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Nominating State Overseers Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Nominating State Overseers caveator
Much conversation has been made about states electing their overseers from among their own ranks. If you could nominate 5-10 pastors in your state to be overseer, who would you nominate? I'm curious to see if the nominated list would look much different from the executive committee's list. Acts-celerater
Posts: 586
12/13/15 3:42 pm

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Post I have heard it said ... Mat
I have heard it said that "the COG struggles with the ghost of AJT." One of the "struggles" seems to be the dependent relationship with centralized power when it comes to choosing leadership. The Church of God may have moved from the "tyranny" of AJT and one man rule (if you believe the assemblies played no role in the development of the COG in that era), but now it seems the "psyche" of the church can not move past the power of a few and the entrenched denominational structure and identity.

The COG has committed so much to what it is now and takes so much comfort (pride?) in what they have accomplished, it seems not only hard to envision a different system that can identify and place new leadership, but there is a "fear" of moving away from the "corporate identity". So few are willing to step up and say there needs to be reform, just in case one day they may have the opportunity to "move up the ladder" in the system.

Maybe its the "ghost of AJT" or is it the specter of entreated denominational identity? That's something to think about when you are sitting in the Assembly in Nashville voting to fill the positions and revise the Minutes (again).

Why do all these discussions lead nowhere when it comes to changing the system?

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
12/14/15 9:07 am

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Post BromptonFalls
Kip Box
David Jarvis
Kevin McGlamery
Wayne Sheperd
Nellon Smith
Beautiful weather we're having
Hey, DOC
Posts: 71
12/14/15 9:25 am

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Post Re: Nominating State Overseers spartanfan
caveator wrote:
Much conversation has been made about states electing their overseers from among their own ranks. If you could nominate 5-10 pastors in your state to be overseer, who would you nominate? I'm curious to see if the nominated list would look much different from the executive committee's list.

Seriously? Curious to see if the nominated list would look different from the EC's list? Let's see - the nominated list would have a few hundred or so names on it. We don't see the EC's prospective list so we don't know who or how many. Both lists may contain pastors who are regularly elected to state boards and councils- so they might be alike in that way but how in the world if I give a list of 5-10 pastors from my state who would maybe make a good state overseer can you compare it to the EC's prospects?
Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
Posts: 3638
12/14/15 10:04 am

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Post Re: Nominating State Overseers caveator
spartanfan wrote:
if I give a list of 5-10 pastors from my state who would maybe make a good state overseer can you compare it to the EC's prospects?

Posts: 586
12/14/15 2:38 pm

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Post Re: Nominating State Overseers spartanfan
caveator wrote:
spartanfan wrote:
if I give a list of 5-10 pastors from my state who would maybe make a good state overseer can you compare it to the EC's prospects?


So.... you know who the EC has written down on their "list"?
Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
Posts: 3638
12/14/15 3:04 pm

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Post Re: Nominating State Overseers caveator
spartanfan wrote:
caveator wrote:
spartanfan wrote:
if I give a list of 5-10 pastors from my state who would maybe make a good state overseer can you compare it to the EC's prospects?


So.... you know who the EC has written down on their "list"?

Of course I do. I also know the location of the Ark of the Covenant. It's easy! I'll reveal it in time. It's going to be huuuuge! Trust me!
Posts: 586
12/14/15 10:27 pm

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Post Re: Nominating State Overseers spartanfan
caveator wrote:
spartanfan wrote:
caveator wrote:
spartanfan wrote:
if I give a list of 5-10 pastors from my state who would maybe make a good state overseer can you compare it to the EC's prospects?


So.... you know who the EC has written down on their "list"?

Of course I do. I also know the location of the Ark of the Covenant. It's easy! I'll reveal it in time. It's going to be huuuuge! Trust me!

That's funny simply because I really do know where the Ark is presently being held.
Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
Posts: 3638
12/14/15 11:33 pm

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Post Re: Nominating State Overseers skinnybishop
caveator wrote:
Much conversation has been made about states electing their overseers from among their own ranks. If you could nominate 5-10 pastors in your state to be overseer, who would you nominate? I'm curious to see if the nominated list would look much different from the executive committee's list.

Personally, I'd nominate Eddie Wiggins from North Georgia. He's a deer hunting, squirrel eatin', preaching machine.....and I''s good looking too.
Eddie Wiggins
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Posts: 1055
12/15/15 1:52 pm

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Post Ok...I'll bite Clint Wills
Randy Wills
Tony Ward
Dean Hackett
David White
Luke Hodges

All of these guys have spent a significant amount of their lives (not to mention ministries) in the Pacific Northwest. There are a few other names that may be added in time, but these guys stand out as men who are consistently on the state council and have lived here long enough to understand the region.

Oregon and Washington are two of the least churched states in the country (Oregon is the least). So it is very different than leading a movement in Alabama or Georgia. Not more or less difficult...just different.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5161
12/15/15 3:01 pm

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Post My List caveator
Gary Sears
Mitch Maloney
Kelvin Page
Terry Harris
Ronny Hepperly
Gerald McGinnis
Posts: 586
12/15/15 11:35 pm

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