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Bitcoin(Cryptocurrency) (L)
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Post Bitcoin(Cryptocurrency) (L) famousflavius
Do you have any bitcoin or other cryptocurrency? Would you receive it as an offering to your ministry? Here is a link to the many new currencies that are available. Golf Cart Mafia Soldier
Posts: 2447
12/4/17 8:20 pm

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Post Cojak
I would think a church would take any donations, then find out what the worth is converted to dollars. Embarassed I said that, not knowing what a bitcoin is. I wouldn't know one if it bit me. Shocked
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
12/4/17 10:28 pm

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Post Link
One bitcoin is worth about $11,000 now. I looked it up a few days ago, and I think it was around $10,000.

I'll take a bitcoin if your giving them away. I'm sure plenty of churches would.

I don't own any. If I did, I'd sell it now. One of my students last year said he invested in bit coin. If I see him, I'll advise him to sell. This could be a bubble. From what I understand, these coins are very complicated mathematical equations that an autistic savant cannot solve, copied on multiple computers.

Since they are hard to track, I also hear some people use them for black market sites. Governments may start cracking down if they see them as a threat somehow.

If I were one of these math computer geniuses that came up with one of these currencies, I might cut a deal with the NSA or CIA to let them track the money until I'd accomplished whatever I wanted with my currency.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
12/5/17 2:22 am

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Post UncleJD
The problem with them is that any number of competing currencies can arise at any time. It seems like the 1999 WWW bubble all over again where people just threw money at anything with a website, not understanding the business or technology. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
12/5/17 9:20 am

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Post The Future famousflavius
I do believe that the digital currency is the money of the future. All of these are a precurser to the one world currency that will be attached to the mark of the beast. 5 years ago I saw a twitter post that said if I retweeted a post I could get 10C in free bitcoin. I took the deal and now my account is almost 400 dollars. I think the bitcoin bubble will pop soon and some of the ohters wiil rise an fall. If you could pick the next bitcoin you could make a lot of dough in 2018. Golf Cart Mafia Soldier
Posts: 2447
12/5/17 9:30 am

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Post Re: The Future UncleJD
famousflavius wrote:
I do believe that the digital currency is the money of the future. All of these are a precurser to the one world currency that will be attached to the mark of the beast.

Since the very foundation of crypto-currency is an unregulated currency, just how would a government or entity gain power from it or use it to manipulate the world?
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
12/5/17 10:40 am

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Post Re: The Future Link
famousflavius wrote:
I do believe that the digital currency is the money of the future. All of these are a precurser to the one world currency that will be attached to the mark of the beast. 5 years ago I saw a twitter post that said if I retweeted a post I could get 10C in free bitcoin. I took the deal and now my account is almost 400 dollars. I think the bitcoin bubble will pop soon and some of the ohters wiil rise an fall. If you could pick the next bitcoin you could make a lot of dough in 2018.

Are you sure it's not the barcode?

Or the microchip they put under pets to find them?

Or a dollar bill with Obama's picture on it?

Or the stamp they put on the right hand at Six Flags or Chuckee Cheese'. (I always give them my left, just in case. Ha!)

Who knows? But if you do by a crypto currency, you could avoid the ones that use three sizes in the algorhythm.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
12/5/17 12:49 pm

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Post Re: The Future Tom Sterbens
famousflavius wrote:
I do believe that the digital currency is the money of the future. All of these are a precurser to the one world currency that will be attached to the mark of the beast. 5 years ago I saw a twitter post that said if I retweeted a post I could get 10C in free bitcoin. I took the deal and now my account is almost 400 dollars. I think the bitcoin bubble will pop soon and some of the ohters wiil rise an fall. If you could pick the next bitcoin you could make a lot of dough in 2018.

Very familiar with bitcoin...

Great article here regarding projections and why:
Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4508
12/5/17 2:10 pm

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Post Re: The Future famousflavius
Link wrote:
famousflavius wrote:
I do believe that the digital currency is the money of the future. All of these are a precurser to the one world currency that will be attached to the mark of the beast. 5 years ago I saw a twitter post that said if I retweeted a post I could get 10C in free bitcoin. I took the deal and now my account is almost 400 dollars. I think the bitcoin bubble will pop soon and some of the ohters wiil rise an fall. If you could pick the next bitcoin you could make a lot of dough in 2018.

Are you sure it's not the barcode?

Or the microchip they put under pets to find them?

Or a dollar bill with Obama's picture on it?

Or the stamp they put on the right hand at Six Flags or Chuckee Cheese'. (I always give them my left, just in case. Ha!)

Who knows? But if you do by a crypto currency, you could avoid the ones that use three sizes in the algorhythm.

The digital currency is just the transfer tool for the financial part of the mark. The blockchain technology will enable all informaiton like health to be safely transferred digitally. I do not believe the micro chip will be used at teh mark of the beast, they can use magnetic UV ink and tatoo it on your skin to do the same job as the outdated chip.
Golf Cart Mafia Soldier
Posts: 2447
12/5/17 2:48 pm

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Post Re: The Future famousflavius
Tom Sterbens wrote:
famousflavius wrote:
I do believe that the digital currency is the money of the future. All of these are a precurser to the one world currency that will be attached to the mark of the beast. 5 years ago I saw a twitter post that said if I retweeted a post I could get 10C in free bitcoin. I took the deal and now my account is almost 400 dollars. I think the bitcoin bubble will pop soon and some of the ohters wiil rise an fall. If you could pick the next bitcoin you could make a lot of dough in 2018.

Very familiar with bitcoin...

Great article here regarding projections and why:

Great info! And yes bitcoin futures will begin this month too.
Golf Cart Mafia Soldier
Posts: 2447
12/5/17 2:51 pm

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Post Oh Yeah! spartanfan
I'm familiar with the investment opportunity. I recommend you look into it! Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
Posts: 3638
12/5/17 5:38 pm

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Post Cojak
My daddy wasn't educated, but was very smart. He said if you do not know the rules of a game, you should never play the game seriously.

He also said, "Never play the other guy's game.

I do not know Bit coin and am too old to learn. I know real estate, so it has been very good to me. Bit coin has never done me a favor! Shocked
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
12/6/17 12:08 am

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Post Re: The Future Link
famousflavius wrote:
Tom Sterbens wrote:
famousflavius wrote:
I do believe that the digital currency is the money of the future. All of these are a precurser to the one world currency that will be attached to the mark of the beast. 5 years ago I saw a twitter post that said if I retweeted a post I could get 10C in free bitcoin. I took the deal and now my account is almost 400 dollars. I think the bitcoin bubble will pop soon and some of the ohters wiil rise an fall. If you could pick the next bitcoin you could make a lot of dough in 2018.

Very familiar with bitcoin...

Great article here regarding projections and why:

Great info! And yes bitcoin futures will begin this month too.

Can we short bitcoin? If so, at what second does that start, and how do you do it? I was talking (totally hypothetically) about coming up with a website that would do that today, with a small transaction fee for each transaction for the website owner, of course.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
12/6/17 12:30 pm

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Post Futures to begin Dec 11 (L) famousflavius
According to Coindesk, futures will begin December 11.
Golf Cart Mafia Soldier
Posts: 2447
12/6/17 1:35 pm

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Post Cojak
My wife just read in the Charlotte Observer in Charlotte, NC that the city has refused payment requested by hackers who have hacked all the cities data they say and are requesting $32,000 in 'bitcoin' not to use/destroy some data areas.
This is the first time I have ever heard of a city being held hostage and especially to be paid off in bitcoin. Is this untraceable? How could you pay this and not ID the receiver or trail? Imma tell you, this is confusing to an old guy! Shocked
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
12/6/17 8:50 pm

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Post UncleJD
Cojak wrote:
My wife just read in the Charlotte Observer in Charlotte, NC that the city has refused payment requested by hackers who have hacked all the cities data they say and are requesting $32,000 in 'bitcoin' not to use/destroy some data areas.
This is the first time I have ever heard of a city being held hostage and especially to be paid off in bitcoin. Is this untraceable? How could you pay this and not ID the receiver or trail? Imma tell you, this is confusing to an old guy! Shocked

That's part of the issue with bitcoin, until its regulated somehow, its being used by criminals. I'm thinking the shorting idea is a good one.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
12/6/17 9:01 pm

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Post Tom Sterbens
UncleJD wrote:
Cojak wrote:
My wife just read in the Charlotte Observer in Charlotte, NC that the city has refused payment requested by hackers who have hacked all the cities data they say and are requesting $32,000 in 'bitcoin' not to use/destroy some data areas.
This is the first time I have ever heard of a city being held hostage and especially to be paid off in bitcoin. Is this untraceable? How could you pay this and not ID the receiver or trail? Imma tell you, this is confusing to an old guy! Shocked

That's part of the issue with bitcoin, until its regulated somehow, its being used by criminals. I'm thinking the shorting idea is a good one.

Yes, because criminals only use bitcoin.
Criminals have never used cash...or gold...or whatever economic device.

That is the same logic being used to crush the second amendment.

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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4508
12/7/17 7:44 am

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Post UncleJD
Tom Sterbens wrote:

Yes, because criminals only use bitcoin.
Criminals have never used cash...or gold...or whatever economic device.

That is the same logic being used to crush the second amendment.

Thumb Up

What a stretch Tom, hope you feel limber now. I never said "only" Rolling Eyes

And if you don't think cybercrime is helped by bitcoin, then why does ransomware not ask you to bring cash or gold to the busstop?

And comparing it to the second amendment has a LOT of problems, first of all the second amendment is in the constitution, which also has a part about Congress minting currency, so ....

There are a lot of positives as well, but it seems that there is a blind furry to buy right now and there are some problems that make me think this is a bubble. I saw a lot of people lose a lot of money in 2000 over the tech bubble, I don't want to see the same thing again.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
12/7/17 9:02 am

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Post UncleJD
And ----- It just topped $17K, wow! If you're already in and in low, then congrats! (I'd sell it and be happy, but that's me).

I guess I'll start my own crypto-currency. Soon, there could be as many as there are websites!
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
12/7/17 11:15 am

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Post UncleJD
Here, you can make your own cryptocurrency
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
12/7/17 12:27 pm

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