that article. My blood pressure went off the scale on some of them condoning and justifying what he was doing.

They all regurgitate the same old lies (Sodom wasn't destroyed for Sodomy, etc..) They only know how to repeat their Father.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
2/19/20 4:23 pm

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