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In your view, what's a reasonable timeframe for collegiate grading? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post In your view, what's a reasonable timeframe for collegiate grading? Dave Dorsey
Hoping to receive some answers from teachers too.

I'm doing undergrad work in Computer Science right now, and for the most part, I have no complaints. My professors to this point (70+ credits in) have been mostly adjuncts, but have been professional folks who grade within 3-4 days. In my opinion, such punctual grading is especially necessary given that the classes I am taking are 8 week classes rather than 15. It is essential to receive feedback before additional assignments are due, and the due dates come at you fast.

I have another friend doing undergrad work elsewhere, and boy howdy. He will routinely wait weeks for feedback from his professors and find himself in a position where he has to turn in assignments that have built on the last one without having received any feedback for it. And it's even worse for him, because his workload is higher than mine (he's doing a lib arts program, so lots of reading and writing) and his courses are 7 weeks rather than 8. I try to hold my tongue when I listen to him vent, but I find that so incredibly unprofessional. In my opinion, though the quality of his curriculum seems reasonably high, the fact that he has experienced these delays across so many classes (he has about the same number of credits I do) reflects very poorly on the institution he's attending.

What do you think? Are we both off our rockers?
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Posts: 13654
3/28/19 7:34 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
I teach Math as an adjunct now - those grades are easily done before the next class - if not already computer graded instantly.

But at one time I taught programming classes. In a class of 20 - those are difficult to complete as an adjunct who is probably working about 45-50 hours in their daytime job. But in so short of time of term (7-8 weeks) - the grades must be done within a week. I often gave the lecture and then reviewed their "test project" with each student (and graded it at the same time) after the lecture of the next class. I stayed until all of them were complete - often until 10:30 or 11:00 p.m...and most students stayed with me until theirs was completed

Your syllabus should state when you can expect to have grades completed.

If not, simply asking the dean what turnaround time you can expect often will alleviate the problem - or that adjunct may not be around next time...and it gives you the avenue to appeal the grade, at the very least.
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3/28/19 8:13 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
But at one time I taught programming classes. In a class of 20 - those are difficult to complete as an adjunct who is probably working about 45-50 hours in their daytime job. But in so short of time of term (7-8 weeks) - the grades must be done within a week.

Yeah, I definitely empathize with an adjunct who has a heavy grading workload after working full time, but at the same time, they took this job and have an obligation to do it professionally IMO.

I also had an adjunct, for one of my programming classes, who was an SES (high ranking government civilian) at a major national agency. That dude would grade work within an hour or so if you turned it in outside business hours, and within half a day otherwise. That guy was amazing.
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Posts: 13654
3/28/19 8:21 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Dave every adjunct knows it is their responsibility. If they bite off more than they can chew - it is on them.

You have a dean at your disposal that will correct problems like that with a phone call. They will be upset that you didn't let them know of the current student experience.
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Acts-pert Poster
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3/28/19 8:52 am

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