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Should a music director read music? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Should a music director read music? Resident Skeptic
The church I attend is seeking to hire an associate minister who will be over both the youth and music departments. The interviewing committee is recommending a young couple who, along with their two young daughters, have a southern gospel singing group. Currently they are ministers of music at a much larger church in Canada. Recently they came and ministered at our church so the congregation could get to know them.

Last night a business meeting was held. Surprisingly, the most vocal objectors to bringing this family on board are choir members and that is because neither the young man or his wife read music. She plays the piano like Jerry Lee Lewis and he is an excellent worship leader. They obviously have done well at a much larger church in Canada, so much so that some arm twisting is going on up there to keep them from leaving. But as the objectors pointed out, both our organist and pianist have degrees in music, and read music. The problem is, neither one of the latter can play by ear and it thus hinders any spontaneity in our worship.

I would appreciate input from anyone who cares to share. Thanks.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
1/14/19 5:17 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
As a former music minister who does read music, in my experience, it really depends on what the local church is wanting in a music program. Definitely, if the congregation desires a more sophisticated music program, they will want someone who not only reads music but who can successfully direct a choir and musicians.

Besides being a song/worship leader in a small church (50ish) context, I also worked on staff at a larger church (about 500 in Sun. morning attendance). In that case, our choir director read music and at least knew technically how to direct a choir, but her people skills and ‘vision’ were poor at best, and the music program really was not helped, in my opinion, by her ability to read music.

In my small church experience previous to that, because I had musicians who primarily played by ear, I found that my ability to read music had limited usefulness. It helped some, but really, in that context (church of 100), the musicians flowed well together, and except of course for sight-reading for my own benefit, I didn’t have much need to read music there. Having no musicians who read music can definitely extend the length of time regular music practice takes, however.

One other thing I would say is, it can be quite challenging, in a Pentecostal/charismatic context, to work with musicians who all read music and don’t play by ear at all, but it can be done, with patience and diligence.
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1/14/19 5:38 pm

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Post Cojak
QW is spot on in the statement , "It is according to what the church expects out of the leaders."

Personally, I think it would be great for anyone in the music field to read music, but most of us have witnessed the ones who cannot read music, but can 'do' music, worship and LEAD in praise.

Having someone who can do both is very good, but I would much rather see the inspiring musician than one who 'only reads and sticks with the NOTE.! JMO
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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1/14/19 6:11 pm

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Post FLRon
I am a former praise and worship leader as well. I can play several instruments proficiently but cannot read music. I learned to play by ear in church and never went beyond that. I do regret that however, because when you are trying to teach a choir for example, you really do need to be able to read the music. There are exceptions to that, for example Carol Cymbala of Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir fame cannot read a lick of music but I doubt any sane person would question her capabilities.

I think it depends on the congregations culture as to whether or not their worship leader should be able to read music. In a Pentecostal church there is a much greater need for people who can flow in the Spirit vs. read from sheet music, and this requires playing by ear. I’ve seen this countless times through the years where the pastor or someone will start off singing a song that the non reading musicians were not prepared for and they cannot play. Even today my wife will occasionally jump on the grand piano when the pastor breaks out in a song the musicians don’t have in front of them. Can’t tell you how many times she’s saved the day.

In your church, you have talented musicians who can read music so why not compromise by paying them a small stipend to step in when needed to help out and read the music?
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
Posts: 787
1/14/19 7:20 pm

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Post Carol Cymbala spartanfan
Carol Cymbala serves as the director of the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir and she can't read or write out music. Carol began the choir with a group of 9 people in the early 1980's and has grown the choir to 250 voices. The Lord has given her a special gift that helps her to play from her heart through the power of the Holy Spirit. I think all ministers stand on their own calling, spiritual gifts, talents and abilities. I am very pro formal education but at the same time I understand that it is a "plus" and not always a requirement. It's a blessing to the Brooklyn Tabernacle that there was no uprising at any time over the fact that Carol can't read or write out the music to the songs the Lord gives her- our church folks may not have ever heard any of the hundreds of songs she has written and recorded. Tell that to those who would disqualify someone to lead worship and a choir on the simple basis of not being able to read music. Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
Posts: 3638
1/14/19 7:30 pm

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Post Re: Carol Cymbala Cojak
spartanfan wrote:
Carol Cymbala serves as the director of the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir and she can't read or write out music. Carol began the choir with a group of 9 people in the early 1980's and has grown the choir to 250 voices. The Lord has given her a special gift that helps her to play from her heart through the power of the Holy Spirit. I think all ministers stand on their own calling, spiritual gifts, talents and abilities. I am very pro formal education but at the same time I understand that it is a "plus" and not always a requirement. It's a blessing to the Brooklyn Tabernacle that there was no uprising at any time over the fact that Carol can't read or write out the music to the songs the Lord gives her- our church folks may not have ever heard any of the hundreds of songs she has written and recorded. Tell that to those who would disqualify someone to lead worship and a choir on the simple basis of not being able to read music.
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Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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1/14/19 8:22 pm

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Post Da Sheik
A southern gospel group from Canada? Laughing

Honestly I don’t think there is a one-size-fits-all approach. Every church is different. But if your choir and current musicians are used to sheet music, I see a clash of styles ahead.

It also seems strange they’re looking for someone to be over music and youth at the same time. That’s not a normal approach, but I guess if you get the right person you can save some money.
Acts Enthusiast
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1/14/19 10:26 pm

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Post Resident Skeptic
Da Sheik wrote:
A southern gospel group from Canada? Laughing

Honestly I don’t think there is a one-size-fits-all approach. Every church is different. But if your choir and current musicians are used to sheet music, I see a clash of styles ahead.

It also seems strange they’re looking for someone to be over music and youth at the same time. That’s not a normal approach, but I guess if you get the right person you can save some money.

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. It's a church of around 150. Saving money is an issue.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
1/15/19 6:20 am

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Post My humble opinion roughridercog
There are more factors than reading music.
Does he mesh well with leadership and church vision?
Does he do the ministry with the anointing of the Holy Spirit?
Does he make the music department worship or just a performance?

Some of the most talented and anointed music directors I've ever known couldn't read those pretty black dots.
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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1/15/19 8:05 am

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