After a brief moment of introduction, the sermon notes begin:
Walter Giles Daugherty, my Grandfather, was a Master Carpenter. In addition to being strong in body, Grandpa was strong in Faith.
After serving many years as a faithful Sunday School Superintendent, he preached his first sermon in Middleton, Idaho near Boise. He was 53. If God is calling, it is never too late to get going. Two-thirds of “God” is “Go.”
Grandpa continued preaching for the rest of his life as a Pastor and State Overseer. Grandmother Martha-Bernice was a preacher too, as was my Dad "Delvin" (An Irish name meaning “Godly Friend).”
IT IS A BLESSING to have three younger brothers who are all “Called” to preach. I've been preaching since 17 when neighboring California churches invited me to preach youth revivals. Our two sisters are both mighty Prayer Warriors. That helps us be well-acquainted with the deep LONGING Ministers have to find a refreshing well of inspiration to share with others.
Upon hearing this powerful Gospel presentation, the immediate response was to pass it along to you. It was preached by James McConnell, Founder and Pastor of the Metropolitan Tabernacle on Whitewell Road in Belfast, Ireland.
For years, the Spirit-Filled Pastor led the church to being one of the largest in the United Kingdom; England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. He started the church in 1957 with only ten people when he was 19. He preached this sermon shortly after his 80th birthday.
We at Actscelerate pass it along in hopes our Ministerial Viewers will have an opportunity to use it for the glory of God.
1. “MARTHA, MARTHA” (Luke 10:38-42) A Repeat As A Gentle Rebuke
Martha opened her home to Jesus but quickly became distracted. Her work, not Jesus Himself, became her focus.
What pulls your attention away from Jesus? As in Martha’s case, it may be something good. Since you welcomed Jesus into your life, what prominence does He now have there? Is He the focus of your life or are life’s distractions overshadowing your time and closeness with Him?
At first, this may seem like an odd question, but let’s ask it anyway. Is your “Work for the Lord” overshadowing your time with Him? That seemed to be the situation with Martha. Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus basking in His presence.
The” King James Version” says Martha was “Cumbered.” It means she was pulled this way and that, unsure which was most important. Martha was rightfully sensitive about the work, but became so busy she was not enjoying the Lord’s presence.
2. “SIMON, SIMON” (Luke 22:31-34) A Repeat Of Loving Warning
Jesus said, “BEHOLD (Pay close attention – wake up!), Satan desires to have you to sift you as wheat.”
Some people do not believe Satan is real, but Jesus does. He warned Simon Peter that Satan was after him. Jesus knew what Peter could become, but so did Satan. Jesus saw the battle for Peter’s soul, life and purpose. There is also a battle for your soul, life and purpose. Jesus knows your potential and Satan does too.
3. “SAUL, SAUL” (Acts 9:1-7) A Repeat From A Wounded Heart
The first Chapter of Acts Chapter Nine, does not mince words. In 12 words it lays out the fearful situation, “Meanwhile, Saul was breathing out threats and SLAUGHTER against the Lord’s disciples.”
Jesus did not arrest Paul on the Damascus Road. He apprehended him. Long before Paul arrived, Jesus had him under surveillance. He was watching him come down the Damascus Road. Jesus had staked out exactly the spot He wanted to confront the man who had MURDER in his heart. At the right moment, he said, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting ME?”
In Galatians 1:13, Paul admits that in his “former way of life” as Saul, he was a TERRORIST. He “Severely persecuted” the church. He worked to put church people in prison. Jesus took it personally. “I am Jesus who you are persecuting?”
4.“VERILY, VERILY” (John 3:1-10) A Repeat About Top Priority.
Nicodemus was a “Man of the Pharisees” which is much different than being
a Man of God. Jesus knew the difference immediately. As a Pharisee, Nicodemus followed the dictates of the Old Testament. He believed there were Angels, spirits and believed in Resurrection. So, he was a deeply “religious” man.
Nicodemus had gotten rich being a religious politician. The Pharisees were as political as they were religious. Good with people and internal politics, Nicodemus was upwardly mobile rising through the ranks. He hung out with the proper circle of friends, shook the right hands, etc.
Nicodemus, had worked his way up the religious political ladder until he had become an Insider. He was a member of the Jewish ruling class. Rich on the outside, he was still hollow on the inside. Possibly he had started with the purest of motives, but along the way of religiosity, the hunger of his soul had not been satisfied.
Being seen with Jesus during the day, may have tainted his religious status in THE SYSTEM. The phrase “By night,” is found 56 times in the Old Testament and 17 in the New Testament. In the Book of John, it is used three times; John 3:2, John 7:50 and John 19:35.
Engulfed in and surrounded by a spirit-smothering religious political system, Nicodemus felt the hollowness of his soul. He wisely listened to his heart. Though the world’s wealth and success had brought status, Nicodemus knew something was lacking inside.
Though many of we preachers have chided Nicodemus because he “Came by night,” Praise God, HE DID COME, and Jesus received him warmly. Jesus was kind and caring towards him. Whatever your past reasons for staying away from Jesus, come to Him now and you will receive a loving and warm welcome from iHm too.
5. “JERUSALEM, JERUSALEM:” A Repeat Of A Loving Heart
Jerusalem was religious headquarters. It was filled to the brim with religious leaders, religious teachers, clergy, theologians, houses of worship and religious politics.
Most of them were prophetic-minded, Scripture-loving, tithing-paying, believers in a coming Messiah. Yet, they had become so immersed in the mechanics of a longed-for earthly Kingdom they were blind to the King when He arrived. They were blinded to what God was doing in their very midst. It was unfolding right in front of their eyes but they were so spiritually out of focus they could not see it.
Most city folk are unfamiliar with how protective a Mother Hen is of her baby chicks. Jesus uses her as an example of His love for God’s people. He cried out, “Jerusalem, Jerusalem,” how often would I have gathered you like a Mother Hen protects her baby chicks under her wings.
ONE DAY A FARMER looked up in horror to see that a giant brush fire was being swept by winds toward his farmhouse. He and his family only had moments to flee the fire and certain death.
After the fire had passed through the area, they returned to the farm. The house was burned down as was the barn. As he walked through an area near the former barn, he saw the charred clump of one of his hens.
Using the toe of his boot, he gently moved it. Out from under the charred wings of their Mother Hen, there scurried four little chicks. Their Mother had sacrificed her life to save them.
"I WILL SAY OF THE LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust. He will cover you with His feathers, ...and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart." (Psalm 91:2-4).
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