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The OLD times will not return, but that is Okay Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post The OLD times will not return, but that is Okay Cojak
I miss the simple School and church plays with kids being Mary and Joseph, with the shepherds and kings forgetting their lines. Little girls singing while twisting their dresses and waving to someone in the audience. Boys picking their nose at just the right time.

The New versions, with paid producers etc don’t fit with me, but it does with today’s audiences, this is their time, mine is gone. Mine won’t be back, but that is okay.

That is okay because all my kid’s stuff did not fit with my parent’s generation. My generation had more rebellious kids than the previous generations. We had more free time. I was in the rock and roll age. In the generations before MANY were ruled by parents with iron hands. Times when the entire family had to work together to survive. Homes and farms where every kid had chores. Even 5-6 year olds were assigned simple tasks, everyone seemed to have been taught ‘responsibility.’

Yeah, I do miss the simple Christmas plays of MY TIME. The ‘directors’ would have liked a perfect presentation, but were able to handle the not so perfect and the ‘cute’ mistakes that made someone’s night. It is the thoughts and meanings that counted. The kid who will forever remember being an Angel, Mary, Joseph, shepherd, etc.

Sunday AM we heard 100 plus singers and action guys. Even some ‘break(?) (maybe hip hop) dancing’ to gospel music. It was cool. A choir leader who was perfect and VERY automated (!!!) with a perfect choir. It was nice, about a 1000 people worshiped. I could not see an empty seat in the congregation.

There were old folk like me who got involved, but with my hearing, I would have enjoyed a children’s play. That won’t be fixed, but that is really okay. There is a time and place for it all.

The pastor did a great job (my wife said) I could not 'understand him' I guess his frequency doesn't like my implants. LOL

I hope and pray that your Christmas programs are successful and blessed. That your Christmas sermons touch and move someone. God bless you all who are WORKING for a WONDERFUL time in HIS name and to commemorate that virgin Birth. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
12/8/19 9:01 pm

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Post georgiapath
Good post, as usual. I got a chuckle out of it. Acts-dicted
Posts: 7604
12/21/19 8:26 am

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Post Re: The OLD times will not return, but that is Okay roughridercog
Cojak wrote:
I miss the simple School and church plays with kids being Mary and Joseph, with the shepherds and kings forgetting their lines. Little girls singing while twisting their dresses and waving to someone in the audience. Boys picking their nose at just the right time.

The New versions, with paid producers etc don’t fit with me, but it does with today’s audiences, this is their time, mine is gone. Mine won’t be back, but that is okay.

That is okay because all my kid’s stuff did not fit with my parent’s generation. My generation had more rebellious kids than the previous generations. We had more free time. I was in the rock and roll age. In the generations before MANY were ruled by parents with iron hands. Times when the entire family had to work together to survive. Homes and farms where every kid had chores. Even 5-6 year olds were assigned simple tasks, everyone seemed to have been taught ‘responsibility.’

Yeah, I do miss the simple Christmas plays of MY TIME. The ‘directors’ would have liked a perfect presentation, but were able to handle the not so perfect and the ‘cute’ mistakes that made someone’s night. It is the thoughts and meanings that counted. The kid who will forever remember being an Angel, Mary, Joseph, shepherd, etc.

Sunday AM we heard 100 plus singers and action guys. Even some ‘break(?) (maybe hip hop) dancing’ to gospel music. It was cool. A choir leader who was perfect and VERY automated (!!!) with a perfect choir. It was nice, about a 1000 people worshiped. I could not see an empty seat in the congregation.

There were old folk like me who got involved, but with my hearing, I would have enjoyed a children’s play. That won’t be fixed, but that is really okay. There is a time and place for it all.

The pastor did a great job (my wife said) I could not 'understand him' I guess his frequency doesn't like my implants. LOL

I hope and pray that your Christmas programs are successful and blessed. That your Christmas sermons touch and move someone. God bless you all who are WORKING for a WONDERFUL time in HIS name and to commemorate that virgin Birth. Cool

But, but but...
What about the treat bags? Laughing
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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Posts: 25305
12/21/19 9:30 am

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Post Cojak
Funny that, the treat bags. I remember very well preparing those bags. The pastors family and a lot of volunteers would put them together in our church. Me and most of the mill hill kids thought that was the only reason oranges and tangerines were grown was for Christmas.
The camaraderie of the open bags as everyone talked, fellow shipped and filled them.
The last I remember at our church were contracted out. I felt a tinge of regret.
I guess those times are gone with the mills. We had 26 cotton mills inour town, now there is one running part time. No more mill hill kids that walked to church, playing and talking as they came and went. Most weeks I was invited to someone's home with their kids for Sunday dinner.
But that is okay too, as long as we can still have church.... Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
12/21/19 9:40 am

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Post Re: The OLD times will not return, but that is Okay Carolyn Smith
roughridercog wrote:
Cojak wrote:
I miss the simple School and church plays with kids being Mary and Joseph, with the shepherds and kings forgetting their lines. Little girls singing while twisting their dresses and waving to someone in the audience. Boys picking their nose at just the right time.

The New versions, with paid producers etc don’t fit with me, but it does with today’s audiences, this is their time, mine is gone. Mine won’t be back, but that is okay.

That is okay because all my kid’s stuff did not fit with my parent’s generation. My generation had more rebellious kids than the previous generations. We had more free time. I was in the rock and roll age. In the generations before MANY were ruled by parents with iron hands. Times when the entire family had to work together to survive. Homes and farms where every kid had chores. Even 5-6 year olds were assigned simple tasks, everyone seemed to have been taught ‘responsibility.’

Yeah, I do miss the simple Christmas plays of MY TIME. The ‘directors’ would have liked a perfect presentation, but were able to handle the not so perfect and the ‘cute’ mistakes that made someone’s night. It is the thoughts and meanings that counted. The kid who will forever remember being an Angel, Mary, Joseph, shepherd, etc.

Sunday AM we heard 100 plus singers and action guys. Even some ‘break(?) (maybe hip hop) dancing’ to gospel music. It was cool. A choir leader who was perfect and VERY automated (!!!) with a perfect choir. It was nice, about a 1000 people worshiped. I could not see an empty seat in the congregation.

There were old folk like me who got involved, but with my hearing, I would have enjoyed a children’s play. That won’t be fixed, but that is really okay. There is a time and place for it all.

The pastor did a great job (my wife said) I could not 'understand him' I guess his frequency doesn't like my implants. LOL

I hope and pray that your Christmas programs are successful and blessed. That your Christmas sermons touch and move someone. God bless you all who are WORKING for a WONDERFUL time in HIS name and to commemorate that virgin Birth. Cool

But, but but...
What about the treat bags? Laughing

My son-in-law has recently been named interim pastor at a local church. He said at first that it was too late to do anything for Christmas, but I encouraged him to make a big deal out of it. We are going to do treat bags for the service tomorrow. I assured him the older folks would love it. Our church is not having service tomorrow, so we are going to be with them.

Treat bags rock!
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
12/21/19 12:14 pm

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Post Dean Steenburgh
I remember a lot of that perfect imperfection as well ...I think I was the nose picker most years lol.
My dad's church would put the play together after searching through a catalog at the bible store downtown.
Most of my folk's ministry was right here in the towns of the San Joaquin Valley which is all farm land ...that's all I've ever known is simple folks from the farm & dairy community. It's in California but at times it feels like we're in the mid-west.
I remember the goody bags & for some reason dad would have us put oranges & walnuts in there along with small, off brand wrapped candies & a few candy canes of different sizes.
It was a simple time & we all seemed to know the same Christmas songs.

Nowadays you're right, it's not the same. I'm grateful for what we have & for the memories of those days.
There are some Romanian families in our church that still hold to a lot of the original traditions like going door to door singing Christmas carols, big tree in the house swarmed with gifts that are opened Christmas morning, holiday foods that are only served at Christmas & when I visit them it brings back some of those memories.

Good post Cojak it brought back some good memories & I thought about dad who has been gone for a little over a year now.
Merry Christmas!
"Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!"

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12/21/19 1:03 pm

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