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satan has taken the bibles out of the church nowadays Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post satan has taken the bibles out of the church nowadays Bound For Beaulah
i mean to tel you GOd aint playing anymor
the modern cog and others are removing the bibles out of the churches and puttin up on these TV monitors
i brougt my BIBLE to ones of these modern uptown cog and the pastors wife came to me and said they have the bible on the screen now and i dont have to open it WHAT??? I TOLD her to listen here and im going to open my bible anyhow and you can hide hers if she wants to
she looked at me funny and walked away
sad sad sad these pitiful churches removing the Bibles
my cousin told me to be quiet but im shouting anyhow

Friendly Face
Posts: 183
1/9/18 12:21 pm

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Post Cojak
There is a reason for this BfB, some folk today don't know where Acts is in the REAL bible and the pastor has to wait too long for them to find it. Lots of folks don't know if it is the Back Bible or the Front Bible!

Just sayin'. Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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1/9/18 2:13 pm

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Post Re: satan has taken the bibles out of the church nowadays bradfreeman
Bound For Beaulah wrote:

i mean to tel you GOd aint playing anymor

When was God playing and when did He stop? Laughing
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1/10/18 7:29 am

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Post Re: satan has taken the bibles out of the church nowadays bonnie knox
bradfreeman wrote:
Bound For Beaulah wrote:

i mean to tel you GOd aint playing anymor

When was God playing and when did He stop? Laughing

"And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:"

[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 14803
1/10/18 10:09 am

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Post Re: satan has taken the bibles out of the church nowadays Old Time Country Preacher
Bound For Beaulah wrote:
i brougt my BIBLE to ones of these modern uptown cog and the pastors wife came to me and said they have the bible on the screen now and i dont have to open it WHAT???

Ats cause you was carryin the 1611 King James Version, Beulah. Girl, you gotta git outta the 1600's an git ya a version folk can understand.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
1/10/18 10:50 am

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Post Re: satan has taken the bibles out of the church nowadays bradfreeman
bonnie knox wrote:
bradfreeman wrote:
Bound For Beaulah wrote:

i mean to tel you GOd aint playing anymor

When was God playing and when did He stop? Laughing

"And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:"


Ahhhh...He stopped winking 2,000 years ago!
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1/10/18 11:13 am

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Post No Joke Ernie Long
My wife and I always take our Bibles to church, when the pastor told the congregation what his scriptures were, my wife and I started turning to those scriptures. My wife had a lady sitting behind her and the lady tap my wife on her shoulder and told her that she didn't need her Bible, because the words would be on the screen and she could read them from there.

This is one of the reasons we have Biblical illiterate christians in the church.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1050
1/11/18 12:30 pm

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Post Re: No Joke Link
Ernie Long wrote:
My wife and I always take our Bibles to church, when the pastor told the congregation what his scriptures were, my wife and I started turning to those scriptures. My wife had a lady sitting behind her and the lady tap my wife on her shoulder and told her that she didn't need her Bible, because the words would be on the screen and she could read them from there.

This is one of the reasons we have Biblical illiterate christians in the church.

Your wife's name wouldn't happen to be Beaulah would it?
Acts-perienced Poster
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1/14/18 11:11 am

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Post Re: No Joke Ernie Long
No Link, it isn't. I have a deceased aunt whose name was Beulah why do you ask?

This morning, for the first time in a long time, we didn't take our Bibles to church and guess what, we had an evangelist and his scriptures wasn't put up on the screen. So, we stand there along with well over half the church listening to him read the Word to us.

Link wrote:
Ernie Long wrote:
My wife and I always take our Bibles to church, when the pastor told the congregation what his scriptures were, my wife and I started turning to those scriptures. My wife had a lady sitting behind her and the lady tap my wife on her shoulder and told her that she didn't need her Bible, because the words would be on the screen and she could read them from there.

This is one of the reasons we have Biblical illiterate christians in the church.

Your wife's name wouldn't happen to be Beaulah would it?
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1050
1/14/18 3:14 pm

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Post Re: No Joke Link
Ernie Long wrote:
No Link, it isn't. I have a deceased aunt whose name was Beulah why do you ask?

If the lady in your story were the pastor's wife, it was pretty much the same thing that happened to Beulah. I was just having fun with the question though. It was kind of ironic.

I am curious who Beulah is. The chance of it being a serious poster's wife as opposed to a character one of our regular posters plays seems kind of slim.

Beulah seems to be a composite character of several southern holiness Pentecostal ladies many of us have encountered in years gone buy, a kind of stereotype. My guess is it is one of our regular posters. I could be totally wrong and she could be sincere, but that's a little hard to buy.
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1/15/18 10:22 pm

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Post Re: No Joke Cojak
Link wrote:
I am curious who Beulah is. .....

I believe it is the wife of the 7th assistant! Shocked

Oh yes and a parody doesn't require a gender! Shocked Wink
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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1/15/18 10:37 pm

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Post Re: No Joke Link
Cojak wrote:
Link wrote:
I am curious who Beulah is. .....

I believe it is the wife of the 7th assistant! Shocked

Oh yes and a parody doesn't require a gender! Shocked Wink

Posters here tend to be male. If the poster were a woman and a regular poster, that would narrow it down quite a bit, but I wouldn't make that assumption.
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1/15/18 11:15 pm

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Post bonnie knox
Just so everyone knows--I'm not "Bound for Beaulah," though I sincerely hope I'm bound for Beulah. I'm still only registered under one user name on Acts, though I could probably have a lot of fun with a parody.

(You can sing it to the tune of Jessi Colter's "I'm Not Lisa".... ...I'm not Beaulah. My name is Bonnie....)
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 14803
1/16/18 10:05 am

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Post Re: No Joke bradfreeman
Ernie Long wrote:
No Link, it isn't. I have a deceased aunt whose name was Beulah why do you ask?

This morning, for the first time in a long time, we didn't take our Bibles to church and guess what, we had an evangelist and his scriptures wasn't put up on the screen. So, we stand there along with well over half the church listening to him read the Word to us.

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Posts: 9027
1/16/18 10:38 am

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Post I BIND YOU Bound For Beaulah
u can call me names all day but when Jesus calls me you can call me gone


Friendly Face
Posts: 183
1/16/18 1:22 pm

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Post Re: I BIND YOU Old Time Country Preacher
Bound For Beaulah wrote:
u can call me names all day but when Jesus calls me you can call me gone



Beaulah, girl, you don’t got the authority to bind nobody. You been readin too many Copeland/Hagin books.
Acts-pert Poster
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1/16/18 3:19 pm

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