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We are being played - L Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post We are being played - L Richard L Shores
We are being played big time with covid. It’s been made to seem much bigger and deadlier than it is. I remind you that we had 60 million Americans who caught the swine flu and we did nothing like we are doing now. And the death numbers are greatly exaggerated, allowing medical facilities to take in millions of dollars.

A few weeks ago I posted a story similar to this one. The website I posted it from later retracted it and then later posted it again. This story points out the number of positive cases are being over reported by 90%

We are being played.

I am not a complete idiot; some pieces are missing.
Friendly Face
Posts: 258
10/30/20 4:35 pm

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Post Dean Steenburgh
I have to strongly agree with you for many reasons most of which I will not name or describe here.
My wife works for 5 surgeons & she & her colleagues have witnessed massive abuse since about May.
So many examples & stories I could give you of terrible abuse & all for greed.

One young couple related to one of our members went to get tested but due to the long wait they got tired & went back home. That evening the Covid testing center called them & told them to come down to the hospital because they both tested positive ...but they were never tested at all.
Another lady & her adult daughter tested positive & were admitted into our local hospital. The staff insisted that the mother be intubated to which she declined even though several medical staff tried to convince her. The next day they sent them both home & that's been almost 2 weeks ago, both are doing fine now.

I'm afraid America wants to follow the example of New Zealand & make people go to Covid Camps where you're imprisoned for 14 days or longer.
We have a brand new camp not too far from here & nobody knows what it's for. Hundreds of barracks & razor wire pointed inward. Nobody there but security & the rumors are that it's to force people to quarantine.
"Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!"

Email me at:

Church planters are focused on just one thing ...introducing people to Jesus!
What are you focused on?
Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4682
10/30/20 5:08 pm

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Post A Couple in My Church FG Minister
They told some other church members that Martians had appeared in their backyard and sprayed them with a blue goo that smelled like skunk. These members said it was because they weren't wearing a mask and this was retaliation. They said they heard of a local doctor who said masks made of lace are better than the N95 masks and that Trump was onboard with this style mask. They went out and bought all the lace they could find. I heard from my neighbors that some neighbors they used to have in another state had been tested for Covid and it came back positive for VD. It's a conspiracy I tell you.

I hate to tell you guys, but the same story you related of the couple who went to be tested and didn't have time to wait, but they were given positive test results anyway via the mail --- that story is circulating in every state in America. I've heard it from relatives all across the US.

Gentlemen- be careful when repeating this stuff. A lot of it is urban legend. Is there fraud? Of course. Is their deception for money? Sure. There always has been and always will be. But please stop quoting these unnamed doctors and uncorroborated stories. It's not a responsible approach to a deadly disease.

Now, I've got to wash some odoriferous blue slime from my hair. Those crazy little Martians!
Posts: 875
10/31/20 8:14 am

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Post georgiapath
It was all a ploy to make Trump look bad.

That will change now, people will go back to dying from diseases they have been dying from for years. Biden will get the credit, because "he has a plan". He has had a plan for 43 years, he just still doesn't know what it is.
Surprised Surprised Surprised
Posts: 7604
11/8/20 10:48 am

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Post The COG Apostle
2 COG ministers died today. I’m not sure their families buy into “being played.”

Pray for the families of Gary Harris and Nigel Scarborough
Posts: 566
11/9/20 5:27 pm

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Post I would be interested to know the percentages krista
of all you "being played", if you have had a loved one with covid?
Right now my Son, his wife, and children are struggling with covid and very sick. ( I wish they hadn't got sick just to make that loser, Trump look bad)

So needless to say that most of the stuff written on this thread sounds like ignorance and GARBAGE!

If you have a loved one who has Covid, feel welcome to respond. The rest of you? Just save it for the "Hillbilly Herald".
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2960
11/12/20 1:25 pm

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Post Re: I would be interested to know the percentages UncleJD
krista wrote:
of all you "being played", if you have had a loved one with covid?
Right now my Son, his wife, and children are struggling with covid and very sick. ( I wish they hadn't got sick just to make that loser, Trump look bad)

So needless to say that most of the stuff written on this thread sounds like ignorance and GARBAGE!

If you have a loved one who has Covid, feel welcome to respond. The rest of you? Just save it for the "Hillbilly Herald".

First I hope your family recovers soon.
Literally everyone in my family and close friends have had China-cold. I went through hades with H1N1 with my kids almost dying, give me china-cold any day over that. This is WAY overplayed. Yes I know some older and sickly are dying and I hate it (my 70+ parents survived, my daughter-in-law's one-lung grandfather survived, and my wife's 104-year-old step-grandmother survived), but I also know people every year that die of sicknesses like the flu that don't shutdown our entire society. China Lied, people died and the left made it a political football, its all true. as for your "hillbilly herald" remark you can just shut it unless you have had it yourself (its fun to make up rules as to who can respond). BTW, you can thank Trump for the amazing mobilization of US industry to manufacture respirators, ppe, and the funding and push for likely the fastest EVER vaccine. Thank you President Trump! All the other stuff like wearing masks and shutting down business does NOTHING (and yep, I wear masks everywhere that I'm required to out of respect and pitty for the fearful, but it did nothing to stop it)
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
11/12/20 4:07 pm

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Post georgiapath
I have never said that covid is not real. What I have said is that everybody that died in 2020 did not die from Covid. That is political to make it look like Trump didn't do all he could do.

Joe Biden cannot do any better and the economy will be far worse. Be careful what you wish for.
Posts: 7604
11/14/20 8:49 am

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Post krista
georgiapath wrote:
I have never said that covid is not real. What I have said is that everybody that died in 2020 did not die from Covid. That is political to make it look like Trump didn't do all he could do.

Joe Biden cannot do any better and the economy will be far worse. Be careful what you wish for.

If you're talking to me, I never said that you didn't think Covid is real. Neither did I say I was a Biden person. so I wish for nothing. To be honest, I voted, but not for the Presidency. I would not vote for Biden because of his politics and his views on many issues. Neither could I vote for Trump because I get sick every time I see the man. I am a Republican, just not the Trump brand of Republican.
Biden is a better man than Trump. and under the dire circumstances, he will be a better president than what we have.
" Trump, You're Fired"!!!
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2960
11/14/20 12:51 pm

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Post Biden the better man? Could It Be True
krista wrote:
Biden is a better man than Trump. and under the dire circumstances, he will be a better president than what we have.
" Trump, You're Fired"!!!

It's just laughable to think that Biden is a better man than Trump.

Biden has spent his entire adult life selling out America to the ChiComs, the Russians, the Ukrainians, etc. And I think what you will see is that the very people that ignored the Biden Family corruption in order to get him elected will now turn it against him with both barrels to get him out. They want Harris anyway. So we won't get a chance to see just how wrong you are about him being a better President.

He would be a disaster. Most days he doesn't even know where he is. Does he even know he will be President? I ask that question because on multiple occasions during the election he said he was running for the US Senate.
Scars are tattoos with better stories.
Posts: 717
11/30/20 2:12 pm

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