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If all illegals were suddenly deported... Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post If all illegals were suddenly deported... roughridercog
How many of your favorite restaurants wild be closed?

Who would be hauling your trash?

Who would be doing your construction at cheap prices?

Who would be doing your landscaping?

Who would pastor your Hispanic churches (yes we have illegals pastoring some of our churches)

Just asking the tough questions to myself this morning.
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
7/15/19 8:33 am

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Post sheepdogandy
If those under deportation orders are removed.

No effect here in Chattooga Co.
Charles A. Hutchins
Senior Pastor SPWC
Congregational Church of God
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 7307
7/15/19 8:39 am

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Post Re: If all illegals were suddenly deported... Resident Skeptic
roughridercog wrote:
How many of your favorite restaurants wild be closed?

Who would be hauling your trash?

Who would be doing your construction at cheap prices?

Who would be doing your landscaping?

Who would pastor your Hispanic churches (yes we have illegals pastoring some of our churches)

Just asking the tough questions to myself this morning.

The immigration laws for work visas state that the number that can be brought in is unlimited, being based on the needs of employers. If businesses need more workers, they can request them. However, with so many already here illegally, most businesses do not even bother following the procedure. Plus, many pay the illegals under the table to escape paying SS tax.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
7/15/19 8:56 am

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Post How would our lives be impacted without them? roughridercog
How would our communities?
Our churches?
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
7/15/19 6:27 pm

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Post Cojak
The McDonalds in Belmont, NC would lose a lot of business. I would lose a couple friends (I think, I have never asked their legal status, they are COG members).

If I could vouch for them to keep them I would...
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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7/15/19 6:33 pm

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Post Focus on making business obey the law Mat
If we focused on business obey the employment and tax laws, we would have a more equatable work involvement for poor American citizens and higher tax revenue. Business owners to employee "under-the-table" cash workers are really just enriching themselves. I don't believe for a minute they are saving us money, and as we pay our fair share of taxes, the country loses tax revenue.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
7/16/19 8:34 am

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Post Re: Focus on making business obey the law Dave Dorsey
Mat wrote:
If we focused on business obey the employment and tax laws, we would have a more equatable work involvement for poor American citizens and higher tax revenue. Business owners to employee "under-the-table" cash workers are really just enriching themselves. I don't believe for a minute they are saving us money, and as we pay our fair share of taxes, the country loses tax revenue.

I agree, this is an area where enforcement should be extremely harsh. It would end the theft you are describing, and would also create a higher demand for documented immigrant workers.

It is possible that some businesses would no longer be able to be profitable if they had to pay FICA taxes and minimum wages, but if the market won't bear the price of a product unless that product is produced with illegal labor, then the market does not need or want that product. Good riddance.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
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7/16/19 8:41 am

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Post Employing Illegal Aliens Aaron Scott
Some years ago, a guy wrote a book about the tomato farms in south Florida. He said that it was, in some cases, modern-day slavery. The illegals would be given only a portion of their true earnings (with the bosses taking out "fees" for just about anything they could think of, if I recall). But if the illegal complained, they were told they would be reported to ICE, etc. Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
7/16/19 9:57 am

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Post Re: Focus on making business obey the law Mat
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Mat wrote:
If we focused on business obey the employment and tax laws, we would have a more equatable work involvement for poor American citizens and higher tax revenue. Business owners to employee "under-the-table" cash workers are really just enriching themselves. I don't believe for a minute they are saving us money, and as we pay our fair share of taxes, the country loses tax revenue.

I agree, this is an area where enforcement should be extremely harsh. It would end the theft you are describing, and would also create a higher demand for documented immigrant workers.

It is possible that some businesses would no longer be able to be profitable if they had to pay FICA taxes and minimum wages, but if the market won't bear the price of a product unless that product is produced with illegal labor, then the market does not need or want that product. Good riddance.


We have created a false economic model to justify employers bypassing the labor laws. A good example are the Purdues and their chicken processing plants, as they have become billionaires on the backs of illegals and cheating the American Tax Payer. How about the Trumps and their wealth from illegal hotel workers, or construction contractors who "sub" to illegal crews for drywallers or roofers. In many cases a "law-abiding" contractor, who is licensed, bonded, insured and has a legit payroll can not compete in the housing market, but I have seen some mighty rich contractors who are not troubled by such laws and taxes.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
7/16/19 10:04 am

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Post Re: Focus on making business obey the law Cojak
Mat wrote:
If we focused on business obey the employment and tax laws, we would have a more equatable work involvement for poor American citizens and higher tax revenue. Business owners to employee "under-the-table" cash workers are really just enriching themselves. I don't believe for a minute they are saving us money, and as we pay our fair share of taxes, the country loses tax revenue.


True dat!
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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7/16/19 10:08 am

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