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Yes, Jesus went to hell.
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Post Yes, Jesus went to hell. Aaron Scott
If I understand right, some seem to think this is not true. Is the right? Or am I misunderstanding what some seem to be claiming. Because the fact that Jesus went to hell is CLEARLY BIBLICAL. Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
12/13/15 7:53 pm

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Post And to which hell did He go? Mark Ledbetter
Hades/Sheol, the "land of the departed"; or Ghenna, the land of fire?

Tradition suggests He went into the fires of hell, preached the gospel, and then took the keys of death and hell from Satan.

Is that really the way it happened?
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12/13/15 10:03 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
Is Satan in hell? Acts-pert Poster
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12/13/15 10:24 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
Depends on what you mean by Hell. He certainly never was thrown into the Lake of Fire, nor was He ever under the domination of the Devil. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
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12/13/15 10:41 pm

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Post It was hades Aaron Scott
No, Jesus did not go to the Lake of Fire. That is a different place than hell, and, in fact, hell will be thrown into the Lake of Fire.

And certainly Jesus was not under the dominion of Satan, though He gave Himself to the hands of those who crucified Him at the devil's urging (all part of the plan).

But why is there even any doubt at all about Jesus going to hell/hades? I mean, it's RIGHT THERE in the Bible.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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12/14/15 5:52 am

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Post JLarry
If I understand the Scripture correctley, He went to the same place Lazarus went to.
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12/14/15 9:05 am

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Post Jlarry... Aaron Scott
We know that He went to paradise (the thief on the cross proves that).

But the Bible also uses the word "hades" for the hell that Jesus went I don't know if that's two different places or one. Because we do tend to think of "hades" as the "bad place" which sure doesn't sound like "paradise."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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12/14/15 10:46 am

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Post Re: Yes, Jesus went to hell. Old Time Country Preacher
Aaron Scott wrote:
If I understand right, some seem to think this is not true. Is the right? Or am I misunderstanding what some seem to be claiming. Because the fact that Jesus went to hell is CLEARLY BIBLICAL.

Jesus DID NOT go to hell to be buffeted by the devil, become a sinner, be tormented for our sins, then become saved himself. Its called the JDS teaching, i.e., Jesus Died Spiritually. This is hailed by woffie advocates as what happened durin the three days his body lay in the tomb. It is biblically faulty, theologically incorrect, an in the main error.
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12/14/15 3:54 pm

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Post, you're saying... Aaron Scott
that YES, you believe that Jesus went to hell...but that, apparently, hell was remodeled into some sort of upscale hotel room during His time there? Hey, I'm thinking many folks wouldn't mind visiting hell if that's the case.

Now, to be fair, I haven't given a whole lot of thought to this "Jesus went to hell" stuff until I found absolute proof of it in the scripture. I didn't know if He went or didn't...I just knew He went to paradise, that apparently a lot of folks were there, and He freed them.

But consider that if you went to heaven, you'd be forgiven for thinking you were going to receive "heavenly" treatment, right? And if you went to hell, you'd be forgiven for thinking that you are going to be in for a hellish time, right?

So, if Jesus went to hell, what do you imagine happened there? Jesus allowed the devil's minions to CRUCIFY HIM! To beat Him mercilessly, to torture Him, etc. So, are you saying that Jesus allowed the devil's MINIONS to do that, but the devil was utterly helpless in some way?

Again, I have NEVER pictured in my mind that Jesus was somehow "burning in hell." But when you think about do have to wonder what's the point of going to hell otherwise? I mean, Satan's not locked in hell, is He? So why go there? And, again, when you think about it, why do we think that Jesus was beaten to a pulp on earth, but that there was not also some sort of spiritual agony as well?

I am NOT proposing this. But I cannot think of a good reason to think that, DURING THIS VERY SPECIFIC TIME WHEN JESUS GAVE HIMSELF FOR US, that He did not pretty much allow anything the devil could throw at Him.

Your thoughts, OTCP? (And I'm serious. I'm not trying to play "gotcha," etc. It's just the first time I've really given this any length of thought.)
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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12/14/15 4:22 pm

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Post Re: It was hades Quiet Wyatt
Aaron Scott wrote:
No, Jesus did not go to the Lake of Fire. That is a different place than hell, and, in fact, hell will be thrown into the Lake of Fire.

And certainly Jesus was not under the dominion of Satan, though He gave Himself to the hands of those who crucified Him at the devil's urging (all part of the plan).

But why is there even any doubt at all about Jesus going to hell/hades? I mean, it's RIGHT THERE in the Bible.

I mentioned the Lake of Fire because that is what many people think of when they think of Hell.

I think saying He went to Paradise, which was a compartment of Hades is the best explanation I've heard.
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12/14/15 8:00 pm

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Post philunderwood
If Jesus did not die spiritually, what was the purpose of the Cross? Was physical death enough? It would seem, since we are spiritual beings, with spiritual rebirth as our hope of regeneration, and an eternal spiritual destiny to inherit, then the spiritual nature of Jesus' death would be most important. Was the Father's forsaking Jesus not the rending of fellowship and relationship that would be restored (and create new birth) in the work toward and including resurrection?
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12/14/15 8:36 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
Jesus' physical body could and did die, but not His S/spirit. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
12/14/15 9:05 pm

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Post philunderwood
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
Jesus' physical body could and did die, but not His S/spirit.

Why not? What was the whole "forsaken" torment about?
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12/14/15 9:13 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
How can the Spirit of the living GOD die?

Reading the entire Psalm that Jesus quoted from as well as knowing the steadfast faithfulness of the Father, who was WELL PLEASED with His Son's obedience unto death (see Phil 2) it is clear that the Father never truly forsook the Son. Jesus was quoting from this Messianic Psalm as an expression of the suffering He was enduring, and to testify of His messiahship.
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12/14/15 11:02 pm

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Post philunderwood
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
How can the Spirit of the living GOD die?

Reading the entire Psalm that Jesus quoted from as well as knowing the steadfast faithfulness of the Father, who was WELL PLEASED with His Son's obedience unto death (see Phil 2) it is clear that the Father never truly forsook the Son. Jesus was quoting from this Messianic Psalm as an expression of the suffering He was enduring, and to testify of His messiahship.

So, it was just an emotional faux pas? In this instance the Bible is just making an emotional point, not giving us literal truth? God, on the Cross, spoke to God in heaven out of an emotional distress in order to fulfill a Scripture that popped into His mind? In the whole redemption scenario what, then, did Jesus give up to redeem us? I need to understand how physical death could redeem a spirit in the great exchange. I also need to understand why the whole quoting Scripture scenario to fulfill a prophecy is more important than the Scripture being true.
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12/14/15 11:39 pm

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Post I would not say it was just an emotional faux pas, no. Quiet Wyatt
If you just assume that your understanding of this verse must be true regardless of the original context of the Psalm contradicting your interpretation, and if you just assume your understanding of the verse must be true regardless of the revealed truth of God's faithfulness to his BELOVED Son, who ALWAYS pleased the Father, especially in His obedience unto death (Phil 2), and if the integrity of the triune Godhead means nothing to you, then I suppose there's not a lot anyone can tell you that would make a difference to you.

Last edited by Quiet Wyatt on 12/15/15 12:14 am; edited 1 time in total
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12/15/15 12:08 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
The Bible everywhere affirms that it was His suffering unto death, His LIFE poured out in death for us, that was the price of redemption. The idea that He had to pay the penalty in Hell under the domination of Satan is entirely originated in the fanciful imagination of E.W. Kenyon. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
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12/15/15 12:11 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt, but you will agree, won't you...? Aaron Scott
That a good case can be made for Jesus' death. It might not be conclusive, it might not be persuasive to you, but there is indeed some scriptural reason for believing such things?

To acknowledge this is not to say that it is right, but rather to simply agree that, yes, those who have this belief did not snatch it out of thin air.

It does make sense, does it not, that if Jesus became sin, then part of the consequences of such a case would be spiritual death, right?

(There is the further question of whether Jesus had BOTH a human spirit and a divine one. Why? Because the claim would that for Him to be fully human, as most believe, He would have to have a human body, soul, and spirit. But if that is all of Him, what part if divine? So some posit that there was also a divine spirit.)

My point is not to claim that Jesus went to hell and suffered, etc. The point is that this is a belief that is mocked, yet there is indeed some basis for seeing it in scripture and understanding it that way.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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12/15/15 5:53 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
No, Aaron, it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, either logically or biblically, and there is no good case for it at all. Kenyon DID in fact snatch the idea that Jesus Died Spiritually out of thin air, from the Prince of the Power of the air in fact. A more blasphemous doctrine can hardly be conceived of. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
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12/15/15 8:12 am

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Post E.W. Kenyon, the grandfather of the WOF movement, Mark Ledbetter
wrote in his book What Happened: From the Cross to the Throne, that Jesus was a mortal man until the Spirit came upon Him at His baptism; and that the Spirit left Jesus on the cross.

Clearly gnostic.

I refer to Kenyon as the grandfather because of his influence upon the "father" or the WOF, Hagin.

Hagin was accused of plagiarizing some of Kenyon's works.
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12/15/15 10:18 am

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