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I have always loved my dear Brother Perry Stone. Still do. Always will. Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post I have always loved my dear Brother Perry Stone. Still do. Always will. doyle
Many years ago now, Perry Stone's Dad invited me to preach a revival at the Church of God he was pastoring near Roanoke, VA. In addition to preaching the revival, returning to the Roanoke area was like coming home for me. Also, meeting Brother and Sister Stone was an absolute joy.

My Mother Frances was born near Woolwine, VA. She graduated from Stuart, VA High School about 30 miles from Roanoke. Some of my beloved Aunts and Uncles, and fantastic cousins lived in the Martinsville, VA area.

Grandfather and Grandmother Daugherty pastored a number of Church of God of Prophecy congregations in VA;Covington, Buena Vista, Clover and Patrick Springs, VA. Mom and Dad pastored in Cody, County Line (near Bassett) and Brookneal.
In addition to pastoring some small congregations, Dad worked at the weaving mills in Fieldale.

I was born in Clover, VA which is about 20 miles from Danville. Even now, Clover has about 480 people. Mom and Dad, married for a year, had moved to Clover to help Grandma and Grandpa try and rescue the congregation there.

The former pastor had turned 19 people out of the church for wearing their wedding ring. Five members were left, but soon, with loving care, some who were turned out returned and new people began to attend. These many years later, there is still a very nice congregation of Church of God of Prophecy folks still worshiping in the Clover area.

Most of the above-mentioned towns are in the Roanoke area. Sorry for the detour but remembering the kindness and spiritual guidance of Brother and Sister Stone, brought a lot of wonderful memories pouring out.

While I was preaching at his Dad's church in Roanoke, Perry was away preaching at a Youth Camp. However, when the camp was over, he came to the revival. That is when I met Perry. In some ways, we had a ton of things in common. We still do.

We were both Preacher's Kids, loved our family and we both loved the Lord. Each of us had been “Called” of God to preach. In addition, Perry was as easily to get to know as anyone I had ever met. I loved and respected him immediately.

Over the years, Perry and I have seen each other every now and then, had a meal together a few times, but our paths went in different directions. Year-after-year, I heard with joy how God was using Perry to preach and bless many thousands of people. What a dynamic man Perry is; a Man of God who has risen above all kinds of things in life to have an international ministry.

“Lord Jesus, sometime when You lean over and kiss the earth, if I can leap into the middle of the “smack,” would You please bestow upon me the ability to bless one-tenth of the number of people You have used Perry to bless?


“Lord, some news has reached us that is heartbreaking. We are told that King David, a ‘Man after God’s own heart,’ made some very wrong choices. What he did hurt others, killed some who had trusted him. The Bible, Your precious Word to us, did not give him special favors. It reveals to us that his actions were sinful and hurtful to himself and others.

THE SAME SOURCE of news tells us that even some of Your Inner-Circle of Disciples struggled. We are told that one of them actually denied You three times. THREE TIMES!!! What a incredibly disheartening situation. Surely nobody would ever use somebody like that ever again.

AND YET, our NEWS SOURCE the Holy Scriptures, informs us that about 50 days later, You anointed that three-time-loser denier, to preach a sermon that resulted in 3,000 being saved.

Thank you Lord that Apostle Peter did not have Church of God ministerial credentials. No way would he have been allowed to preach without being out of the ministry for several years. Too bad. Tough luck. Those 3,000 would just have to go back home in the same condition they were in when they arrived in Jerusalem.

**Yes, the importance of discipline is important in cases of minister's who have failed. No doubt, how much and how long for discipline will always be a matter for discussion.

From our NEWS SOURCE, it seems his fellow disciples not only were willing to let Apostle Peter up after he failed, they may have actively helped him keep on going, helped him be restored. “You who are spiritual, restore…”

Because of God’s Grace and the restoring attitude of his fellow disciples, we now have a written record of Apostle Peter’s sermon on the Day of Pentecost.

I know he blew it. I know he caved in to the pressure. I know King David did too, and yet, what God did through them before and after they failed, is still a blessing to read. With God, there is still hope after being a dope.

The news circulating now about some supposed actions of my precious Brother-in-the Lord Perry, is difficult to hear. I do not know if it is true, how much of it is true, or if any or all of it is true.

However, if true, surely it breaks his heart too. Few things in my own life have been more disappointing to me than my own struggles with sinfulness. After all these years, I should have sinfulness under control; wrestled to the ground, handcuffed and locked up. Instead, after all these years, without the shed Blood of Jesus, I would be screaming my way to Hell.

It seems that Grace still contains the only Ace we have for victory over sin.

I pray for those who may have been hurt, those who may be bewildered to hear the news swirling around. If the accusations are true, if they have experienced what is being said, help them O Lord to turn their eyes upon our precious Lord.

I love you my Dear Brother Perry. Always have. Still do. Always will.

The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.

Last edited by doyle on 9/8/20 6:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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8/11/20 3:03 am

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Post Eddie Robbins
When it is people we like, we always compare them to King David. If it’s someone we don’t like, we compare them to Judas. Acts-pert Poster
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8/11/20 9:24 am

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Post georgiapath
Good post, Doyle. Acts-dicted
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8/12/20 4:24 am

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Post Doyle JLarry
All all the post I have read in this board, this is one of the best.

Thanks for your mercy and compassion for Perry. Hope others will do the same. I well remember times that I was vulnerable but only by GRACE I did not go there.
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8/12/20 11:29 am

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Post Hello Eddie. You made an excellent point doyle
**Eddie and I have been friends for many years. I was his Counselor in Youth Camp. Have loved Eddie ever since. In my opinion, Eddie is one of the great people I know. I wish everybody had a friend like Eddie. If you do, you are blessed.

As far as I know, Perry has never been a King, but I sure do like him personally and have a high opinion of how the Lord used him to reach and bless so many people. "Please Lord, bestow some of that outreach anointing on all of us."

A minister made some tragic mistakes in his life that hurt some people. A fellow minister went to visit him in prison. Another preacher castigated him for making the visit.

"How could you even take the time to visit that guy after what he did," the critic harshly demanded.

"The answer to that is easy," the minister replied. "I'm going to see my Brother. When he was not in prison he was my Brother. Now, he is my Brother who is in prison. What he did was awful. I don't agree with what he did, but he is still my Brother."

The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.
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8/12/20 11:43 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Great thread, Doyle!

This reminds of a scene on "The West Wing" that I saw recently. (Bear with me...)

One coworker in the White House has been through a trauma (Josh) and another coworker (Leo), a recovering alcoholic, relates this story to him...

Guy falls in a hole...A priest walks by and the Guy hollers out, "Help! I've fallen in a hole! Can you help me?" The priest writes out a prayer and drops it in the hole and keeps going.

A doctor walks by the hole. Guy calls out, "Help! I've fallen in a hole! Can you help me?" The doctor writes out a prescription and drops it in the hole and keeps going.

A friend walks by, and the guy hollers out, "Help! I've fallen in a hole. Can you help me?" The friend jumps in the hole with him, and the Guy in the Hole says, "What??? Are you stupid?"

Friend says, "I've been here before. I know the way out!"

Made me cry both times I watched it. It's our job to help people out of the hole, but sometimes you have to get a little dirty to do that.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
8/13/20 12:47 am

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Post Roger Woodard
Why are we so quick to abandon our own? Perry has been used mightily. He was our night speaker in the Bayouland Campmeeting, Houma, La, that I began while pastoring there. Pam was a member of the Northport Choir when Margaret & I was their director. I know none of the scholars burying him now are at all acquaintied with Galatians 6:1. One of my truisms is worthy of consideration; "If you have no mercy, you had better never need any". I pray God fully restores Perry. Hey, DOC
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8/13/20 12:58 pm

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Post Oh Carolyn, what a POWERFUL story! doyle
Carolyn, I got Holy Ghost Goose bumps reading that story. Wow. It is powerful. Thank you for sharing it. I will be getting blessed from it for a long time.

May I borrow it to bless others? Will give credit to you and "West Wing.

The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.
Acts-celerate Owner
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8/16/20 7:39 pm

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Post Re: Oh Carolyn, what a POWERFUL story! Carolyn Smith
doyle wrote:
Carolyn, I got Holy Ghost Goose bumps reading that story. Wow. It is powerful. Thank you for sharing it. I will be getting blessed from it for a long time.

May I borrow it to bless others? Will give credit to you and "West Wing.


Of course, Doyle! I love that really spoke to me! (You don't have to credit me.)
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
8/16/20 8:30 pm

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