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Serious Question on the Vaccine Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Serious Question on the Vaccine FG Minister
I have heard that numerous people will NOT be receiving the vaccine when it is available. One of them is 90% effective and the other is 95% effective. Why would anyone not take this vaccine? I know the whole conspiracy about Bill Gates wanting to add some tracking device to each dose, but even if that happens, that isn't the mark of the beast! If it is, someone please enlighten me.

Is it because these people think the vaccine trials were rushed and therefore the drug is dangerous?

I seriously need someone to tell me why so many people will refuse the vaccine. I plan to get it the day it is offered to me.
Posts: 875
11/16/20 10:22 am

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Post Cojak
I most likely will not take it. I am approaching 82, in good health and do not see the heavy results of the Covid. BAsically my life has not changed much in the past year. We have traveled, visited family and eaten out where possible at least once a week.

MAYBE if many around me were being effected I might look at it different. It is not because I believe ANY tracking device will be in the serum other that mecidal research.

I KNOW the results are real. I lost a cousin and close neighbor to the virus. Confused Confused Confused I am more confused than worried (about me).
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
11/16/20 10:30 am

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Post UncleJD
So many reasons Doyle. I'm hopeful that this will be a good vaccine but as we saw in the trials there were some unexplained issues and with only a few hundred or thousand doses given, what happens once millions of people take it. That alone gives me pause to wait until a year or two have gone by. Another thing you touch on is the mark of the beast, I agree it is likely NOT that, but is it some type of precursor? Case in point, Ticketmaster and other companies have already said that they won't allow you to "buy or sell" without it. That is very concerning to me. I'm always amazed that people that believe so strongly in vaccines that they are terrified that someone wouldn't take it. That makes no sense if the vaccine is good then you aren't getting Covid, what do you care? That leads to my next concern, government mandated vaccines. Once its a government mandate then it deserves MUCH more scrutiny. I understand government mandates in cases of HIGH mortality rates, but NOT with one that is less than 1% and constantly falling as more people get it and it is either weakening or we are finding therapies that are effective (I know at least 50 people who've had it, including my entire family from ages 21 to 104 and NONE have died, thank The Lord). One final point of skepticism I have is the fact that Fauci (liberals' favorite Covid guide) said this weekend that he suggests everyone keep wearing masks and social distancing even AFTER a successful vaccine is distributed! That makes no sense to me unless its an effort to maintain control of some kind. So yeah, I see a lot of reasons, some are health related, some are just skeptical of how its all going to play out.

Edit - I have one question. When they say the vaccine is 90% effective, does that mean that it is 10% defective ? (I kid a little, but somewhat serious)
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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11/16/20 10:45 am

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Post Cojak
UncleJD wrote:
So many reasons Doyle. I'm hopeful that this will be a good vaccine but as we saw in the trials there were some unexplained issues and with only a few hundred or thousand doses given, what happens once millions of people take it. That alone gives me pause to wait until a year or two have gone by. Another thing you touch on is the mark of the beast, I agree it is likely NOT that, but is it some type of precursor? Case in point, Ticketmaster and other companies have already said that they won't allow you to "buy or sell" without it. That is very concerning to me. I'm always amazed that people that believe so strongly in vaccines that they are terrified that someone wouldn't take it. That makes no sense if the vaccine is good then you aren't getting Covid, what do you care? That leads to my next concern, government mandated vaccines. Once its a government mandate then it deserves MUCH more scrutiny. I understand government mandates in cases of HIGH mortality rates, but NOT with one that is less than 1% and constantly falling as more people get it and it is either weakening or we are finding therapies that are effective (I know at least 50 people who've had it, including my entire family from ages 21 to 104 and NONE have died, thank The Lord). One final point of skepticism I have is the fact that Fauci (liberals' favorite Covid guide) said this weekend that he suggests everyone keep wearing masks and social distancing even AFTER a successful vaccine is distributed! That makes no sense to me unless its an effort to maintain control of some kind. So yeah, I see a lot of reasons, some are health related, some are just skeptical of how its all going to play out.

Edit - I have one question. When they say the vaccine is 90% effective, does that mean that it is 10% defective ? (I kid a little, but somewhat serious)

You state your case well here. Good points. Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
11/17/20 9:49 am

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Post FLRon
I intend to take a wait and see attitude regarding any vaccines. For one thing, the speed at which a vaccine has been rushed to market concerns me greatly. If in the past, new vaccines have had to go through years of trials, why not this one? Especially in light of the fact that what we are dealing with is not the plague to end humanity as we were first led to believe. Yes, it is real, yes hundreds of thousands have died from complications associated with it, but in and of itself it is not the Black Death of the Bubonic plague.

I believe the vaccines will be used as a means of controlling the populace. No vaccine? No problem. You just can’t enter our grocery store, our pharmacy, our restaurant, etc... As was already pointed out this is happening right now with Ticketmaster. All of this is a precursor to what we will be dealing with shortly, I’m afraid.
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
Posts: 787
11/17/20 9:49 am

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Post Length for Vaccine Research Shortened - Here's Why FG Minister
I heard a doctor explain that where it normally takes 4-25 years to create a vaccine, it only took 8 months on this one because it is a coronavirus. He said they have been doing research on this type of virus for decades and know a great deal already. In other words, they didn't have to start at ground zero. In addition, he said technology has changed so much in the last couple of years they can speed the research process.

One other thing is that when you have "unlimited" amounts of money coming from the federal government, you can work around the clock and hire all the scientists you need to move quickly. In effect, they started at 70-80% instead of ground zero. Then the trials started. He said they are doing the same number of trials and the same type and length they would do in any vaccine. The shortened process should not concern anyone, he said. Both Moderna and Pfizer are completely safe, according to this immunologist.
Posts: 875
12/1/20 10:50 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Great points, FG Minister. In fact, news came out over the weekend that the Moderna RNA vaccine was created in a single day. The virus was sequenced and when they received that data, they plugged it into existing software and were able to create the vaccine right away based on existing knowledge of coronaviruses. The first test injection of their vaccine happened two weeks later. This was in March, so the trials have still been quite lengthy, and of course they have been overwhelmingly successful. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
12/1/20 10:54 am

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Post Re: Serious Question on the Vaccine Could It Be True
FG Minister wrote:
I seriously need someone to tell me why so many people will refuse the vaccine. I plan to get it the day it is offered to me.

I can only speak for me. I am not big on drugs and medications. I take as little as possible because I prefer to let my body build immunity naturally.
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Posts: 717
12/1/20 9:28 pm

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Post We will rather choose... roughridercog
The pneumonia vaccine
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12/2/20 8:00 am

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Post I Have Always Believed FG Minister
A well-medicated family is a happy family. Acts-celerater
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12/2/20 8:49 am

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Post Re: Serious Question on the Vaccine Link
Because what I can gather it was derived by using aborted female kidney tissue in the development process.

Also, we are trusting some experts in white coats to inject something in our blood stream, a vaccine that was rushed, for a disease for which there is a greater than 99% recovery rate, at least for a lot of individuals.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
12/7/20 11:18 am

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Post Re: Serious Question on the Vaccine shaunbwilson
Link wrote:
Because what I can gather it was derived by using aborted female kidney tissue in the development process.

FYI: The FAQs: Are Fetal Cells Being Used in COVID-19 Vaccines and Treatments?
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12/7/20 1:01 pm

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