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Bush Senior groping women as well
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Post Bush Senior groping women as well Nature Boy Florida
No wonder him and Clinton like each other.
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Acts-pert Poster
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10/25/17 11:58 am

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Post Re: Bush Senior groping women as well UncleJD
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
No wonder him and Clinton like each other.

More Bush success. The biggest mistake Reagan ever made.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
10/25/17 12:04 pm

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Post Re: Bush Senior groping women as well diakoneo
UncleJD wrote:
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
No wonder him and Clinton like each other.

More Bush success. The biggest mistake Reagan ever made.

Without a doubt!
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3382
10/25/17 9:48 pm

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Post Its good for a man not to touch a woman ... Mat
As I Corinthians 7: 1 says, ..."it is good for a man not to touch a woman." With social media now so accessible to carry every woman's claim of being "sexually harassed" when they deem they have been touched inappropriately, men need to reevaluate being in the company of women. If a old guy in a wheelchair, who is out in public for a picture (in Bush's case I think the woman wanted a picture to promote her project) can be deemed a sexual predator, any man in any situation had better take heed.

In church, I suggest you never be along with a woman for a moment. Never hug women or stand to close to them. In the car, never ride alone with a woman and in business never close the door of your office if you are meeting with a woman, but always keep the desk between you.

In public, such as stores, the streets or stadiums, move away from women and let them pass. Avoid tight spaces where you have to "squeeze by". Do not greet or speak to women you encounter where only you and her can hear what is said, and what every you do, do not make any jokes, especially ones that involve any part of the human body, sex, or appearance. Do not compliment women on their looks or appearance. It might be safer to have a male barber, sale clerk and waiter, as well as male doctors and lawyers (you never know).

The way things are going, I don't want to get to retirement just to have some woman in a picture accuse me or being a "sexual predictor" and using the picture on social media as proof. Don't have you name and picture found on #metoo.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
10/26/17 9:15 am

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Post Re: Its good for a man not to touch a woman ... UncleJD
Mat wrote:
As I Corinthians 7: 1 says, ..."it is good for a man not to touch a woman." With social media now so accessible to carry every woman's claim of being "sexually harassed" when they deem they have been touched inappropriately, men need to reevaluate being in the company of women. If a old guy in a wheelchair, who is out in public for a picture (in Bush's case I think the woman wanted a picture to promote her project) can be deemed a sexual predator, any man in any situation had better take heed.

In church, I suggest you never be along with a woman for a moment. Never hug women or stand to close to them. In the car, never ride alone with a woman and in business never close the door of your office if you are meeting with a woman, but always keep the desk between you.

In public, such as stores, the streets or stadiums, move away from women and let them pass. Avoid tight spaces where you have to "squeeze by". Do not greet or speak to women you encounter where only you and her can hear what is said, and what every you do, do not make any jokes, especially ones that involve any part of the human body, sex, or appearance. Do not compliment women on their looks or appearance. It might be safer to have a male barber, sale clerk and waiter, as well as male doctors and lawyers (you never know).

The way things are going, I don't want to get to retirement just to have some woman in a picture accuse me or being a "sexual predictor" and using the picture on social media as proof. Don't have you name and picture found on #metoo.


words to live by Mat, even though the left ridiculed Mike Pence for the same policy, they are the first ones to scream "sexual assault" if they don't like you. "Shun the very appearance of evil"
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
10/26/17 9:18 am

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Post Re: Its good for a man not to touch a woman ... Quiet Wyatt
Mat wrote:
As I Corinthians 7: 1 says, ..."it is good for a man not to touch a woman." With social media now so accessible to carry every woman's claim of being "sexually harassed" when they deem they have been touched inappropriately, men need to reevaluate being in the company of women. If a old guy in a wheelchair, who is out in public for a picture (in Bush's case I think the woman wanted a picture to promote her project) can be deemed a sexual predator, any man in any situation had better take heed.

In church, I suggest you never be along with a woman for a moment. Never hug women or stand to close to them. In the car, never ride alone with a woman and in business never close the door of your office if you are meeting with a woman, but always keep the desk between you.

In public, such as stores, the streets or stadiums, move away from women and let them pass. Avoid tight spaces where you have to "squeeze by". Do not greet or speak to women you encounter where only you and her can hear what is said, and what every you do, do not make any jokes, especially ones that involve any part of the human body, sex, or appearance. Do not compliment women on their looks or appearance. It might be safer to have a male barber, sale clerk and waiter, as well as male doctors and lawyers (you never know).

The way things are going, I don't want to get to retirement just to have some woman in a picture accuse me or being a "sexual predictor" and using the picture on social media as proof. Don't have you name and picture found on #metoo.


I have always felt awkward with women who are full frontal huggers. I have always preferred a handshake with women. Even with old ladies, I only do side hugs. I am okay with hugging men.

About HW, I wonder if he is not becoming senile. My grandfather started grabbing women inappropriately in his 70s, along about the time he was developing senile dementia. We had to really keep an eye on him once that started. Not to excuse it, but simply to say that when a guy gets to be in his 90s, he might start acting inappropriately. Trump, however, has been acting inappropriately basically all his adult life.

Last edited by Quiet Wyatt on 10/26/17 11:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 12817
10/26/17 9:45 am

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Post Da Sheik
QW raises a good point. I’ve seen it happen with elderly men developing cerebral/memory issues. Doesn’t justify it by any means but might explain.

I agree in principle that we should do all we can to avoid temptations and appearances. Sometimes it’s simply unavoidable that someone is going to hug you. We have 5 full-time staffers but there are times when it’s just me or the associate pastor alone at the church with the (female) administrator. I don’t take her out to lunch alone. But I don’t think she should be prohibited from doing her job just because we might not always have the 5 of us in attendance at the offices.
Acts Enthusiast
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10/26/17 11:35 am

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Post Re: Its good for a man not to touch a woman ... Nature Boy Florida
Mat wrote:
As I Corinthians 7: 1 says, ..."it is good for a man not to touch a woman." With social media now so accessible to carry every woman's claim of being "sexually harassed" when they deem they have been touched inappropriately, men need to reevaluate being in the company of women. If a old guy in a wheelchair, who is out in public for a picture (in Bush's case I think the woman wanted a picture to promote her project) can be deemed a sexual predator, any man in any situation had better take heed.

In church, I suggest you never be along with a woman for a moment. Never hug women or stand to close to them. In the car, never ride alone with a woman and in business never close the door of your office if you are meeting with a woman, but always keep the desk between you.

In public, such as stores, the streets or stadiums, move away from women and let them pass. Avoid tight spaces where you have to "squeeze by". Do not greet or speak to women you encounter where only you and her can hear what is said, and what every you do, do not make any jokes, especially ones that involve any part of the human body, sex, or appearance. Do not compliment women on their looks or appearance. It might be safer to have a male barber, sale clerk and waiter, as well as male doctors and lawyers (you never know).

The way things are going, I don't want to get to retirement just to have some woman in a picture accuse me or being a "sexual predictor" and using the picture on social media as proof. Don't have you name and picture found on #metoo.


Good advice Mat.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
10/26/17 12:06 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
A 93 year old groper? At means ole slick willy has got two more decades to operate in his gift. Shocked Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
10/26/17 3:39 pm

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Post Fake news brotherjames
Y'all are watching cnn too much. Didn't happen as reported. Wasn't sexual. I'm no HW fan but this is stupid nonsense.
Read about it a bit more and you will see the truth.
Posts: 935
10/26/17 6:32 pm

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Post Re: Fake news Cojak
brotherjames wrote:
Y'all are watching cnn too much. Didn't happen as reported. Wasn't sexual. I'm no HW fan but this is stupid nonsense.
Read about it a bit more and you will see the truth.

That is mostly the point brought up methinks. It probably didn't happen the way it was reported, but the 'Opportunity' was there. That seems to be all that is needed.

I never will forget a time in the late 50-early 60's we were 60 miles from the closest COG so if I had the duty or just enough time for church we attended other churches. One Sunday we went to a Salvation Army service. That morning they happened to be accepting folks who wanted to 'join the Army.' It was a lot like the COG accepting members, the last process was the 'right hand of fellowship. The Salvation Army Captain hugged all the women full frontal HUG!

Next Sunday I told our pastor I was going to be a Salvation Army Preacher. you could Hug the women, and shake hands with the men. That was back when a pastor NEVER hugged a woman, only the men.

Things sure changed over the years. Now the pastor hugs the ladies and shakes the men's hands. Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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10/26/17 9:45 pm

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Post The bar for sexual harassment ... Mat
The bar for sexual harassment is being set lower and lower - about wheelchair level now. Factor in age, as in you are never too old be be a sexual predator, and soon we will being arresting old men (and women) in nursing home beds for improper touching and sexual language.

Guys, you need to teach your little boys about the dangers of interaction with girls on the playground of preschool, less they get a record of being a sexual predator. Its going to be cradle to grave, and having the mind of a child (even if you are a five year old child) or a mind that has suffers from senility at age 85, you will be held accountable by women.

If you have ever spent much time visiting seniors in nursing homes or assisted living, you know that many have lost control of their faculties. They use language that just a few years before would have never come out of their mouths. These men and women often use racist, sexist and sexual words, often describing those who take care of them. I can see it now on CNN, 90 year of man creates unwanted sexual working involvement, women employees file suit. Someone's 90 year old grandmother uses the "n - word" in the presence of an employee of color and is expelled for the facility for hate speech. Yet these same words in a young adult comedian, musician or actor are considered part of the "art world".

We are going down the wrong side of the hill of civilization.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
10/27/17 6:54 am

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Post bonnie knox
Mat, I do see sexual harassment claims increasing, but I hope you have been as alarmed about actual unwanted sexual contact as you seem to be about false accusations.
Once my husband and I went to a ball game in which my husband's boss's grandson was playing. My husband's boss came up to me behind the bleachers and put his hands on the sides of my hips. I was shocked and didn't know what to say. So many thoughts were running through my head--why is he doing this, is he seeing this as inappropriate the way I am, is he just a pitiful old lonely widower, will I embarrass my husband my making a big deal of it, will I jeopardize my husband's relationship with his boss if I think this is a big deal and they don't... So I said nothing, being too momentarily shocked to say anything. I never encountered him again.
That's just one example, and there are others, and I think most women have examples.
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Posts: 14803
10/27/17 8:27 am

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Post UncleJD
bonnie knox wrote:
Mat, I do see sexual harassment claims increasing, but I hope you have been as alarmed about actual unwanted sexual contact as you seem to be about false accusations.
Once my husband and I went to a ball game in which my husband's boss's grandson was playing. My husband's boss came up to me behind the bleachers and put his hands on the sides of my hips. I was shocked and didn't know what to say. So many thoughts were running through my head--why is he doing this, is he seeing this as inappropriate the way I am, is he just a pitiful old lonely widower, will I embarrass my husband my making a big deal of it, will I jeopardize my husband's relationship with his boss if I think this is a big deal and they don't... So I said nothing, being too momentarily shocked to say anything. I never encountered him again.
That's just one example, and there are others, and I think most women have examples.

That's terrible Bonnie, what a creep. He needed his lights punched out.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
10/27/17 8:31 am

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Post Here's a good take on Bush's so called "harassment " brotherjames Acts-celerater
Posts: 935
10/27/17 8:33 am

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Post Mat
bonnie knox wrote:
Mat, I do see sexual harassment claims increasing, but I hope you have been as alarmed about actual unwanted sexual contact as you seem to be about false accusations.
Once my husband and I went to a ball game in which my husband's boss's grandson was playing. My husband's boss came up to me behind the bleachers and put his hands on the sides of my hips. I was shocked and didn't know what to say. So many thoughts were running through my head--why is he doing this, is he seeing this as inappropriate the way I am, is he just a pitiful old lonely widower, will I embarrass my husband my making a big deal of it, will I jeopardize my husband's relationship with his boss if I think this is a big deal and they don't... So I said nothing, being too momentarily shocked to say anything. I never encountered him again.
That's just one example, and there are others, and I think most women have examples.

I am alarmed by unwanted sexual contact and you situation is an example of how men in power use situations to assault women. Boss or not, I hope your husband confronted him on this issue.

There are scripture warnings about men who seek out opportunity to be alone with women. My concern for men can be applied to women as well, avoid those men who would "corner" you in private, for whatever reason. Men, avoid being alone with women.

I had a friend who was a missionary in Israel some years ago. He would reach out to the Bedouin tribesmen. He learned that you did not approach their women if you valued your life. In America we men had best learn that if we value our reputation we best avoid women in the wrong settings.


PS I do not wish to down play issues women face related to this problem, however, as a man I have a different prospective of what is at stake. Many times I have walked away from a group of women whose conversation moves to matters of the female body or sex. Its amazing what people will talk about in mix company, even at church.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
10/27/17 12:58 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
Mat wrote:
Its amazing what people will talk about in mix company, even at church.

You dead right on at, Mat.
Acts-pert Poster
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10/27/17 1:48 pm

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Post Re: Fake news Nature Boy Florida
brotherjames wrote:
Y'all are watching cnn too much. Didn't happen as reported. Wasn't sexual. I'm no HW fan but this is stupid nonsense.
Read about it a bit more and you will see the truth.

Sorry man - if the old geezer says "My favorite magician is David Cop-A-Feel" as he does it - it was sexual.

Bonnie I do believe there is more reporting of it - but I don't thnk there is more of it today. I just feel it was way too prevalent in the last 30 years. I can't tell you how many times I asked a dude (supposedly a Christian) - do you feel what you just did was the right thing to do? (When they said or did something inappropriate to a woman - not their wife)
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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10/27/17 4:27 pm

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Post bonnie knox
Bonnie I do believe there is more reporting of it - but I don't thnk there is more of it today. I just feel it was way too prevalent in the last 30 years. I can't tell you how many times I asked a dude (supposedly a Christian) - do you feel what you just did was the right thing to do? (When they said or did something inappropriate to a woman - not their wife)

Thanks, NBF.
When I said claims are increasing, I didn't mean that the actual number of incidents are increasing; what I mean is that people are more willing to report if they think they will be believed or if they think people care. On the other hand, once the culture shifts enough so that people who have been sexually harassed are believed, it does stand to reason that there will, unfortunately, also be an increase in false accusations as well. However, the fear of false claims shouldn't keep us from doing justice for real victims.
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10/28/17 8:23 am

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Post Re: Here's a good take on Bush's so called "harassment " Cojak
brotherjames wrote:

A good article of LOGIC from one who knows. Timely, THANKS Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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10/28/17 9:41 pm

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