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Post That UGLY state Cojak
We have lived full time in a motor home for the past 22 years. Toured and visited every state. I have never seen the 'Ugly State'. There is something beautiful about every state we have.

I am fickled in my views. Right now as we leave Pennsylvania, if you were to ask which is the most beautiful state, I would say Pennsylvania. I have backpacked on the AT through this state over it's mountains and thru the corn fields. Now we are seeing it on wheels. The fields are SOOOOO green and the rivers so clean. I think everyone cut their grass this week.

Just returning from our drive to Reamstown, the church was breathtaking surrounded by tall corn stalks planted 3-6" apart, my dad would have said TOO close it will never grow, but these farmers do.

Anyway today Pennsylvania is the most beautiful state in the union. Very Happy Very Happy Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
7/21/19 1:54 pm

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Post Cojak
Probably tomorrow it will be the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia! Shocked
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
7/21/19 1:58 pm

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Post UncleJD
America is certainly "The Beautiful". Except for Oklahoma of course.... (I joke) Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
7/22/19 8:42 am

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Post Cojak...same thing Aaron Scott
Kansas is considered by some to be the least attractive state, but I find is absolutely WONDERFUL!

I suppose when you have spent your life in the southeast, any dramatic change in scenery is riveting. Once you reach are about a quarter of the way through Kansas (traveling east to west), the world opens up and the Great Plains are revealed. It is AMAZING.

The best road trips I have ever taken, one in 1990 and the other in 2015, went through Kansas on the way to the Rockies. In 2015, my family and my mom and dad drove 5284 miles from Florida to Colorado to Monument Valley to the Grand Canyon to Amarillo, etc. STUNNING.

I have to admit that when I got into southeast Texas and southern Louisiana, I was a bit bummed out, because it wasn't a whole lot different from Florida (the whole coastal plain thing, I guess).

As the song says, "Everything is beautiful in its own way."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
7/22/19 8:43 am

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Post Re: Cojak...same thing UncleJD
Aaron Scott wrote:

I have to admit that when I got into southeast Texas and southern Louisiana, I was a bit bummed out, because it wasn't a whole lot different from Florida (the whole coastal plain thing, I guess).

As the song says, "Everything is beautiful in its own way."

You must have stayed on the freeways and not ventured into the hill country.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
7/22/19 8:46 am

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Post Re: Cojak...same thing Aaron Scott
UncleJD wrote:
Aaron Scott wrote:

I have to admit that when I got into southeast Texas and southern Louisiana, I was a bit bummed out, because it wasn't a whole lot different from Florida (the whole coastal plain thing, I guess).

As the song says, "Everything is beautiful in its own way."

You must have stayed on the freeways and not ventured into the hill country.

No, I'm talking further south--Beaumont, etc. We went around Dallas on the interstate and took 10 across Louisiana to Florida, but I tend to detest interstates. However, I-70 across Kansas, once you are really out in Kansas, is as beautiful as it gets on interstates, I think. It's wide open, exits only rural roads at times, and is not very heavily traveled.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
7/22/19 11:03 am

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Post revuriah
I think you may have missed it. It’s spelled O-H-I-O. Namely smack in the center, round about the Columbus area.

Ohio, the armpit of the US.

The World As I See It

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Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
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7/22/19 11:41 am

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Post Revuriah, why don't you tell us how you really feel (SMILE) Aaron Scott
revuriah wrote:
I think you may have missed it. It’s spelled O-H-I-O. Namely smack in the center, round about the Columbus area.

Ohio, the armpit of the US.


Now, I am having to read between the lines here, but apparently you got an undeserved ticket in some speed trap zone, right?

At least, that's the sort of thing that has made me consider some places as unworthy of further existence.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
7/22/19 2:47 pm

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Post Da Sheik
I love Pennsylvania! Not so much Philadelphia, but outside of the cities there is beautiful countryside ! Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
7/22/19 2:47 pm

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Post Re: Revuriah, why don't you tell us how you really feel (SMILE) revuriah
Aaron Scott wrote:
revuriah wrote:
I think you may have missed it. It’s spelled O-H-I-O. Namely smack in the center, round about the Columbus area.

Ohio, the armpit of the US.


Now, I am having to read between the lines here, but apparently you got an undeserved ticket in some speed trap zone, right?

At least, that's the sort of thing that has made me consider some places as unworthy of further existence.

Nope. I’m just from Michigan.
The World As I See It

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Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
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7/22/19 3:33 pm

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Post Driving and Church Mat
Up until they deregulated air travel in the 1980s, driving was how we Pentecostals got anywhere. When my wife and I lived in CA, we would travel different routes to the Assembly (COGOP) in Cleveland. One year we drove from San Diego to San Antonio straight through, stayed a couple of days in that great city, and drove straight through to Galveston, where we caught the car ferry over to Beaumont. After that on to New Orleans and then to Orlando, than to the assembly to repent.

The northern route, through Yosemite, out the back side to Lake Tahoe, up the road to Jackson Hole and the Grand Tetons to Yellowstone and out to Cody. From Cody to the Black Hills, Rushmore and the Badlands (along with Walls Drugs) and then straight through to Cleveland.

Traveling I-40 was the quickest way, but once you got out of AZ it was mostly just a long trip, with so-so cities to say in. You always knew when you were near Amarillo, TX, because the small of the cow pens was 20 miles out.

I think of all those Pentecostal pioneers who traveled those roads to find work and took their church with them.

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Posts: 1994
7/23/19 6:26 am

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Post Patrick Harris
I had the same reaction when I was in New York.

Most think of New York City when you say New York.

When I was traveling for my company I had to go from Rochester to Elmira and instead of traveling the Interstate I took the smaller highways.

It was a lovely drive, a lot of farms and rolling hills. I would never have pictured that in my mind when someone said New York.
Acts Enthusiast
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7/23/19 8:41 am

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Post Re: Cojak...same thing UncleJD
Aaron Scott wrote:
UncleJD wrote:
Aaron Scott wrote:

I have to admit that when I got into southeast Texas and southern Louisiana, I was a bit bummed out, because it wasn't a whole lot different from Florida (the whole coastal plain thing, I guess).

As the song says, "Everything is beautiful in its own way."

You must have stayed on the freeways and not ventured into the hill country.

No, I'm talking further south--Beaumont, etc. We went around Dallas on the interstate and took 10 across Louisiana to Florida, but I tend to detest interstates. However, I-70 across Kansas, once you are really out in Kansas, is as beautiful as it gets on interstates, I think. It's wide open, exits only rural roads at times, and is not very heavily traveled.

I see, yeah, that interstate and down by the coast isn't very pretty, we get all the sludge from the Mississippi, you have to get all the way down to South Padre before the coast gets pretty in Texas. But just a little north of Corpus starts the Hill Country (US 77 North), and it is night and day of what most people think of Texas (big hills, deep valleys, rivers, cliffs, lakes, just beautiful).
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
7/23/19 9:50 am

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Post Cojak
Patrick Harris wrote:
I had the same reaction when I was in New York.

Most think of New York City when you say New York.

When I was traveling for my company I had to go from Rochester to Elmira and instead of traveling the Interstate I took the smaller highways.

It was a lovely drive, a lot of farms and rolling hills. I would never have pictured that in my mind when someone said New York.

It is the country and the people. AMAZING combination. We went to Rondout Valley in NY. Found as many nice 'rednecks' as in NC. The whole gammit, love for stock cars and mudder trucks, plus truly honest people who love God and this country.

THE People. Once in a small town in Kansas. Wooden sidewalks and all, I needed a grease gun. I tried to buy one from a mechanic in a small shop. "Here take this one and use it, it's full. It is the only one I have. If I am closed when you bring it back just lay it beside the door."

And in Montana as I walked into a local county fair. A cowboy and family drove into the grass parking lot. When the truck came to a stop the little cowboy about 6 jumped out of the truck bed and called out, "Dad I'm going on in." the answer took me back 50 years. "Okay son, be careful we will catch up later."
What trust.

Yes, this is America the Beautiful. In land and people. God is good to us. Smile Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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7/23/19 2:02 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
When my hubby & I traveled a lot over 20 years ago, I think our least favorite state was Mississippi, but that was mainly because the roads were terrible! It was like one big pot hole! Try that with a 26' motorhome and a 29' foot trailer behind you! Wink

Pennsylvania seemed to have a lot of road construction back then, so it wasn't much of a favorite either.

We also did a fair in the Adirondacks (Upstate NY), and I agree, it was beautiful, lots of rolling hills and beautiful scenery. Yonkers...not so much.

We were blessed to be able to see so much of the US, but we were always in a hurry so didn't do a lot of site seeing. I wasn't happy during a lot of that time (mostly my own fault) but when I think of my kids' childhoods, that is the time I think of most. Lots of fond memories.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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7/23/19 8:56 pm

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