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If Trump loses in Iowa, it may be because of his cursing Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post If Trump loses in Iowa, it may be because of his cursing doyle
Obviously, throughout history, candidates for the Presidency have used what some call "salty language." So have some who became President. I heard that Truman, a Baptist Deacon, was prone to profanity at times. But never before has a Presidential candidate repeatedly and intentionally, cursed in public.

Probably, a few cuss words will not cause the nation to collapse. I'm former Army so my ears have sadly heard far worse than what Trump has said. However, with Trump and Cruz in a virtual tie in Iowa, it seems Trump's campaign would be wise enough to curtail cursing publicly.

We are told that Evangelicals in Iowa will carry that race. Winning or losing there will most likely be decided by a every small number of votes. A few votes shifting can change the caucus results.

In New York, cussing is not such a big deal but in Christian homes, it is. The public cussing by a Presidential candidate sets such a bad example, until some will probably not allow their children to watch newscasts about him.

If Cruz wins in Iowa, it may be because the other candidate's cursing caused a small shift in votes. If Trump does not win Iowa, it could mean the nomination could start shifting away from him. Wouldn't it be incredible if he did not get the nomination because of public cursing?

Be careful little mouth what you say.
Be careful little mouth what you say.
There's a Father up above
Looking down in tender love.
Be careful little mouth what you say.

That's my opinion. What's yours?

The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.

Last edited by doyle on 1/17/16 6:47 pm; edited 2 times in total
Acts-celerate Owner
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1/15/16 4:57 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
I don't care which candidate it was, Rep or Dem, there was no justification for Trump (or any candidate) calling the sound guy a Son of a B**** like that. It was uncalled for, unprofessional, undiplomatic, and just plain wrong. Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
1/15/16 6:30 pm

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Post Cojak
I am not sure it will make a difference. Farmers say a few cuss words at times. It is possible that it sways a vote. It wouldn't bother me if it did.

As the court in California said, "Lying, no matter how disgusting is still free speech, the courts had already shown 'cussing' was free speech. So maybe Iowa has changed also, we shall see. Confused
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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1/15/16 10:00 pm

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Post c6thplayer1
What difference does it make , Most all politicians are in same category in some form or another. Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6385
1/16/16 11:59 am

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Post bonnie knox
What about the stuff he has said about women? Is it only the cussing that crosses the line? And what about his stand on the issues? [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 14803
1/16/16 1:53 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
bonnie knox wrote:
What about the stuff he has said about women? Is it only the cussing that crosses the line? And what about his stand on the issues?

Miss Bonnie, the ole timer is not a Trump advocate. If he as demeaned women, then shame on him. I haven't heard him do that, but I don't follow all is speeches either.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
1/16/16 1:57 pm

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Post bonnie knox
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
bonnie knox wrote:
What about the stuff he has said about women? Is it only the cussing that crosses the line? And what about his stand on the issues?

Miss Bonnie, the ole timer is not a Trump advocate. If he as demeaned women, then shame on him. I haven't heard him do that, but I don't follow all is speeches either.

It's who he is. He called Arianna Huffington a dog, criticized Fiorina's face, called Rosie O'Donnell a pig, suggested that Megyn Kelly was bleeding out of "her wherever." He sees women as sex objects and that comes through in what he says: (from an Esquire piece by Barry Friedman)
•"All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me - consciously or unconsciously. That's to be expected."-- From his book How to Get Rich.
•"I'll send one of my friends to pick up her girlfriend and I think it would be very easy." -- On Rosie O'Donnell and his own mysteriously beguiling friends, as reported by The New York Daily News.
•"She does have a very nice figure . . . if [she] weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her." -- On his daughter, Ivanka, during a interview on the The View.
•"Oftentimes when I was sleeping with one of the top women in the world I would say to myself, thinking about me as a boy from Queens, 'Can you believe what I am getting?'" -- On former romantic partners, from Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life.
•"You know, it doesn't really matter what [the media] write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of [expletive]." -- On media zen and women's body parts, from a 1991 Esquire interview.

And there's more if you care to look for it such as suggesting Bill Clinton's philandering was Hillary Clinton's fault, and that you have to treat women like [excrement].
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 14803
1/16/16 2:24 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
bonnie knox wrote:
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
bonnie knox wrote:
What about the stuff he has said about women? Is it only the cussing that crosses the line? And what about his stand on the issues?

Miss Bonnie, the ole timer is not a Trump advocate. If he as demeaned women, then shame on him. I haven't heard him do that, but I don't follow all is speeches either.

It's who he is. He called Arianna Huffington a dog, criticized Fiorina's face, called Rosie O'Donnell a pig, suggested that Megyn Kelly was bleeding out of "her wherever." He sees women as sex objects and that comes through in what he says: (from an Esquire piece by Barry Friedman)
•"All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me - consciously or unconsciously. That's to be expected."-- From his book How to Get Rich.
•"I'll send one of my friends to pick up her girlfriend and I think it would be very easy." -- On Rosie O'Donnell and his own mysteriously beguiling friends, as reported by The New York Daily News.
•"She does have a very nice figure . . . if [she] weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her." -- On his daughter, Ivanka, during a interview on the The View.
•"Oftentimes when I was sleeping with one of the top women in the world I would say to myself, thinking about me as a boy from Queens, 'Can you believe what I am getting?'" -- On former romantic partners, from Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life.
•"You know, it doesn't really matter what [the media] write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of [expletive]." -- On media zen and women's body parts, from a 1991 Esquire interview.

And there's more if you care to look for it such as suggesting Bill Clinton's philandering was Hillary Clinton's fault, and that you have to treat women like [excrement].

These words are as despicable as Clinton.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
1/16/16 2:35 pm

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Post bonnie knox
Ole Timer, one thing I like about you is your way with words. Wink [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 14803
1/16/16 2:45 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
bonnie knox wrote:
Ole Timer, one thing I like about you is your way with words. Wink

When the ole timer was a real little adolescent timer, his dear mother told him to finish at least the 8th Grade, an always use at 8th Grade education/vocabulary to bless folk. So, I'm tryin ma best to do so. Cool
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
1/16/16 3:09 pm

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bonnie knox wrote:
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
bonnie knox wrote:
What about the stuff he has said about women? Is it only the cussing that crosses the line? And what about his stand on the issues?

Miss Bonnie, the ole timer is not a Trump advocate. If he as demeaned women, then shame on him. I haven't heard him do that, but I don't follow all is speeches either.

It's who he is. He called Arianna Huffington a dog, criticized Fiorina's face, called Rosie O'Donnell a pig, suggested that Megyn Kelly was bleeding out of "her wherever."

But Trump says nasty stuff about men, too. He seems like an equal opportunity insulter.

He said he was going to say Megyn Kelly had blood coming out of her eyes but didn't finish the sentence and said 'wherever'. Some people took it to mean a comment on menstruation. Megyn Kelly didn't seem angry to me. But she did seem to want to ask some tough questions to Trump to expose him for who he is.

He sees women as sex objects and that comes through in what he says: (from an Esquire piece by Barry Friedman)
•"All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me - consciously or unconsciously. That's to be expected."-- From his book How to Get Rich.
•"I'll send one of my friends to pick up her girlfriend and I think it would be very easy." -- On Rosie O'Donnell and his own mysteriously beguiling friends, as reported by The New York Daily News.
•"She does have a very nice figure . . . if [she] weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her." -- On his daughter, Ivanka, during a interview on the The View.
•"Oftentimes when I was sleeping with one of the top women in the world I would say to myself, thinking about me as a boy from Queens, 'Can you believe what I am getting?'" -- On former romantic partners, from Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life.
•"You know, it doesn't really matter what [the media] write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of [expletive]." -- On media zen and women's body parts, from a 1991 Esquire interview.

And there's more if you care to look for it such as suggesting Bill Clinton's philandering was Hillary Clinton's fault, and that you have to treat women like [excrement].[/quote]
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
1/17/16 4:12 am

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