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Italian doctor shows COVID-19 can be stopped by sleeping with half an onion in each sock Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Italian doctor shows COVID-19 can be stopped by sleeping with half an onion in each sock shaunbwilson
I have seen a lot of bad advice about how to avoid this virus.

Examples of myths include:
  • the idea that gargling can somehow stop it from infecting your lungs,
  • drinking hot liquids can somehow kill it,
  • blowing hot air from a hair dryer on your mouth can kill it, or that
  • if you stay 5-6 feet away from someone who coughs it, you'll be safe because it falls to the ground.

***None of these are true.***

Please take 15 minutes to watch a doctor explain the best peer-reviewed medical journal article on how COVID is spreading here:

This journal article was released in the New England Journal of Medicine—perhaps the most prestigious medical journal in America.
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3/22/20 12:17 pm

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Post And then... roughridercog
Chop up the onion in your eggs in the morning. Laughing
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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3/22/20 3:09 pm

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Post Link
I got a forward of an Indonesian news clip that 'jeruk' (citrus-- could be limes, oranges, or lemon) and maringa leaves were an effective treatment for either treatment or prevention of covid 19. The thing is this is from the Institut Pertanian Bogor, a premier state agricultural university in Indonesia. But the report said nothing about a peer reviewed study. I'd like to have a look at how they set up their experiment, quasi-experiment, or whatever they did.

I had heard or read something about of the Chinese scientists recommending lemon in hot water.

Vitamin C is known to help the immune system.
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3/22/20 6:29 pm

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Post shaunbwilson
Link wrote:
Vitamin C is known to help the immune system.

Link, I would very respectfully like to recommend this article to you.

Be blessed.
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3/22/20 7:31 pm

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Post Cojak
I still like the onion thing, being pretty far out, Also a stinking cure.!!! Shocked

Amazing the stuff that shows up as a cure. I have found some home remedies to be cures for bad backs and normal maladies, BUT this is a horse of a different color for sure. Shocked Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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3/22/20 7:46 pm

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Post Link
I used to stand at a bus stop in Jakarta where, the air was really nasty, and I kept getting cold after cold. I had thought of colds as a winter thing before I went there, but pollution seemed to make me vulnerable. Then, I started taking 500 or 1000 mg vitamin C tablets and I stopped getting colds. I'd like to see a study that tests vitamin C as prevention for getting colds while being exposed to polluted air, in addition to the athletic and arctic training conditions.

It seems like if vitamin C helps after you already get a cold, its just incremental. The study mentioned in livescience was along those lines, that it could shorten the duration of a cold by a day.

The Chinese video and Indonesian news clip about the IPB findings both seemed to overly optimistic.
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3/23/20 8:42 am

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Post Re: Italian doctor shows COVID-19 can be stopped by sleeping with half an onion in each sock Link
shaunbwilson wrote:

This journal article was released in the New England Journal of Medicine—perhaps the most prestigious medical journal in America.

Acts-perienced Poster
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3/23/20 8:53 am

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