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Which is more cutting edge, cool, relevant and missional?
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Post Which is more cutting edge, cool, relevant and missional? Old Time Country Preacher
In another post Cojak mentioned a plexiglass podium. This got the ole timer to thinkin (which as you boys know, can sometimes be controversial) bout which model/method/style/paradigm/etc of preaching/teaching is the most effective.

In your opinion, which of the following model/methods/styles/paradigms/etc is the most cutting edge, cool, relevant and missional way to present the gospel and communicate truth to a 21st audience:

1. Little round table with a bottle of water settin on it, an a stool fer the speaker to set on.

2. A plexiglass podium to stand behind.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
1/27/16 12:51 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
To be really cutting edge today, you gotta have one of these:
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
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1/27/16 1:32 am

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Post Cojak
I must say one of the most missional services I have been in was a 4SQ church in Salt lake City. With young eager folks sitting around a young pastor who was sitting on a stool at a small round podium or table and giving a discourse on Salvation. One of the best I have encountered, considering the location, and the audience background. I sat spell bound as these folk were eager to LEARN. This pastor may not have turned any old LDS folk's heads, but he was turning heads and I think lives as he TAUGHT. I sat thinking, this is something like Jesus did. It had never impacted me before how important it was to GET THE POINT across without the normal PREACHING I was used to.

It is important for the audience to UNDERSTAND. Cool

I think he had a cup of coffee, but I never saw him taste it after the first few minutes. Imma thinking it got cold. Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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1/27/16 1:35 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
OTCP - this ranting on missional congregations doesn't make sense.

The world has changed since I grew up.
There are now numerous folks that have no idea about a basic knowledge of Christianity. When I grew up - even the sinners understood about "sin" and such.
Now - there is a huge vacuum.
These newer congregations are simply filling that vacuum in a new way.
One isn't better or worse than another.
Get a grip.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
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1/27/16 8:39 am

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Post my opinion on being relevant wayne
You don't need a fancy podium. What you need is: a desk next to a co-worker, a check out counter at a store, a street corner where people gather, a class room in the local high school, a coffee house where college kids gather, a break room, a fence in a back yard, the internet, facebook, twitter, a fishing lake with your kids/grandkids, text messaging, the local hang out.....................

Since pastoring I have had a couple podiums to preach from. I am a COG preacher and have learned the podium is merely something to put your notes on. What matters most is the conversation and the interaction that is taking place.......those are the relevant and cool sermons.
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1/27/16 8:59 am

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Post Eddie Robbins
I think the problem comes when one is attempting to be cool and they're not cool. If people would just be themselves, it comes across so much better.

People like Kevin Wallace and Travis Johnson are just real and being themselves. They don't have to take measures to be "relevant." They have different styles but it is who they are. Just be real.
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1/27/16 9:05 am

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Post Cojak
Eddie Robbins wrote:
I think the problem comes when one is attempting to be cool and they're not cool. If people would just be themselves, it comes across so much better.

People like Kevin Wallace and Travis Johnson are just real and being themselves. They don't have to take measures to be "relevant." They have different styles but it is who they are. Just be real.
Thumb Up right on Eddie! (Travis is cool!) Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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1/27/16 9:21 am

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Post clevelandgrad
Eddie Robbins wrote:
I think the problem comes when one is attempting to be cool and they're not cool. If people would just be themselves, it comes across so much better.

People like Kevin Wallace and Travis Johnson are just real and being themselves. They don't have to take measures to be "relevant." They have different styles but it is who they are. Just be real.

Mr Robbins,
Would Kevin Wallace or Travis Johnson make a great next GO?

Last edited by clevelandgrad on 1/27/16 10:11 am; edited 1 time in total
Hey, DOC
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1/27/16 9:38 am

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Post bonnie knox
Thirty years ago, the plexiglass podium was cutting edge.
My verdict:
plexiglass podium is passe
stool is cool

I have no idea what would be cutting edge. I live in world which constantly astounds me with what is considered the newest popular thing. What's old is new, and maybe old fashioned heavy wood pulpits will come back around.
Maybe the next cutting edge thing will be drones. They can deliver a bottle of water (or beer, lol) to the speaker, take up offerings, pass out study notes--maybe even deliver the communion elements.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
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1/27/16 10:09 am

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Post philunderwood
I wish you'd quit using the word missional when being negative. Obviously there is no understanding attached to the word when one lumps it in with a sarcastic tone.
As an individual that has been in the center of the missional movement for the last six years I would invite you to read some of the basic missional movement works before jumping to conclusions.

Start Here:
The Forgotten Ways - Hirsch
Creating a Missional Culture - Woodward
Surprise the World - Frost
The Road to Missional - Frost
The Shaping of Things to Come - Frost/Hirsch

Thanks...all the best.
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1/27/16 10:49 am

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Post c6thplayer1
I think the buzz should be " Matched Impedance". In the electrical world devices with matched impedance's transfer power more efficiently.

If these guys impedance's were matched equally with their recipients the total power received would be much better thus having greater results.

They all should focus on this and the transmission path to the recipients. We must have this and all current devices , including powerful amplifiers , flashing lights , smoke machines , coffee , donuts , pork shoulders for sale , big 4k TV's , more offerings , and raffles for those who wish to win a prize for bringing a visitor that will never return.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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1/27/16 10:55 am

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Post bonnie knox
C6th, ya might be on ta somethin there, but it might be hard to git a group of recipients what matches the impudence of Old Time Country Preacher. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
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1/27/16 11:25 am

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
bonnie knox wrote:
it might be hard to git a group of recipients what matches the impudence of Old Time Country Preacher.

Not at all, Miss Bonnie. Here is perfect OTCP Matched Impedance:

Watch especially the 5-minute guitar solo beginning at 4:50.
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1/27/16 1:21 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
philunderwood wrote:
I wish you'd quit using the word missional when being negative. Obviously there is no understanding attached to the word when one lumps it in with a sarcastic tone.

Phil, here is where you misunderstand. The ole timer IS NOT being negative. Nor is there a sarcastic tone.

One thing I do smile about when I hear the word missional (a word I readily use myself) is that when the term began to be used in reference to a "movement," so many jumped on it as though it was a new concept, a new discovery, a revelation no previous generation had been given. Now that is funny.

Why? For the church, there has always been a mission. The mission has never changed. There is nothing new or cutting edge about it. Adding the two letters "al" to the end of mission didn't create some new paradigm.
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1/27/16 1:28 pm

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Post diakoneo
bonnie knox said:

maybe old fashioned heavy wood pulpits will come back around.

Wow, then I will be cutting edge
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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1/27/16 1:31 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
diakoneo wrote:
bonnie knox said:

maybe old fashioned heavy wood pulpits will come back around.

Wow, then I will be cutting edge

You already cutting edge, D.
Don't let em fellers in em skimpy skinny jeans tell ya no different. Cool
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1/27/16 1:35 pm

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Post Brandon Bohannon
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
bonnie knox wrote:
it might be hard to git a group of recipients what matches the impudence of Old Time Country Preacher.

Not at all, Miss Bonnie. Here is perfect OTCP Matched Impedance:

Watch especially the 5-minute guitar solo beginning at 4:50.

You boys listen to Pink Floyd in Pikeville?

Dude, I owe you an apology for judging you... I had you pegged as a Conway and Dolly fan! Very Happy
Proverbs 3:5-6; John 13:34-35; Acts 1:8
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1/27/16 1:35 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
Brandon Bohannon wrote:
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
bonnie knox wrote:
it might be hard to git a group of recipients what matches the impudence of Old Time Country Preacher.

Not at all, Miss Bonnie. Here is perfect OTCP Matched Impedance:

Watch especially the 5-minute guitar solo beginning at 4:50.

You boys listen to Pink Floyd in Pikeville?

Dude, I owe you an apology for judging you... I had you pegged as a Conway and Dolly fan! Very Happy

Nope, OTCP aint got a country music bone in his body, Brandon. Especially that old country like Conway, Loretta, Dolly, Porter an gang.
Acts-pert Poster
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1/27/16 1:40 pm

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Post philunderwood
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:

One thing I do smile about when I hear the word missional (a word I readily use myself) is that when the term began to be used in reference to a "movement," so many jumped on it as though it was a new concept, a new discovery, a revelation no previous generation had been given. Now that is funny.

But, IF you read the voices of this "movement" you ALWAYS hear them say it is a RETURN, a re-engagement with the original call and NEVER a "new" move of the Spirit. Hence, the seminal book that spawned a lot of the 'talk' which is entitled THE FORGOTTEN WAYS.

Further, one of the great ideas of this communication is... "The Church does not have a mission, but The Mission has a church."
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1/27/16 2:38 pm

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Post Cojak
OTCP aint got a country music bone in his body, Brandon. Especially that old country like Conway, Loretta, Dolly, Porter an gang.[/quote]

YOu might make it to Gen SEc/TReas But you will NEVER BE GO! Twisted Evil

You must be from California or New York City! I'm aghast! Shocked
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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1/27/16 2:51 pm

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