Why don't political organizations that try to get Christians to vote for candidates who oppose baby murder and sexual perversion target the Democratic party? There is the Chrstian Coalition and various anti-abortion groups.
If conservative Christians that normally chose the Republican candidates in the primary voted for the Democrat candidate instead, it might go somewhere in changing the thinking of the party. This would have been a good year for it. The reality TV watchers who voted for Trump last time could probably get him the votes in Iowa.
If these organizations had fielded an anti-baby-murder candidate and got him /her enough funding and support to get him/her into the debates, then trucked church folks to in to vote for him/her to win Iowa, that have a positive effect.
Trump already went to the March for life. The Republican party is farily pro-life. The problem with the Republicans is the are not always the majority, and then there are baby-killing-is-okay candidates in the mix. Instead of the Dems being nearly totally pro-baby-killing-should-be-legal, we should be trying to plant an anti-baby-killing flag in the Democratic Party. Carve out a space for pro-life candidates in the party.
They could even support Roman Catholics in those districts that are full of Roman Catholics who think they have to vote Democrat, but feel guilty voting for pro-baby-killing candidates. If there were big government, candidates who hit the liberal talking points except for a few issues and these organizations could get them elected, they could make pro-life Democrats into a thing.
Now that the president is Republican and so strongly pr-choice and most of the country is not pro-baby-murder, it is time to work on the Democrats. I'd rather see a situation where the Democrats are debating abortion on stage during election debates than a situation where Democrats are united in favor of baby-murdering rights and Republicans are not united on the issue.
If they could get someone up on stage during the Democratic national debates that they know won't win to use phrase like 'kill babies' and 'baby murder' that might be good for the debate.
I'm not sure if any laws require channels to show compaign ads, but if pro-life organizations could put together ads against abortion that are bold, not wimpy, and use candidates that they know will lose to get airtime on TV or online, that could be a useful tactic, too. They could run the anti-baby-murder ad, maybe an ad about Margaret Sanger, followed by 'I'm so and so and I endorse this message.'
They could support black female candidates who run ads about Margaret Sanger's racist philosophy. _________________ Link |
Acts-perienced Poster Posts: 11849 2/4/20 5:59 pm