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Post Dallas Church of God sadlytrue77
I enjoy watching Dallas online. It reminds of me of Swaggart's service but has a Church of God flavor. Does anyone know how many attend there now?
Hate to say it, but its true

New Orleans Bred, Mississippi Led, Hopefully Arizona will be home before I'm dead.

Last edited by sadlytrue77 on 11/9/21 7:19 am; edited 1 time in total
Friendly Face
Posts: 113
10/20/19 2:59 pm

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Post Cojak
Dallas is a refuge to COG members who feel that other churches in their denomination have caved to the world. It is a needed nitch, and it is filled. Most C'sOG in Gaston County have lost members to Dallas. Some are my best friends from childhood and good folk.

If folks have left, they are probably less 'conservative' than the core of Dallas. We have a couple churches that are STRONG in members who feel that the rest of us are becoming too worldly. Bless them, they are, on a 'whole,' good and dedicated Christians. God bless them all. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
10/20/19 7:58 pm

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Post sadlytrue77
Is the other Dallas church not Conservative?
Hate to say it, but its true

New Orleans Bred, Mississippi Led, Hopefully Arizona will be home before I'm dead.
Friendly Face
Posts: 113
10/20/19 11:00 pm

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Post One of my missed opportunities... Aaron Scott
I was at the 1990 Western North Carolina Campmeeting. It was Sunday morning. I decided to go to Paw Creek/Joseph Chambers, since we received his newsletter and were of a more conservative cast than many other Church of God members.

But on that particular Sunday morning, it was as dry as powder. I think it was because Bro. Chambers felt such angst over the worldliness (as he deemed it) that he had witnessed at campmeeting. To ME, however, having come from the Florida Campmeeting just days prior, I felt like I had stepped into a TIME MACHINE that took me back 10-15 years--back to when the Florida Camp Meeting was TRULY "the granddaddy of them all"! They dressed like the folks did "back in the day," as far as I was concerned. I saw very little jewelry, etc.

(In fact, Dennis McGuire, the state overseer at that time, made a comment that caused me to think that there were people criticizing his daughter for, apparently, not being as conservative as they liked. I need not tell you that Dennis McGuire is as OLD SCHOOL Church of God as they come, and he said something like "give my kids time!" He deserved better than that. In any case, he put on one of the most memorable campmeetings I had ever been to, and for that I am deeply thankful.)

The singing, the preaching, the response--all of it--was like it had once been in Florida (and, to my knowledge, it was not until THIS years--2019--that I heard reports that the Florida Camp Meeting was, once again, as good as it ever had been).

In any case, Paw Creek Church of God didn't have it going on the Sunday morning (I have no doubt that that was an "off" service, but it was, nevertheless, the only opportunity I had to be with them). I wish I had gone to the Dallas Church of God. They had sang one night and, oh, how the glory came down! But, nope, stupid me, I had to "support" the conservative faction (which, at that time, was headed by Paw Creek--but today is headed by Dallas).

My wife is DECIDEDLY not conservative, and yet, if I lived in that area, I would almost certainly be at Dallas Church of God (or Central). I know they are different types of church, but from what I have seen online, I'd enjoy them both.

If conservative church will let "liberals" attend without making them feel looked down upon...and if "liberal" churches will allow conservatives to attend without making them feel out of place, oh, what joy we could have in the Holy Ghost!
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
10/21/19 5:18 am

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Post Re: One of my missed opportunities... Cojak
Aaron Scott wrote:

If conservative church will let "liberals" attend without making them feel looked down upon...and if "liberal" churches will allow conservatives to attend without making them feel out of place, oh, what joy we could have in the Holy Ghost!

This is absolutely the answer, as far as I am concerned. That statement is SPOT ON! Cool Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
10/21/19 9:01 pm

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Agreed with Aaron Scott & Cojak on the conservative/liberal tolerance thing. Went to a church and carried our worship team/band.
We checked our decibels during the service and they were no higher from our band than when their choir sings yet we were scolded for being too loud. It's a mind set thing I think. No we didn't sing I'll fly away, but people were ministered to mightily during the service. But some just thought it was terrible.
Posts: 714
10/22/19 2:51 pm

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Post Cojak
sadlytrue77 wrote:
Is the other Dallas church not Conservative?

They are Christian and middle of the road as far as COG is concerned.

Funny thing about that church. The structure is very close in it's architecture as a Baptist church a few blocks closer to Gastonia. Once a friend of mine, an overseer, was going to be a guest preacher there and mistakenly stopped at the Baptist church. During Sunday School the Overseer's wife asked where the Pastors wife was. The lady said, "I am the pastors wife!" She was first to realize they were in the wrong church. The class got a good laugh and red faced she found her husband and they headed to the Dallas COG up the road.

So they are not Baptist, but good COG people at the 'other' Dallas church. Wink

PS: Both churches are in a sort of a forks of the road, one to the left one to the right!
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
10/22/19 8:26 pm

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Post Dallas COG is doing well! COGLayman
I recently visited the Dallas COG while passing through the Charlotte area. What a wonderful service. Pastor Shortridge and his wife Karen are a very talented couple and have done a great job in leading this church since the mid 70s. The facility is very nice with lots of parking. There were somewhere between 200 and 300 there. It reminds of the COG that I grew up in and loved very much. If I lived anywhere near there that is where I would attend church at. Friendly Face
Posts: 256
10/22/19 10:24 pm

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