I believe the calling to lead as a Bishop, elder, pastor is a limited calling. When you look at 1Timothy 3 you will notice further, verse 1 says, if a man desires the office of overseer, he desires a good work. It is limited to men. The use of the Greek tis, t‑ i‑s in English in the masculine form indicates that men are in reference here. It means any man but it is masculine...if any man desires. It must also be noted, wherein Paul said, "Let the women learn in silence with all subjection and I do not permit a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man but be in silence, for Adam was first formed, then Eve, and Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression."
In other words, he's already said that the leadership of the church does not belong with the women, they are to learn and they are to be under authority. Let the women learn says their equal and spiritual privilege, capacity, blessing, promise. The fact that they are not to teach means they're not equal in role when it comes to the church. Sure they can teach children, they can teach other women, they can present the gospel to people that don't know Christ, they can give counsel to friends within the family of God but when it comes to the one who stands up to preach and teach in the church, that is not a role for woman. When it comes to the matter of leadership, they are to be submissive. So we know then that it is a limited calling.
It's amazing to me how few understand that seemingly today. And what a tremendous and exhilarating steam‑rolling movement there is for the ordination of women to the pastorate. It's happening very rapidly, in spite of what the Word of God has to say, because people are more concerned with social intimidation then they are with obedience to the Word of God. We know from verse 15 where the balance comes, remember that. That a woman has her impact on society not by being a leader in the church but by raising up a holy seed, right? By child bearing. If her life is one of faith and love and holiness and her priorities are right and she commits herself if God gives her children to those children to raise them in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord to bring about a godly generation...that's how she influences the world. The man has the outward overt leadership, she has the influence. But it is a limited calling.
You will notice further, verse 1 says, if a man desires the office of overseer, he desires a good work. It is limited to men. The use of the Greek tis, t‑ i‑s in English in the masculine form indicates that men are in reference here. It means any man but it is masculine...if any man desires. It must also be noted, please, that we have just covered verses 11 to 15, wherein Paul said, "Let the women learn in silence with all subjection and I do not permit a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man but be in silence, for Adam was first formed, then Eve, and Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression."
In other words, he's already said that the leadership of the church does not belong with the women, they are to learn and they are to be under authority. Let the women learn says their equal and spiritual privilege, capacity, blessing, promise. The fact that they are not to teach means they're not equal in role when it comes to the church. Sure they can teach children, they can teach other women, they can present the gospel to people that don't know Christ, they can give counsel to friends within the family of God but when it comes to the one who stands up to preach and teach in the church, that is not a role for woman. When it comes to the matter of leadership, they are to be submissive. So we know then that it is a limited calling.
It's amazing to me how few understand that seemingly today. And what a tremendous and exhilarating steam‑rolling movement there is for the ordination of women to the pastorate. It's happening very rapidly, in spite of what the Word of God has to say, because people are more concerned with social intimidation then they are with obedience to the Word of God. We know from verse 15 where the balance comes, remember that. That a woman has her impact on society not by being a leader in the church but by raising up a holy seed, right? By child bearing. If her life is one of faith and love and holiness and her priorities are right and she commits herself if God gives her children to those children to raise them in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord to bring about a godly generation...that's how she influences the world. The man has the outward overt leadership, she has the influence. But it is a limited
The limitations on this calling to men are also fortified by verses 2 through 6. And in verses 2 through 6 there is a listing of all kinds of descriptive qualifications, they're adjectives. Every one of them in verse 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are in the masculine form. The intent of that is obviously that these all refer to men, to the masculine gender. The point that's already been made in verses 11 to 15 is then reinforced in the masculine form of all the adjectives from verse 2 through 6. Furthermore, it would be impossible for a woman to be a one‑woman man as indicated in verse 2. And a woman does not rule the house in verses 4 and 5, it is said that this man must be one who rules his house well. So it's obvious then that this is a limited calling.
And in verses 2 through 6 there is a listing of all kinds of descriptive qualifications, they're adjectives. Every one of them in verse 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are in the masculine form. The intent of that is obviously that these all refer to men, to the masculine gender. The point that's already been made in verses 11 to 15 is then reinforced in the masculine form of all the adjectives from verse 2 through 6. Furthermore, it would be impossible for a woman to be a one‑woman man as indicated in verse 2. |
Member Posts: 38 12/27/19 7:37 pm